Aden Young

Aden Young

Nacimiento : 1971-11-30, Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Aden Young is a Canadian-born Australian actor. In 2014 he got married to singer-songwriter Loene Carmen.


Aden Young
Aden Young


The King Tide
After the mayor of an idyllic island village discovers a child with mysterious powers awash on their shores, the once peaceful community devolves into civil war, torn over the belief that the child is the next saviour.
Poker Face
Alex Harris
El multimillonario jugador de póquer Jake Foley (Russell Crowe) les brinda a sus mejores amigos la oportunidad de ganar más dinero del que jamás hayan soñado, en una noche que nunca olvidarán. Pero para jugar, tendrán que revelar algunos de sus secretos más oscuros, y a medida que avance la noche, descubrirán el motivo real por el que participan...
Bienvenido a casa
Un hombre hace todo lo que está a su alcance para conservar la propiedad de una cabaña junto al mar que construyó con su difunta esposa.
Angelique's Isle
Cyrus Mendenhall
Angelique's Isle is a harrowing tale of perseverance and survival that unfolds during the great copper rush of 1845. Newlyweds Angelique, a young Ojibway, and Charlie, her voyager husband, are left stranded throughout a brutal winter on Lake Superior's Isle Royale where Angelique is ultimately forced to face her inner demons and beliefs as the unbelievably beautiful, yet treacherous wilderness threatens to claim her.
Don't Tell
Stephen Roche
Based on true events that changed the law. This is the story of a survivor, Lyndal, a young woman sexually abused as an 11 year old while attending a prestigious school. Her courage to fight for justice is entrusted to a local lawyer determined to build a case and give Lyndal peace from her torment. With the help of his aspiring young associate and an enigmatic barrister, the lawyer and Lyndal find their way together.
The Unseen
Bob Langmore
El protagonista de esta tragedia familiar que incluye pareja separada e hija adolescente en graves problemas de trapicheo, cárteles y rebeldía quinceañera, no es un hombre invisible al uso de Wells, Whale o Burton sino que se va desintegrando a trozos, dejando huecos y túneles entre sus vísceras y su esqueleto.
Sheriff Randall Hunt
La esposa de un ex-sheriff de Arizona es asesinada mientras cabalga en su rancho. Todo indica a que el culpable es un hombre mexicano que estaba cruzando la frontera a los Estados Unidos ilegalmente.
Yo, Frankenstein
Dr. Frankenstein
Esta nueva versión se narra desde una perspectiva totalmente novedosa, la situación del conocido personaje dos siglos después de que el doctor Victor Frankenstein le diera vida. Presupone que este ser ha sobrevivido tanto tiempo debido a una manipulación génetica realizada durante su creación, llegando a nuestros días. Ahora, Frankestein vive en una oscura y violenta ciudad, sumida por una terrible guerra. Lo curioso de esta contienda es que ambos bandos están compuestos por seres inmortales como él.
Final Recipe
Para salvar el legado de su padre, Mark se apunta a un concurso de cocina donde triunfa con su gran talento, hasta que se topa con un master chef que sorprendentemente se parece a él.
Asesinos de élite
Tres antiguos miembros de las fuerzas especiales son contratados por un jeque árabe para matar a tres miembros del SAS (Servicio Especial Aéreo británico), culpables de la muerte de tres de sus hijos durante unos disturbios en Omán diez años antes. Dos de ellos aceptan por dinero, mientras que el tercero (Jason Statham) lo hace para salvar la vida de un amigo. Pero llevar a cabo tan peligrosa misión no será nada fácil, pues, aunque son profesionales, están bajo el control de una organización formada por antiguos miembros del SAS, denominada The Feather Men.
Beneath Hill 60
Major Brady North
Historia de la vida real de Oliver Woodward. Es 1916 y Woodward debe dejar su joven y nuevo amor para ir al barro y la carnicería del frente occidental, muy por debajo de las líneas alemanas. Woodward y su pelotón de excavadores australianos lucha por defender la filtración enemiga con un sistema de túneles laberínticos lleno de explosivos para cambiar el curso de la guerra.
El árbol
Peter O'Neil
El periodo de luto que viven una mujer (Charlotte Gainsbourg) y sus hijos después de la repentina muerte del marido y padre sirve para mostrar la relación entre el esfuerzo del ser humano para recuperarse de una tragedia y la energía de la naturaleza representada por una higuera gigantesca en el centro de una Australia salvaje
El último bailarín de Mao
Basada en hechos reales. Li Cunxin fue rescatado a los once años de una aldea china por delegados culturales de Mao y enviado a estudiar ballet a Pekín. Después de años de durísimo aprendizaje, se convirtió en uno de los mejores bailarines del mundo. Aclamado al principio como un héroe de la China comunista, acabó siendo acusado de traición porque, durante un intercambio cultural con Texas, se enamoró de una norteamericana e intentó quedarse en los Estados Unidos.
Lucky Country
1902....the Australian Federation is a year old. Twelve year-old Tom's father, Nat, has dragged him and his sister, Sarah, to an isolated farm at the edge of the woods. But Nat's dream of living off the land has died and he is losing his grip on sanity. When three ex-soldiers arrive at their cabin one night Tom, like his father, believes they are providence.
Aging artist and scholar Barry is disenchanted with his existence - disillusioned by his sexless marriage to a televangelist, and repulsed by her brand of easy-to-swallow self-help Christianity. In dire need of an outlet he turns to Irina, a Russian immigrant and prostitute. Seeking better lives, both Barry and Irina find strength in each other as they seek mutual salvation.
Shot Open
In 19th century Australia, an exiled Polish thief struggles to get to Sydney to start a new life. When he takes refuge with a young woman his understanding of the world, and his role within it, is permanently altered.
The Bet
Young Sydney stockbroker, Will, makes a bet with his rich mate Angus - who can make the most money in three months with $50,000? Obsessed with winning, Will finds himself engaged in high stakes games and deception, bending all the rules, until he discovers that winning at all costs could mean losing more than he could ever imagine.
The Goat That Ate Time
Narrator (voice)
A goat with an appetite for life realises that time is dangerously delicious.
In the Company of Actors
Self / Eilert Lovburg
Within the world of theatre the rehearsal room is a sacred space -- the private domain where boundaries are pushed, risks taken, mistakes made, vulnerabilities exposed and, at its very best, magic created. It's not a place into which the public is often, if ever, invited. Until now; In The Company of Actors features an ensemble of Australia's finest actors, including Cate Blanchett and Hugo Weaving, as they prepare to perform the Sydney Theatre Company's production of Hedda Gabler, at the prestigious Brooklyn Academy of Music in New York. Opening night is just five weeks away and the pressure is on.
After the Deluge
Young Cliff
Follows the stories of the four men of the Kirby family. As Alex's marriage breaks apart, Toby tries desperately to start a family, and Marty tries to kick-start his faded music career as well as find a meaningful relationship with someone his own age, all three must come to terms with their father's mental state. Cliff, suffering from Alzheimer's disease, is reliving his disturbing memories of the war and his first love, as a part of his experiences of the present . Through all four stories, we uncover a families troubled past, and their struggle towards a reconciled future.
El cazacocodrilos: Misión salvaje
Ron Buckwhiler
Un satélite espía norteamericano cae en Australia en una zona infestada de cocodrilos. La CIA sospecha de una pareja de aventureros como espías. (FILMAFFINITY)
Set in the 1890s in the central desert region of Australia, 'Serenades' tells the tale of Jila who is conceived when her Afghan cameleer father wins her Aboriginal mother in a card game.
The War Bride
During World War II, a Cockney woman marries a Canadian soldier and adjusts to life in Alberta.
Molokai. La historia del padre Damián
Dr. Kalewis
Narra la historia del padre Damián, un sacerdote católico belga que, en 1873, llegó como voluntario a la isla de Molokai, en Hawái, donde consagró su vida al cuidado y consuelo de los leprosos allí confinados
Under Heaven
Two young lovers try to con a wealthy woman out of her inheritance by pretending to be brother and sister.
River Street
Ben Egan
Ben, an arrogant, hustling property developer is wrongly arrested and things from bad to worse when he accidentally punches a policeman at the station. Sentenced to community service at a local day centre, Ben's influence with a young tearaway forces him to question his values and he learns to see life from a different angle when he falls in love with Wendy, the centre's formidable and devoted manager...
Camino al paraíso
Bill Seary
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Cuando las tropas japonesas sitian Singapur, un grupo de mujeres de distintas nacionalidades son evacuadas en barco hacia los Estados Unidos. Durante la travesía, el barco es atacado por la aviación japonesa y naufraga frente a las costas de Sumatra. Las mujeres son apresadas y enviadas a un campo de concentración en medio de la selva.
Hotel de Love
Rick Dunne
10 years ago at a party, Steven thinks he sees the girl of his dreams, Melissa. Just as he's about to make his move, his twin brother Rick gets to her first and they fall in love. Steven watches his brother's relationship bloom, longing for Melissa all the while. Eventually, Melissa leaves to go to college and the brothers go on with their lives. Steven becomes a workaholic to block out his feelings about Melissa and Rick becomes a spineless bellboy at the Hotel de Love, after a later girl friend stood him up at the altar. Enter Steven and Rick's warring parents visiting the Hotel de Love for their anniversary. Re-enter Melissa with her current boyfriend, Norman. Suddenly Rick and Steven have a second chance at Melissa. Also there's Alison the palm reader, Susie behind the counter, the owner/piano player, and the freshly married couple.
Lewis, a young amateur theater director, is offered a job with a governmental program for the rehabilitation of mentally ill patients in a Sydney institution. His project is overrun by one of the patients who wants to stage the opera Cosi Fan Tutte by Mozart despite the fact that none of the patients are able to sing and none of them speak Italian. A comedy of errors ensues, but one which unifies the patients and their director in unexpected ways.
Peter Costello
When Peter Costello is exiled to a deserted island for stealing sheep, Mary, a maid, decides to join him there.
Juventud frenetica
Psycho Joe loves one thing: fast cars! When he gets a job at a local supermarket, Joe meets fellow "petrol head" Dazey, who quickly becomes his idol and best friend. Soon after, Joe falls for Savina, a goth girl who practices black magic. But Savina has already fallen for Dazey and will do anything to get him -- including using Joe's feelings for her. In true Shakespearean fashion, this trio race down the road to tragedy.
Shotgun Wedding
Jimmy Becker
Shotgun Wedding is a 1993 Australian film based on the Wally Melish siege.
Broken Highway
In this moody black and white drama, very much in the mode of the American "western," but with its own film noir characteristics, a whole town is heaved out of its doldrums when a pair of mysterious strangers come visiting. In the beginning of the film, Angel is traveling with his friend Max on a ship to Honeyfield, a town on the coast of Australia. He is coming home to die. Instead, he dies on board the ship, willing his boots to Angel, and an unopened package to someone called "The Dead Man," in Honeyfield. Also on the ship is a man named Tatts, a far less pleasant personality. When Angel gets off to head into Honeyfield, Tatts decides to follow along unseen. The package, Angel was told, contains something its intended recipient has been looking for without knowing it. On finding the recipient, a mean-spirited old man who is more or less the boss and owner of the town, he learns that the package contains opium.
Love In Limbo
Barry McJannet
Ken Riddle (Craig Adams), para quien el sexo es un misterio, se une a sus dos compañeros del trabajo, Arthur (Russell Crowe) y Barry (Aden Young), en un viaje a la infame calle roja de Kalgoorlie en un intento torpe de perder colectivamente su virginidad. Soplando Lucky Strikes iluminado por Zippos, conduciendo Studebakers adornados con aletas de cola, mientras temblaban, traqueteaban y rodaban, los personajes de Love in Limbo son inocentes de la avaricia, inconscientes de la crisis inminente del mundo, libres de poder de las flores y a salvo del sexo. Love in Limbo es una película de comedia sobre el amor, los zits y el rock'n'roll.
En el corazón de la jungla
Doug Papich
Transcurre en la jungla panameña y narra la acción de un grupo de especialistas contra los rebeldes que quieren derrocar el régimen democrático.
Over the Hill
Alma can't stand to have one more birthday without seeing her estranged daughter, Elizabeth, who lives in Sydney, Australia.
El manto negro
A mediados del siglo XVII, un sacerdote jesuita francés, el padre Laforque, emprende un peligroso viaje hacia lo que luego sería conocido como el norte de Canadá, y que en esa época era una tierra salvaje dominada por los indios hurones e iroqueses. Junto a un joven local que será su intérprete, Laforque aprenderá algo sobre aquellos a quienes pretende evangelizar, poseedores de sus propios valores espirituales, y también aprenderá algo sobre esa fe interna que él veía como algo inconmovible