Pyotr Gorshenin


The Bremen Town Musicians
Makeup Artist
The legendary band of traveling musicians is back together! Troubadour and his friends - Donkey, Dog, Cat, and Rooster - rejoin to take on a heroic mission. The musicians and their leader set out to bring laughter and joy back to the gloomy streets of Bremen. First of all, they are tasked with making the King's daughter laugh. The meeting between Troubadour and the Princess sparks feelings of love in them but also results in a dangerous adventure. Troubadour and his friends face many challenges but they push on through because love makes it all worthwhile. As for the Princess - she runs away from her father’s palace. Scheming bandits, a cunning detective, and the royal family's internal squabbling create all kinds of problems, but in the end the cheerful Bremen Town Musicians make everyone dance to their tune!
Suzzanna: Buried Alive
Makeup Artist
Suzzanna y Satria han estado casados durante siete años, pero no han recibido la bendición de tener hijos. Viven con tres asistentes: Mia, Tohir y Rojali. Cuando Suzzanna finalmente queda embarazada, su marido Satria se ve obligado a abandonar el país por motivos laborales. Cuatro de sus trabajadores ven en su marcha la oportunidad perfecta para vengarse de su jefe y robar su casa. Sin embargo, las cosas no salen según lo previsto: cuando los ladrones entran en la casa se topan con Suzzanna y la asesinan por miedo a ser acusados de un delito. Aterrorizados por lo sucedido, deciden enterrar su cuerpo en el jardín de la casa. A la mañana siguiente, Suzzanna se despierta en su cama como si nada hubiese sucedido.
Associate Producer
Orléans is a typical provincial Russian town on the banks of a salt lake called Yarovoye. The town is 'steeped in evil'. But it isn't some great evil. This evil is of a banal and everyday type: Lida the hairdresser has indiscriminate affairs, followed by numerous abortions; Rudik the doctor enjoys an endless supply of women, thanks to his position, neglecting his paralyzed father who lives with him and hoping the old man will die soon; the local officer of the law has no qualms about committing murder; a magician from the local circus might actually be sawing women in half on stage... One day, a mysterious man appears in this quiet backwater town. He goes by the title of the Executor: at least that's what it says on his business card...
Quemado por el Sol 2: Éxodo
Makeup Effects
Año 1941. Ha pasado un lustro desde que el destino del general Kotov y su familia cambiara de forma irreversible. Continuación de "Quemado por el Sol" (Burnt by the Sun, 1994). Esta secuela es la producción más cara de la historia del cine ruso.