Alan Maher


Colm tiene cuarenta y tantos años, está casado y tiene dos hijos adolescentes. Colm, todavía afligido por la muerte de su padre, una figura destructiva en su vida, lucha con su relación con su propio hijo, mientras que en el trabajo una reciente adquisición amenaza su trabajo. Incapaz de compartir su vulnerabilidad con su esposa, el mundo de Colm se derrumba a su alrededor. En medio de esta crisis, Colm encuentra un consuelo que nadie más puede brindarle excepto Jay.
Shooting the Darkness
The testimony of the men who unwittingly became war photographers on the streets of their own towns in Northern Ireland, when violence erupted around them. Instead of photographing weddings and celebrities, as they expected, they produced the images that crudely show the suffering of ordinary people between 1968 and 1998, the worst years of the conflict.
After the Dance
In this funny and moving documentary, acclaimed film-maker Daisy Asquith tells the very personal story of her mother's conception after a dance in the 1940s on the remote west coast of Ireland. By exploring the repercussions of this act, Daisy and her mother embark on a fascinating and emotional adventure in social and sexual morality. Her grandmother, compelled to run away to have her baby in secret, handed the child over to 'the nuns'. Daisy's mum was eventually adopted by English Catholics from Stoke-on-Trent. Her grandmother returned to Ireland and told no-one. The father remained a mystery for another 60 years, until Daisy and her mum decided it was time to find out who he was. Their attempts to find the truth make raw the fear and shame that Catholicism has wrought on the Irish psyche for centuries. It leads Daisy and her mum to connect with a brand new family living an extraordinarily different life.
Men at Lunch
Executive Producer
This remarkable new documentary explores the story behind one of the most iconic images of the twentieth century: the 1932 photograph of workmen taking their lunch while perched on a girder high above New York City.
Executive Producer
Un idílico pueblecito pesquero irlandés está siendo invadido por monstruos de gigantescos tentáculos que vienen desde las profundidades del mar. Pronto descubrirán que a las criaturas no les gusta el sabor que les da a las personas el alcohol con lo que para enfrentarse a ellas y sobrevivir deberán pasarse el mayor tiempo posible borrachos.
Executive Producer
An exploration of masculinity and violence. A story of obsession and revenge, as a man tries to come to terms with a brutal, random attack and it's consequences.
The Faeries of Blackheath Woods
Something peculiar happened that day. Curious Melissa was enchanted by some real Faeries. Ignoring her Mother she followed them down into Blackheath Woods... Melissa never came back.
Adam y ellas
David Owens
En una noche dublinesa como cualquier otra, Lucy Owens va a iniciar su rutina de costumbre cantando canciones de amor en un restaurante de Dublín de moda, al tiempo que sirve las mesas y reflexiona sobre su pésima suerte en el amor.