Oleg Malovichko
Nacimiento : 1970-06-27, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, USSR (Russia)
Tercera entrega desarrollada por Art Pictures Studio y Vodorod. Continúa la historia tras el encuentro alienígena sobre Moscú.
The film is inspired by the record-breaking solo trip around the globe in a hot-air balloon made by the world-famous Russian explorer Fedor Konyukhov in July of 2016. Throughout his remarkable life, Konyukhov has proven time and time again that willpower, perseverance and faith can help overcome fear and doubt, and lead a person to triumph.
Moscow with its glossy skyscrapers and busy highways is no longer home for Igor Sokolovsky. He took his daughter Sonya and moved to the picturesque countryside in the south. A cottage in the mountains, steep winding tracks, and a new eco-hotel as a family business - that's what his life is about now. But before the hotel's grand opening everything goes awry. The place gets smashed, then Sokolovsky meets another silver-spooner and steps on the toes of a local power broker who wants to destroy an entire residential area and build a winery there.
1919, Solnechnomorsk. Los aventureros talentosos se han vuelto demasiado inesperados: ahora son buscados por la policía rusa y turca. Van al sur de Rusia para tomar posesión del cetro de oro del conde Rumyantsev. En la búsqueda de una cosita preciosa, los terroristas, los artistas de circo e incluso las damas participantes pueden disfrazarse de ellos. Mientras tanto, la madre de Ostap se acerca a las patas del lúgubre satanista Crowley, en cuyo tesoro, por una misteriosa coincidencia, también hay un cetro...
The hunt for imperial gold continues. A priceless scepter, a treasure that could secure a worry-free life in sunny Rio de Janeiro for Ibrahim Bender and his young apprentice Ostap, has slipped from under their noses and ended up in possession of Nestor Makhno, an anarchist army commander. Makhno is convinced that the scepter is one of many imperial relics hidden in the area. With mafia, partisans, and officers of the Red and White armies all determined to get their hands on the fabled gold cache, Ostap and his mentor Ibrahim must surpass their own brilliance to outmaneuver their rivals and snatch the prize. And with Ostap’s beloved fair maiden losing her trust in him, he must do everything in his power to win her back and stop her from marrying another man.
Imperio ruso, 1919. Por un giro del destino, el joven idealista Osip Zadunaisky conoce a un infame estafador y autoproclamado súbdito turco, Ibrahim Bender. Un hombre de pensamiento puro y educación aristocrática, Osip nunca se habría asociado con un estafador astuto y sin escrúpulos, pero Bender presenta una oferta que Osip no puede rechazar. Una preciosa reliquia real, un cetro dorado con incrustaciones de diamantes, está escondido en algún lugar de la ciudad; Bender necesita un compañero en su misión para encontrarlo y le ofrece a Osip una parte de las ganancias de la venta del tesoro. Y así comienza su aventura conjunta, forjada con giros y vueltas cómicos y peligrosos, donde tienen que burlar y superar en astucia a los oficiales de la Guardia Blanca, así como a la mafia local, que también tienen los ojos puestos en el cetro.
URSS, 1983. El cosmonauta héroe soviético Vladimir Veshnyakov trae una criatura alienígena a la tierra ... en su propio cuerpo. En el laboratorio secreto de la ciudad del régimen, la neurofisióloga Tatyana Klimova intenta salvar al astronauta del monstruo, descubriendo que está experimentando un interés más que profesional en su paciente.
La caída de un objeto extraterrestre ha dividido las vidas en un "antes" y un "después". Una chica normal y corriente de Chertanov (Moscú) -Yulia Lebedeva- se ve obligada a ser una cobaya de laboratorio; después de todo, ella es la única que ha estado en contacto con el alienígena. Los científicos tratan de desentrañar la naturaleza de sus crecientes poderes, pero lo más aterrador es que sus nuevas habilidades no son la única preocupación de los terrícolas: una amenaza de invasión se cierne sobre el planeta. Y ganar en la colisión que se avecina sólo puede ser de una manera: encontrando el poder de seguir siendo humano ¿Serán el amor, la lealtad y la piedad más fuertes que la fuerza bruta y la tecnología alienígena?
Russian troops occupied Paris. Russia became the first power in the world. Now everything seems possible. Young winners, guards officers, are sure that equality and freedom will come - here and now. For this they are ready to sacrifice everything - position, wealth, love, life ... and the country itself.
Rusia contemporánea. Nadya abandona su sueño de convertirse en campeona de patinaje artístico cuando es hospitalizada por una lesión. Pero luego conoce a Sasha, una jugadora de hockey, que decide volver a enseñarle a creer en sí misma y en su sueño.
Sobre Moscú es derribado un objeto no identificado, posiblemente de origen extraterrestre. Esto hace que la mayor parte de la capital quede acordonada, para evacuación a los residentes locales y para que un equipo del Ministerio de Defensa, trate de ponerse en contacto con los llamados “invitados”.
Victor es un campeón de MMA con el título mundial por delante. Después de toparse con el mafioso Shark Hammer se lesiona, pero todavía está decidido a ganar.
Cuenta la historia de Pasha, un joven que una noche rescata a una bella chica de una banda de extraños y poderosos atacantes. Entonces él descubrirá un mundo sobrenatural que vive con nosotros. Esto le llevará a ser contratado por la agencia responsable de mantener la paz entre el mundo humano y el sobrenatural.
An aircraft designer becomes a ghost after a sudden death. Now he needs to engage a help of seven-grader in order to finish all his unaccomplished tasks.
100 years ago, the Russian Empire ... Christmas Eve. December plugs, holiday celebrations, balls and modest luxury holidays, titled nobles and ordinary peasants, the royal family and the soldiers of the First World War, progressive poets and the first skaters - everything was different, except ... the holiday. People prepared, lived, believed dreaming and waiting for this miracle - Christmas!
A love story set during the Napoleon War in Russia.
The beginning musician Kostya Potekhin, in order to win the favor of a beautiful girl, agrees to participate in a musical television contest. But you only need to participate with your musical group, which he does not have. Within a few days, he will have to assemble his group, find reliable friends and meet real love.
Scenario Writer
The innocent summer affair began as a love story between two young people. Lera and Artem could not break it off, as well as they didn`t have enough of faith, patience and desire to overcome all the obstacles on their life path. The Locust Generation wants to have all at once. The Locust generation will sweep everything on its way. The affair began as a naive young love and passion will turn into a series of bloody assassinations.
A comedy about funny adventures of the married couple on the remote island.
Slava Kolotilov es un maestro que llega a Moscú con el manuscrito de su novela debajo del brazo, decidido a conquistar la ciudad. Consigue ganarse el corazón de la preciosa Nadya. Se acerca el día de la boda; el restaurante está reservado, las invitaciones se han mandado, pero Slava no puede escapar de las garras de Dedos, el director del colegio, que le obliga a ser el entrenador del equipo de fútbol en los campeonatos de la provincia. Decide llamar a Nadya y contarle una increíble historia acerca de accidentes y catástrofes varias que le impiden llegar a tiempo a la ceremonia. Pero la celebración en la lejana Moscú ya está en pleno auge, a pesar de que el novio no esté.
A collection of several interlinked stories that happen on the New Year's eve...
Kir, Leya, Dasha and Max are student. Almost every experience is for a first time to them - first love, first disappointment, first betrayal...
Returning to the city on a wet night highway, Sasha fails to control and makes a run over a lone pedestrian. Yielding to the entreaties of his wife Tamara, he leaves the wounded man near the village hospital and returns home.
Three young guys are spending their days and nights trying to pick up as many girls as possible.
A novelist struggling with writer's block enlists the aid of an assassin for some inspiration -- fully unaware that he is being set up to take the blame for a murder.
Roman Shilo, a known criminal, suddenly must deal with his fourteen years old daughter and not only with her but with her little stepbrother and stepsister as well.
The film follows Denis, a young aspiring DJ who, although poor, has everything else in his favor: a calling in life as a musician, good friends and a faithful companion. Denis's fall from grace begins with a drug deal, which he agrees to out of the need for money. The decision leads to deadly consequences for almost everyone else around him, as Denis is subsequently forced to work as a drug dealer for a mafia boss and as an informer for the police chief of his city. Despite his attempts to “work off his sins”, Denis cannot escape the world of drugs and violence...
St. Petersburg, 1900. There is a war between the land and the underwater world: at night, the Sea Devil attacks ships in the Gulf of Finland, and the inventor and industrialist Maxim Naydenov hunts for a semi-mythical monster. Searches Maxim with the mysterious Gala, a girl from the coast, but the hero does not yet know that his lover is not what she seems at first glance, and in this battle she may not be on his side...