Gloria Fava


Sheena, reina de la selva
Makeup Artist
Sheena (Tanya Roberts), la Reina de la Selva, siendo una niña, perdió a sus padres, durante un safari, y fue criada por una bruja de una tribu africana. Así, con el tiempo, adquirió poderes y conocimientos para comunicarse telepáticamente con las criaturas de la selva. Convertida ya en una bella joven, vive su primer amor con Vic Casey (Ted Wass), un reportero de la televisión, y juntos tratarán de frenar las ambiciones territoriales de un malvado príncipe africano.
Sfrattato cerca casa equo canone
Makeup Artist
Marino Stroppaghetti is a breadwinner in a layoff fund who, in order to make some money, arranges himself by doing small tailoring jobs at home. Desperate for having received the eviction, he turns to the City of Rome, where he discovers that there are as many as 80 thousand questions before his. How to do?
Hair Designer
Fitzcarraldo es un soñador que planea construir un teatro de ópera en Iquitos, en la Amazonía peruana, así que, para financiar su proyecto, se embarca en una aventura épica para recolectar caucho, un producto muy rentable, en una región remota e inexplorada de la selva.
Makeup Designer
Fitzcarraldo es un soñador que planea construir un teatro de ópera en Iquitos, en la Amazonía peruana, así que, para financiar su proyecto, se embarca en una aventura épica para recolectar caucho, un producto muy rentable, en una región remota e inexplorada de la selva.
Sueños dorados (Sueños de oro)
Makeup Artist
Michele criticizes the film industry and its inhabitants, and is particularly embattled with a Neapolitan director making a musical about the 1968 student demonstrations. At the same time, Michele has a creative block and struggles to finish his film titled "Freud’s Mother." Nanni Moretti’s self-inquiry into filmmaking, political ennui, and men’s relations with their mothers.
Men or Not Men
Makeup Artist
In Milan, in the winter of 1944, the ruthless Cane Nero leads the fascists against the partisans. Enne 2, one of the leading figures of the C.N.L., meets Berta, whom he loved three years ago, but Berta refuses to leave her husband for him. Enne 2 is pursued by the fascists of Cane Nero and, instead of running away to Turin, waits for Berta to rejoin him
Play Motel
Makeup Artist
En el Motel Play, una serie de sangrientos asesinatos, se cobran las vidas de las bellas chicas que lo regentan. Todo apunta a que el asesino, es un hombre que viste de negro.
Encuentros muy íntimos en la tercera fase
Makeup Artist
A tres estudiantes frikis que suspiran por su atractiva profesora de astronomía se les ocurre la idea de pretender ser alienígenas del espacio exterior, con la esperanza de engañarla e ir a la cama con ellos.
A Simple Heart
Makeup Artist
Set in a rural area of France in the 19th century, this simple tale tells the story of a servant girl whose life seems marked by grand tragedy, but whose heart is simple and uncomplicated enough not only to endure, but even to attain serenity in the face of her manifold frustrations. Her only friend, to whom she pours out all her troubles, is an old parrot. When the parrot dies, she reverently has it stuffed and continues telling it her woes. This drama is based on a story by Gustave Flaubert.
Mátalos, jefe... te ayudo
Assistant Makeup Artist
Frankie es un temido mafioso al que la organización ha intentado quitarle de en medio. Tony es un “chuleta” de barrio presuntuoso. Accidentalmente Frankie y Tony se encuentran encarcelados y entre ellos nace una relación basada en la admiración que siente éste hacia aquél Juntos comienzan la larga y contundente venganza de Frankie contra la organización... (FILMAFFINITY)
One Hamlet Less
Makeup Artist
The "Hamlet" in this well-mounted Italian spoof is the Danish prince, not a small town or village. The movie irreverently draws on both the Shakespeare play and the 1877 story by Jules Laforgue. In the story, Hamlet (Carmelo Bene) is a would-be playwright. He suffers from inept Freudian analysis by Polonius (Pippo Tuminelli), and Ophelia and Gertrude (Isabella Russo & Luciana Cante) are women conjured up in his erotic imagination.
Una lagartija con piel de mujer
Assistant Makeup Artist
Una mujer decide visitar al psiquiatra para explicarle una pesadilla recurrente: mata a su vecina de una puñalada. Cuando ésta aparece asesinada, todas las sospechas recaen sobre ella. Pero, en el curso de la investigación, las circunstancias se complican.
From Our Copenhagen's Correspondent
Makeup Artist
Two American soldiers fresh from the Vietnam War are haunted by the atrocities that they witnessed and committed while on a vacation in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Makeup Artist
After a fight in their apartment, the story of a writer and a painter are divided. The writer is dedicated with his partner Manon to provoke continuous accidents in a field in which car carcasses abound. The painter is recruited to kill, through a poisoned picture, the old Arden to allow the latter's wife, Alice to live with her lover Mosbie.
Bora Bora
Makeup Artist
A Frenchman finds his runaway wife on an island in the Pacific.