Jason Richardson


VFX Supervisor
A young female vampire is caught by a clandestine government organization tasked with eliminating vampires and is made an offer she can't refuse: join them and help hunt down her own kind or be eliminated.
El amanecer del planeta de los simios
Compositing Supervisor
Un grupo de simios con grandes cualidades para la supervivencia toma las calles, liderado por César, un simio dotado de una inteligencia y unos instintos superiores para cualquier primate. Ante la necesidad de libertad, esta raza animal decide no doblegarse ante los humanos. Tendrá que luchar contra un grupo de humanos que han sobrevivido a una fuerte epidemia, desatada en la década anterior. Ambas partes han establecido una tregua, pero se verá interrumpida.
R.I.P.D. Departamento de policía mortal
Visual Effects Supervisor
Policías de otro mundo persiguen a espíritus monstruosos quienes intentan escapar del juicio final escondiéndose entre los vivos. Cuando descubren un plan que podría acabar con toda la vida, ellos deben trabajar para restaurar el equilibrio cósmico.
After Effect
Visual Effects
College students sign up for what seems a simple paid research study, they soon realize their lives are in danger. Unfortunately they've unknowingly volunteered their bodies as human collateral in an ongoing U.S. Military experiment.
Five Feet
Five Feet follows the trials of a young woman, who has spent more than half her life trying to stay alive in a grueling world where a fatal virus prevents anyone from being near each other.
Five Feet
Five Feet follows the trials of a young woman, who has spent more than half her life trying to stay alive in a grueling world where a fatal virus prevents anyone from being near each other.
Five Feet
Five Feet follows the trials of a young woman, who has spent more than half her life trying to stay alive in a grueling world where a fatal virus prevents anyone from being near each other.