Magnus Millang

Magnus Millang

Nacimiento : 1981-07-20, Copenhagen, Denmark


Magnus Millang
Magnus Millang


Buster's World
Buster, 11, loves everything about his life. He’s an optimist who knows that the going can get tough, but if you apply a little magic and a lot of love, things will work out. He's always willing to lend a helping hand to his little sister who has a limp, to his parents and to his old friend Mr. Larsen who is, like Buster, a "master magician". This summer, Buster hopes to be a big hit at the town’s talent show. But he has a lot on his plate: He has a crush on Joanna, Mr. Larsen’s health is deteriorating and his family also needs him. Here is where Faith, Hope and Charity save the day. That’s the way things work in Buster’s world.
Otra ronda
Cuatro profesores de instituto se embarcan en un experimento sociológico en el que cada uno de ellos deberá mantener la tasa de alcohol en su cuerpo al mismo nivel, durante su vida diaria, intentando demostrar de esa manera que pueden mejorar en todos los aspectos de su vida.
Heavy Load
The two estranged brothers Emil and Magnus travel to Spain to bring home the body of their drunken and now dead father. What Emil doesn’t know is that Magnus has only agreed to go because of their father’s valuable Rolex watch which can save his bleeding finances. But when it turns out the transportation of the body will cost more than 10,000 Euro, Magnus convinces his reluctant little brother to run away with the body hidden in a roof box on top of a way too small rental car. Soon the two brothers find themselves on a wild escape from the police, and their father’s last trip forces them to face their own problems.
Heavy Load
The two estranged brothers Emil and Magnus travel to Spain to bring home the body of their drunken and now dead father. What Emil doesn’t know is that Magnus has only agreed to go because of their father’s valuable Rolex watch which can save his bleeding finances. But when it turns out the transportation of the body will cost more than 10,000 Euro, Magnus convinces his reluctant little brother to run away with the body hidden in a roof box on top of a way too small rental car. Soon the two brothers find themselves on a wild escape from the police, and their father’s last trip forces them to face their own problems.
Heavy Load
The two estranged brothers Emil and Magnus travel to Spain to bring home the body of their drunken and now dead father. What Emil doesn’t know is that Magnus has only agreed to go because of their father’s valuable Rolex watch which can save his bleeding finances. But when it turns out the transportation of the body will cost more than 10,000 Euro, Magnus convinces his reluctant little brother to run away with the body hidden in a roof box on top of a way too small rental car. Soon the two brothers find themselves on a wild escape from the police, and their father’s last trip forces them to face their own problems.
Oleg Lebedev
Narra la tragedia del submarino nuclear ruso 2000 K-141 Kursk ocurrida en agosto del año 2000, y la negligencia gubernamental que le siguió. Mientras los marineros luchan por sobrevivir, sus familias luchan desesperadamente contra los obstáculos políticos y las ínfimas probabilidades de salvarles.
Kein Problem
Kein Problem
Dan Dream
A small group of eccentric pioneers join forces, in order to do the impossible and create world history in the early 1980s of Denmark
La comuna
Dinamarca, principios de los años 70. Un matrimonio muy unido formado por dos jóvenes académicos decide irse a vivir a una comuna en Hellerup junto a su hija pequeña. Allí Erik y Ana descubren las peculiaridades de esa vida, que en principio parece idílica, pero que cambia cuando la joven amante de Erik se muda también con ellos.
Misericordia: Los casos del Departamento Q
Daniel Hale
Después de cometer un error que costó la vida de uno de sus colegas y dejó tetrapléjico a su mejor amigo, el inspector Carl Mørck (Nikolaj Lie Kaas) atraviesa una de las peores épocas de su vida. Su sentimiento de culpabilidad aumenta cuando su jefe y la prensa dudan de su actuación. Relegado a un nuevo departamento dedicado a casos no resueltos, Carl, junto a su nuevo compañero de origen sirio Hafez al-Assad (Fares Fares), ve la oportunidad de demostrar su valía al descubrir las numerosas irregularidades cometidas en el caso de Marete Lyngaard (Sonja Richter). Cuando en 2002, esta joven promesa de la política danesa desapareció mientras realizaba un viaje en ferry, la policía decidió cerrar el caso por falta de pruebas. Este es el nacimiento del Departamento Q y su primer caso por resolver...