Juliano Zoppi


The Club of Angels
Over the years, the monthly meetings of the Stew Club – a fraternity that has gathered seven long-time friends for decades – has gone from rituals of power to melancholic failure assemblies. The end would be its only worthy fate. Until a mysterious cook appears, and starts serving them magnificent feasts. The bonds of friendship are back, gluttony as a celebration of life. But there is a catch: after each dinner, a member of the brotherhood is found dead the next morning.
Bem-Vinda a Quixeramobim
Sound Director
Aimée is a millionaire influencer who has all her family's assets blocked, except for a farm in the countryside of Ceará that she inherited from her grandfather. She leaves for the hinterland in an attempt to sell the property, but ashamed of the new reality, she invents that she will take a "sabbatical period" for a year. Thus, she will have to deal with her new life and sustain the lie on social media.
Interdependence Film 2019
Sound Recordist
Started in 2018, the project – comprised of 11 segments by filmmakers from all around the world – reflects on the intertwined relationship between human society and nature that is aggravated by climate change on multiple scales, hinting at possible solutions.
Hotel Cambridge
Sound Recordist
Una película que nos muestra la atípica situación del movimiento brasileño de los sin techo y los refugiados que ocupan un edificio abandonado en el centro de Sao Paulo. La tensión diaria provocada por la amenaza de desahucio revela los dramas, las alegrías y los diferentes puntos de vista de los ocupas.
I Touched All Your Stuff
This is a film about Christopher Kirk, an American IT guy who moves to Colombia after reading about Pablo Escobar’s hippopotamuses. It is also a film about the story of V., a story that Kirk obsessively tells and retells about his infatuation with a mysterious Japanese-columbian woman. A story that may or may not have to do with his arrest in 2009 in Brazil for international drug trafficking. Moreover, it is also a film about two directors.
Os Amigos
Boom Operator
Théo goes to the funeral of his childhood best friend. Then, memories return.
The Package
Sound Recordist
At a new school Leandro and Jefferson form an instant attachment and soon realize that theirs is no ordinary friendship. But young Jeff has something to tell. If they want to be together there's one irreversible thing Leandro must deal with. Something that is a part of the package.
Circuito interno