Mathias Frick


Claude Monet - Capturing A Moment
Leaving the studio to go out and capture real life: that was the impressionist aesthetic. Claude Monet was its most famous proponent and artist. This documentary reveals the places that inspired the painter during his lifetime.
Claude Monet - Capturing A Moment
Leaving the studio to go out and capture real life: that was the impressionist aesthetic. Claude Monet was its most famous proponent and artist. This documentary reveals the places that inspired the painter during his lifetime.
Die Raupe Nimmersatt
Architecture Must Blaze
Matthias Frick’s Architecture Must Blaze shows how original thinkers can achieve significant renewal in architecture. The title refers to the manifesto by architect, revolutionary and activist Wolf D. Prix, which turned the architecture world upside down in 1968. Inspired by the ‘happenings’ of the 1960s, he and Helmut Swiczinsky founded the office Coop Himmelb(l)au, causing a storm with buildings that looked like they had exploded. They became the standard bearers of deconstructivism with projects such as the Martin Luther Church in Hainsburg and the Groninger Museum. Wolf D. Prix talks candidly about their revolutionary work of the 1970s and why he eventually took the controversial decision to work for “big money”.
Tadao Ando: From Emptiness to Infinity
Documental que indaga en la figura del peculiar arquitecto Tadao Ando. Paradigma del hombre hecho a sí mismo, no estudió arquitectura sino que todo lo aprendió partiendo de la construcción tradicional japonesa y sus viajes por Europa. Fascinado por Roma y Le Corbusier, Tadao Ando relata su particular visión del trabajo a través de alguno de sus edificios más emblemáticos: Church of the Light en Osaka, Fukutake Hall University of Tokyo y la impresionante Church of the Water en Venecia, que le abre las puertas a colaborar con Luciano Benetton en la Fábrica, cuya sede también diseñará. Ando y su magnética personalidad hace avanzar la historia a través de su teoría de la construcción integrada en el paisaje, contradictoria también con el uso del hormigón como principal elemento de construcción.