Savas Ceviz

Savas Ceviz


Savas Ceviz


Head Burst
Markus is a handsome and respectable architect who has a secret: he is a pedophile. Despite feeling disgust of himself, Markus can't help but feel attracted to young boys. When he thinks he won't be able to suppress his deepest feelings, he decides to isolate himself.
Head Burst
Markus is a handsome and respectable architect who has a secret: he is a pedophile. Despite feeling disgust of himself, Markus can't help but feel attracted to young boys. When he thinks he won't be able to suppress his deepest feelings, he decides to isolate himself.
Head Burst
Markus is a handsome and respectable architect who has a secret: he is a pedophile. Despite feeling disgust of himself, Markus can't help but feel attracted to young boys. When he thinks he won't be able to suppress his deepest feelings, he decides to isolate himself.
Head Burst
Markus is a handsome and respectable architect who has a secret: he is a pedophile. Despite feeling disgust of himself, Markus can't help but feel attracted to young boys. When he thinks he won't be able to suppress his deepest feelings, he decides to isolate himself.
Cara norte
Script Supervisor
Durante el verano de 1936, dos militares bávaros, Toni Kurz y Andi Hinterstoisser, deciden lanzarse a la conquista de la cara norte del Eiger, en la más pura tradición del alpinismo alemán. Conocida por ser una de las escaladas más difíciles de la cordillera de los Alpes, esta legendaria ascensión en condiciones climatológicas adversas será narrada por varios periodistas entre los cuales se encuentra la novia de Toni, que trabaja para una publicación alemana. Por si fuera poco, Goebbels no dudará en transformar a ambos alpinistas en héroes del Tercer Reich, a pesar de que ninguno de ellos era miembro del partido nacionalsocialista.
A dubious refugee smuggler cheats Mahmut of all his money. Not wanting his wife and children to regard him as a failure, he tries to get to Germany after all by hiding in the boot of a Mercedes belonging to two German tourists.
A dubious refugee smuggler cheats Mahmut of all his money. Not wanting his wife and children to regard him as a failure, he tries to get to Germany after all by hiding in the boot of a Mercedes belonging to two German tourists.