Gerner's friend
Kresten vive en Copenhague, integrado en los círculos yuppies de la ciudad, con un brillante futuro, hasta que en su noche de bodas suena el teléfono. Una llamada lejana le informa de la muerte de su padre. Kresten se ve obligado a explicar la situación, ya que todo el mundo creía, incluida su esposa que no tenía ningún pariente cercano. Kresten regresa a la arruinada granja de su padre donde vive su hermano mayor, un hombre de aspecto desaliñado, solitario y con sus facultades mentales algo mermadas, lo que le impide valerse por sí mismo. Avergonzado al ver cómo irremediablemente va saliendo a la luz su pasado pueblerino, trata de mantener alejada a su mujer inventando una mentira tras otra.
Johannes is upset because his parents have divorced and because his father never phones him. Before going to bed he wants his mother to read something from the Bible for him, instead of one of the usual stories from Superman. She reads some lines from the Revelation of St. John. Johannes asks her what "the end is near" means. She explains that it is when Jesus comes back, and sends the good people to Paradise and the evil ones to Hell. In the middle of the night Johannes sees a dazzling light and lots of water pouring out from the toilet. Suddenly an androgynous being is standing in the bathroom. Johannes thinks it's Jesus, and the being doesn't deny it. Johannes asks Jesus if his parents are going to Hell, as he thinks they are evil.
A man decides to perpetrate a series of killings and publicise them as political acts in an attempt to protest against nuclear armaments.
Based upon the novel "Hærværk" by Tom Kristensen about the self destructive person.
The literary reviewer Ole Jastrau chooses to free himself from his well-ordered middle class life.
He allow the seriously left-wing writer Steffensen move in with himself which soon causes disintegration of his home an marriage.