Yorgos Avgeropoulos

Yorgos Avgeropoulos


Yorgos Avgeropoulos


Being Present
Almost a year after the global pandemic hit Greece, iMEdD and SmallPlanet, present Yorgos Avgeropoulos’ new documentary entitled “Parontes” (Present). The film, unfolds against the backdrop of the public healthcare system and follows the prominent figures at the forefront of the COVID-19 response, as well as the unsung heroes of the pandemic. Political decisions and backroom maneuvers come under the microscope and are juxtaposed with the struggles of those who bear the brunt of the new crisis on a daily basis. Through the Greek experience, Avgeropoulos manages to capture a universal reality and poses critical questions about the post-Covid era the world is entering.
Being Present
Almost a year after the global pandemic hit Greece, iMEdD and SmallPlanet, present Yorgos Avgeropoulos’ new documentary entitled “Parontes” (Present). The film, unfolds against the backdrop of the public healthcare system and follows the prominent figures at the forefront of the COVID-19 response, as well as the unsung heroes of the pandemic. Political decisions and backroom maneuvers come under the microscope and are juxtaposed with the struggles of those who bear the brunt of the new crisis on a daily basis. Through the Greek experience, Avgeropoulos manages to capture a universal reality and poses critical questions about the post-Covid era the world is entering.
Being Present
Almost a year after the global pandemic hit Greece, iMEdD and SmallPlanet, present Yorgos Avgeropoulos’ new documentary entitled “Parontes” (Present). The film, unfolds against the backdrop of the public healthcare system and follows the prominent figures at the forefront of the COVID-19 response, as well as the unsung heroes of the pandemic. Political decisions and backroom maneuvers come under the microscope and are juxtaposed with the struggles of those who bear the brunt of the new crisis on a daily basis. Through the Greek experience, Avgeropoulos manages to capture a universal reality and poses critical questions about the post-Covid era the world is entering.
Chained (Agora II)
Durante cuatro años y medio, entre 2015 y 2019, el aclamado cineasta Yorgos Avgeropoulos observó a la sociedad griega en múltiples niveles. Además de tener acceso exclusivo al Primer Ministro Alexis Tsipras y al Ministro de Finanzas Yanis Varoufakis, siguió a otros, incluida una pareja de refugiados de Siria y una madre cuyo hijo fue asesinado por Golden Dawn. El resultado es una película única y con múltiples historias: una historia que evoluciona y se desarrolla con los personajes a lo largo del tiempo a medida que enfrentan decisiones difíciles, incluso para lograr parcialmente sus objetivos. Avgeropoulos es el único cineasta que tuvo acceso a la cámara detrás de escena durante las negociaciones entre el gobierno griego y sus acreedores en la dramática primera mitad de 2015.
Chained (Agora II)
Durante cuatro años y medio, entre 2015 y 2019, el aclamado cineasta Yorgos Avgeropoulos observó a la sociedad griega en múltiples niveles. Además de tener acceso exclusivo al Primer Ministro Alexis Tsipras y al Ministro de Finanzas Yanis Varoufakis, siguió a otros, incluida una pareja de refugiados de Siria y una madre cuyo hijo fue asesinado por Golden Dawn. El resultado es una película única y con múltiples historias: una historia que evoluciona y se desarrolla con los personajes a lo largo del tiempo a medida que enfrentan decisiones difíciles, incluso para lograr parcialmente sus objetivos. Avgeropoulos es el único cineasta que tuvo acceso a la cámara detrás de escena durante las negociaciones entre el gobierno griego y sus acreedores en la dramática primera mitad de 2015.
Chained (Agora II)
Durante cuatro años y medio, entre 2015 y 2019, el aclamado cineasta Yorgos Avgeropoulos observó a la sociedad griega en múltiples niveles. Además de tener acceso exclusivo al Primer Ministro Alexis Tsipras y al Ministro de Finanzas Yanis Varoufakis, siguió a otros, incluida una pareja de refugiados de Siria y una madre cuyo hijo fue asesinado por Golden Dawn. El resultado es una película única y con múltiples historias: una historia que evoluciona y se desarrolla con los personajes a lo largo del tiempo a medida que enfrentan decisiones difíciles, incluso para lograr parcialmente sus objetivos. Avgeropoulos es el único cineasta que tuvo acceso a la cámara detrás de escena durante las negociaciones entre el gobierno griego y sus acreedores en la dramática primera mitad de 2015.
Up to the Last Drop: The Secret Water War in Europe
As Europe is going through a crisis that is not solely economical but also a crisis of moral values, millions of European citizens demand a response to a crucial question: is water for the European Union a commercial product or a human right? Until today, the European Institutions have not given a clear answer. The EU has still to recognize water as a human right, as the UN did in 2010. Up To The Last Drop follows the money and the corporate interests during a period of four years in thirteen cities of six EU countries. It’s a documentary film about water that reflects contemporary European values and the quality of the current European democracy.
Up to the Last Drop: The Secret Water War in Europe
As Europe is going through a crisis that is not solely economical but also a crisis of moral values, millions of European citizens demand a response to a crucial question: is water for the European Union a commercial product or a human right? Until today, the European Institutions have not given a clear answer. The EU has still to recognize water as a human right, as the UN did in 2010. Up To The Last Drop follows the money and the corporate interests during a period of four years in thirteen cities of six EU countries. It’s a documentary film about water that reflects contemporary European values and the quality of the current European democracy.
Actualmente Grecia está padeciendo unas condiciones que ningún europeo posterior a la 2ª Guerra Mundial jamás habría podido imaginar que sufriría de nuevo. Gente sin hogar, comedores sociales, desempleo, pobreza, violentos conflictos y el auge de la extrema derecha. El sueño de prosperidad se ha convertido en una pesadilla y el escenario político de las últimas cuatro décadas se está desmoronando. El realizador Yorgos Avgeropoulos enfoca la cámara hacia su país; registra el desarrollo de la crisis desde sus etapas iniciales, al tiempo que rastrea su impacto sobre la vida de la gente. Es testigo de protestas populares en las calles, el desarrollo de movimientos solidarios y también la subida del fascismo, mientras busca respuestas de las personalidades políticas más importantes de Grecia, expertos, analistas y aquellos en la escena política internacional que toman las decisiones clave.
The Lost Signal of Democracy
It was an unprecedented occurrence in world history. Nowhere and never in well-governed democratic states, had the public broadcaster been silenced in such a manner that was characterized as "autocratic" and “undemocratic”. Within five hours, on the evening of June 11, 2013, the Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras turned off the switches of ERT, Greece’s public broadcaster, after 75 years of continuous operation. Both TV and radio frequencies fell silent, making screens broadcast black and the FM to buzz. The closure of ERT was an unheard-of political act that shocked Greek citizens bringing back memories from the dark period of the dictatorship. It also caused a fierce international outrage from all around the world. Why did the public broadcaster have to die?
The Lost Signal of Democracy
It was an unprecedented occurrence in world history. Nowhere and never in well-governed democratic states, had the public broadcaster been silenced in such a manner that was characterized as "autocratic" and “undemocratic”. Within five hours, on the evening of June 11, 2013, the Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras turned off the switches of ERT, Greece’s public broadcaster, after 75 years of continuous operation. Both TV and radio frequencies fell silent, making screens broadcast black and the FM to buzz. The closure of ERT was an unheard-of political act that shocked Greek citizens bringing back memories from the dark period of the dictatorship. It also caused a fierce international outrage from all around the world. Why did the public broadcaster have to die?
Golden Times – Cassandra’s Treasure
The exploitation of the country’s mineral wealth is projected as the most reasonable solution to deal with the economic crisis that plagues Greece. The Greek state has ceded its mining rights over 31.700 ha of land in northern Halkidiki, a region rich in gold, copper and other metals, to the Canadian multinational company Eldorado Gold. However, many of the region’s inhabitants, who have been resisting the construction of a goldmine for years, claim that this investment will cause irreparable damage to the environment and the benefits will be fewer than the losses. “Cassandra’s Treasure” presents a detailed picture of the modern Greek state before and during the crisis period.
Muxes  deJuchitán
According to myth, God entrusted San Vicente with a difficult task. On his back he carried a sack full of Muxes, and had to leave one in every town of the Zapotec kingdom. But when the Saint reached Juchitán he tripped, and all the Muxes he carried in his sack fell out. Since then, this town in the South-East of Mexico has experienced an unexpected – not only for Mexico but for the entire world – sexual liberation. Homosexual men who wish to dress as women freely do so, and live a more or less similar life as their heterosexual fellow citizens. Not only do the Muxes not hide their difference on the streets of Juchitán, they actually project it in every way. A documentary on the joy of life and love