Marco Bisson


A Bad Encounter
Father of Loup
The captain
Un joven vicario llega a las islas Feroe para llevar a cabo una obra benéfia cuando conoce a Bárbara, quien se ha cansado ya con dos vicarios que descansan en sus respectivas tumbas. A pesar de las advertencias de la comunidad y sus propios escrúpulos religiosos, el nuevo vicario se rinde a los encantos de la aparentemente inocente chica.
Louis, the Child King
Le duc de Nemours
History buffs will glory in the riches of Louis, Enfant Roi, others will perhaps find this complex story of intrigues and betrayals in the court of the young king tough sledding. When Louis the Fourteenth (1638-1715) was born, the power of government was shared between the monarchy, the church, the nobility, and the Parlement. His predecessor had greatly centralized the powers of government following the advice of Cardinal Richelieu. Louis XIV (often called "The Sun King" for the brilliance of his rule) followed the advice of Richelieu's successor, Cardinal Mazarin (Paolo Graziosi), and brought the powers of government under the sole sway of the monarch. He expanded the territory and influence of France in a series of wars throughout his reign. How he came to be so autocratic and ruthless both personally and politically is the subject of this biographical drama.