Alice Filippi

Nacimiento : 1982-01-01,


En el mejor momento
Marta puede ser huérfana y puede verse afectada por una enfermedad letal, pero es la persona más positiva que uno puede conocer. Quiere que un chico se enamore de ella. No cualquier chico, el más guapo de todos. Un día, pudo haber encontrado su pareja.
Second Assistant Director
Robert Langdon se despierta en una habitación de hospital en Florencia, Italia, sin memoria de lo que ha ocurrido en los últimos días. De repente se encuentra a sí mismo, una vez más, el blanco de una cacería humana importante. Pero con la ayuda de la Dra Sienna Brooks, y su conocimiento de la simbología, Langdon va a tratar de recuperar su libertad, y la pérdida de los recuerdos, todo al mismo tiempo que resuelve los más intrincados enigmas que ha enfrentado.
Sotto una buona stella
Second Assistant Director
A wealthy broker, Federico Picchioni, within two days forfeits his partner and work, finishing well to living with two children and granddaughter (abandoned by her father). He is, at this point, in the face of many difficulties of adjustment but finds comfort in the help of his neighbor.
The Haunting of Helena
Script Supervisor
Tras su divorcio, Sophia decide trasladarse a Latina, al sur de Italia, junto con la pequeña Helena. La nueva casa está situada en un edificio austero de la era fascista, y oculta un misterioso armario de oscuros secretos. Después de la pérdida del primer diente de leche de Helena, empieza la pesadilla. Helena se ha obsesionado con el hada de los dientes y su madre asiste impotente a los acontecimientos que cada vez van a peor.
A Flat for Three
Second Assistant Director
Ulisse, Fulvio and Domenico decide to rent an apartment together in order to live with their modest work. However the three encounter any difficulties that have forced them to always be one step away from starvation. Ulisse has to maintain his wife and daughter selling recordings of important foreign singers, Fulvio has the task of reviewing silly scandals of celebrities instead of writing articles for major artists, while Domenico must keep his wife and children going to make love with old single pensioners.
Io, loro e Lara
Second Second Assistant Director
A priest, after spending years in humanitary missions in Africa, reunites with his family, which is in worse conditions than when he left, and above all meets a young lady who will make him doubt both himself and his faith.
Nel Nome Del Male
Second Assistant Director Trainee
John Baldassi is a small business owner who lives a peaceful and prosperous existence , alongside the housewife Lucia and two children . The larger of the two sons , the teenager Matteo , however, seems to hide many secrets . Indeed one day the boy disappears into thin air , and after the first suspicions that this is a kidnapping or an escape , makes its way a disturbing hypothesis , dictated by some gruesome discoveries of John in his garage .