Cosmic Fling is the tale of Stan, an intergalactic garbage man who lives alone on an asteroid. To feed himself, he harpoons space debris and converts it into nourishment. To feed his soul, he dreams only of love. One day, he spots Beatrice, a fellow astronaut stranded on a passing comet. He falls instantly in love…but must wait for her comet to return. In order to be with her, he will need to resort to extreme measures.
Mal emerge de entre las sombras de un bosque místico y llega hasta una oscura y misteriosa playa, donde cruza su camino con Dizzy.
When a new stepfather moves in, Penelope escapes to a treehouse above the clouds.
Surreal, offbeat short film about a cockroach who falls in love with the woman whose apartment he infests. They play beautiful duets on their violin and accordion, only to be interrupted by Josephine's brutish exterminator husband, Moe. And so Roach devises a plan: he crawls into Moe's brain and gains control of his higher functions. Manipulating Moe like a three hundred pound sock puppet, Roach woos Josephine.
Surreal, offbeat short film about a cockroach who falls in love with the woman whose apartment he infests. They play beautiful duets on their violin and accordion, only to be interrupted by Josephine's brutish exterminator husband, Moe. And so Roach devises a plan: he crawls into Moe's brain and gains control of his higher functions. Manipulating Moe like a three hundred pound sock puppet, Roach woos Josephine.