Mårten Tedin


The Greasy Strangler
Director of Photography
El film se centra en un padre y un hijo que realizan un tour por las discotecas de Los Angeles cuando una atractiva y seductora mujer se cruza en su camino. Padre e hijo empiezan una competición para hacerse con la atención de la chica a la vez que un grasiento e inhumano maníaco toma las calles en plena noche asesinando a inocentes. Es conocido como The Greasy Strangler.
La vida en las carreras de Paul Newman
Director of Photography
Documental que repasa los 35 años de carrera de Paul Newman; pero no como actor, sino como piloto de coches profesional, actividad en la que obtuvo numerosos premios.
Road Hard
Director of Photography
Un famoso cómico tras su divorcio y la cancelación de su show se verá obligado a volver a la carretera para realizar espectáculos en directo.
Someone Marry Barry
Director of Photography
Barry es un tipo grosero y maleducado, con un comportamiento que avergüenza a sus propios amigos. Así que estos tratan de "reconducirle" encontrándole una mujer que le controle y le haga una persona más civilizada. El problema es que cuando Barry encuentra a su media naranja... ésta resulta ser igual que él.
Director of Photography
A father and son try to spend family time together on a trip to the woods. When they find the lost man, their relationship and its frailty is tested to breaking point. Crabs move sideways. But can they advance?
Director of Photography
Cara is auditioning for a network television role. She's definitely not as experienced or as beautiful as the other actors she's up against, yet all that changes when she takes matters into her own hands.
Army Of Lovers Hurrah Hurrah Apocalypse
Camera Technician
What Army Of Lovers claimed to lack in traditional musical talent, they easily made up for in hi-tech-literate computer wizardry, and highly original visual charisma, never seen before nor after in the history of pop music. For the first time ever you will find the collective visual efforts of Army Of Lovers compiled on one single DVD.
Stina Nordenstam – An Introduction to Her New Album
This specially commissioned programme includes conversation and songs from Stina Nordenstam's album "And She Closed Her Eyes," plus the video for her single "Little Star" directed by the award-winning Michel Gondry.