Andrew Kitzanuk


Vikingos: Un viaje hacia nuevos mundos
Director of Photography
Vinieron del norte y pronto la leyenda diría de ellos que no conocían el miedo. Durante cientos de años , ellos eran el otro nombre para “el terror”. Ellos podían navegar por océanos helados y estrechos ríos. Ellos se hicieron rusos, normandos. Ellos eran los mercenarios más valorados por los emperadores bizantinos y un desafío perpetuo a la autoridad de los monarcas europeos...
IMAX 3D Islas Galapagos
Director of Photography
La bióloga marina Dra. Carole Baldwin, del Museo de Historia Natural de las Instituciones Smithsonian, y sus primeros viajes a las famosas Islas Galápagos.
Super Speedway
Director of Photography
We follow the Newman-Haas (Andretti) racing team through the process of building, testing, and racing for a season. This includes extensive race speed on-track footage, including some pre-race footage with a full squad of cars. From time to time, we check in with a small shop building/restoring one of the first roadsters Mario Andretti raced; the finale includes him taking it for a spin.
L5: First City in Space
Director of Photography
Ready for the countdown to tomorrow? Raring to swoop over the rippled red terrain of Mars or touch down on an icy comet? Or do you simply prefer to tune to Channel 29 of your virtual-reality set and join friends for fun and games? L5: First City in Space is your port of departure for all this and more.
Across the Sea of Time
Director of Photography
A young Russian boy, Thomas Minton, travels to New York as a passenger on a Russian freighter. Close to Ellis Island he gets off and thus starts his journey to America the same way as all immigrants in former times. Thomas is searching for the family of one of his ancestors, who had emigrated decades ago, but once sent a letter home together with a sample of his new profession: 3D-Photography.
África - El Serengeti
Director of Photography
Viaje hacia el Este de Africa, con más de dos millones de bestias salvajes, cebras y antílopes que viajan a más de 800 km a través de las llanuras del serengeti.
The Last Straw
This hilarious Canadian comedy frankly and with surprising taste, chronicles the travails of Alex, the 'Most Potent Man in the World." Alex earns this title while visiting a sperm bank. There it is discovered that he has a sperm motility rate of 99.5. What that means is that women he comes in contact with, directly or through artificial insemination, stand a terrific chance of becoming pregnant. Alex is naturally proud of his gift, but unfortunately, because he is only average looking, few of the sperm bank patrons are enticed to have his babies. In order to let them known what they are missing, he hires himself a manager and appears on a radio talk show. The ploy works and he suddenly finds himself surround by women desperate to get pregnant one way or another.
Courage to Change
This feature documentary is a sequel to the 1966 documentary The Things I Cannot Change, which, by focusing on the Bailey family of Montreal, provided an anatomy of poverty in North America. Courage to Change explores what has happened to the Baileys in the intervening 18 years.
The Masculine Mystique
Director of Photography
This feature-length drama explores the changing role of men in today's society by delving into the stories of 4 men and their relationships with women.