After witnessing a murder, Dan finds safety with Angelica and Michael. Unaware of the danger he has put them all in
Dennis O'Rourke
When an attack on a Palmerston North fraud detective made headlines in October 1996, the New Zealand public followed the media reports with fascination. They read like a plot of a Hollywood film or detective novel. Poison pen letters, satanic worship, a police hate crime, and a mysterious and violent pyromaniac. But little did the public know that as the truth emerged, the story was going to get far more bizarre, and the police would turn the focus of their investigation on one of their own.
Roger Simms
Journey of a Story follows the life of William Brown, a fictional New Zealand serviceman both physically and emotionally damaged by his tour of duty in Europe and time as a Prisoner of War during World War II. Returning home, William finds a very different world to the one he left behind. Forced to leave the home he planned to enjoy with his wife Lily and young son James, William struggles to cope until an observant War Pension medical officer convinces William to take up writing. Fueled with a new passion for life, William finally finds a road to success, in ways he could not possibly imagine. The story is told to from the elderly William's point of view, as he relays his story to a young theatre director attempting to bring William's life to the stage.
Bus Driver
La vulcanóloga Janet Fraser cree que su hija hará mejores migas con su padrastro si los acompaña en una pequeña excursión. El lugar elegido es el Mount Extreme, un volcán de Nueva Zelanda que parece extinguido. No será así, pues la montaña volverá a la actividad justo cuando los tres estén a medio camino.