Marie Rosůlková

Marie Rosůlková

Nacimiento : 1901-12-17, Plzeň, Česko, Rakousko-Uhersko

Muerte : 1993-05-15


Marie Rosulkova (December 17, 1901 Pilsen - May 15, 1993 Prague) was a Czech actress. She has been playing in the theater since 19 to 91 years. As a bank clerk, she was privately trained by Marie Laudová-Hořicová. Since 1921 the theater has been professionally played in Pilsen, České Budějovice and in the Zemské divadlo (1931-1933) in Brno. From the beginning, she played rather roles of ladies and experienced women than young naiveks (Frank Wedekind: Lulu, Ceske Budejovice, 1924, roles and rolls in the head of the station, The Snack Shop and many others). She appeared in the ensemble Vlasta Buriana shortly, and in 1934-1949 she worked at the Vinohrady Theater, from 1950 to 1982 she stood on the boards of the Prague Municipal Theaters. She received a character role here, enriched by her tendency to a kind parody (Spanish Queen Maria Luisa, Frank Tetauer: Don Manuel and Marie Luisa). In 1960 he created the character of the Italian matron Filumena Marturano in the same comedy of Eduard De Filip. In her early years, her life role in the character of the eccentric, but above all, gentle and wise Toula Maude, the main character of the successful comedy of Harold and Maude (1976). She had the first film roles at the end of the 1930s, but the greatest popularity brought her in the 70's comedic role of grandmothers and eccentric older women. In such roles she has also taken on television. Her most famous role is her grandmother, the detective author in the series "Such a Normal Family". On February 25, 1948, he signed the call for Pro-Communist intelligence ahead, a step backwards supporting the Communist coup. In 1966, she was named a deserving artist. She is buried at the Vyšehrad Cemetery in a special department designed for nuns (the east side at the entrance). From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Marie Rosůlková
Marie Rosůlková


Poslední zastávka smrt
Utopím si ho sám
The Squirrel and the Magic Shell
A story about childhood - real and the dreams. After finding a magic shell young Kačenka uses it to model her family life on the sea shore.
Nefňukej, veverko!
O nejchytřejší princezně
Dámská jízda
Pávie pierko
Ať přiletí čáp, královno!
Vánoční Růženka
Všichni musí být v pyžamu
Marie Dvořáková, přítelkyně Maršíčka st.
Konečná stanice
Sofie Wittingerová
How to Dupe a Lawyer
Horicova matka
Attorney Horic is a specialist for cases connected with motoring. He approaches to his work unconventionally, he does not hesitate to search for evidence right in the terrain and he is willing to take various risks.
Teeny-Tiny and the Witch Woman
A deliciously scary story about a boy who outsmarts an old witch-woman before she can have him and his brothers for dinner.
Večírek pro liché
No Magic from Tomorrow
Mr. Tau, the quiet and kind magician with a bowler hat and an umbrella, shows up unexpectedly on the wings of a plane during flight. The terrified crew contact the airport security service. After the plane lands, Mr. Tau disappears. The third security inspector Málek is determined to catch the hooligan at any price. To achieve this, he gives up his holiday to visit the children's summer camp. Mr. Málek's son, who just like all the other children is delighted by the new camp cook, Mr. Tau himself, has unknowingly set the inspector on the magician's trail. But the children at the camp are determined not to let their beloved magician get caught and ingeniously place all sorts of traps in Inspector Málek's way.
Sólo pro starou dámu
Those Wonderful Movie Cranks
Returning home to Prague, the magician Pasparte, an owner of a circus caravan, meets his dying colleague who entrusts his beautiful daughter Aloisie to his care. In Prague they all take up their lodgings at the house At Blue Fish in which they intend to arrange the programs. The firm is owned by widow Evzenie with whom Pasparte shares flat and bed. Evzenie is jealous of Aloisie therefore Pasparte sends Aloisie as a housewife to the single man Jakub Kolenatý who earns his living by photographing and wants to record the revived pictures of Prague. Pasparte wants to found in Prague the first permanent Czech movie theatre in which there would be projected also the original Czech films.
Nebožtíci na bále
Alžběta Brázdová
Monkey's Playtime
The fisherman Fuksa fishes in the creek an old bottle and he sells it to innkeeper Merta. When Merta opens it, a genie appears, who can fulfill all his wishes.
Báječné ženy na létajících strojích
Uloupený smích
Jablíčko se dokoulelo
'Okay, Boss...!'
Láda Pitras (Ludek Sobota) and Oto Vacák (Petr Nározný) founded in the company Pragokov a Research department of recruitment of labor. For recruitment of workers in professions sought after both recruiters worked out an effective, often almost illegal methods. They followed secretly for instance the welder Niederle and managed to record his lovesick courting to his colleague Anicka. The fear of his jealous wife made him to join Pragokov.
Tomorrow I'll Wake Up and Scald Myself with Tea
Shirley White
Former Nazi Klaus Abard survives to the 1990s by taking anti-ageing pills. He plans to use a time travel trip to return to Germany in 1944 and present Hitler with a hydrogen bomb, so that he can win the war. Unfortunately the pilot, woman-chasing Karel Bures, dies on the morning of the trip and his earnest twin brother Jan impersonates him, without knowing about the plot. The plot goes wrong when they lose the bomb and land near Hitler's bunker in 1941, at a time that the Nazis sense victory. Bures, with two of the plotters, escape capture by the Nazis and make it back to the time machine. Bures programs the machine to return one day before they left, because he figures he can then save his brother and foil the plot.
Nezbedná pohádka
The Little Mermaid
The little mermaid rescues a prince from drowning and falls in love with him. To be with him, she makes a deal with the evil sorceress: her beautiful voice against a life on land. It seems to work at first, the prince is enchanted with her lovely appearance. But the memory of a foreign princess still haunts him: The one who found him on the beach where the mermaid had left him, and whom he (of course) believes to be his saviour. To resolve this mistake is too much for the mute little mermaid, and not even her father, king of all seas, can help her in the impending catastrophe.
Summer with a Cowboy
Hlavními postavami je mladá psycholožka Doubravka a vesnický mladík Honza Macháček. On je traktorista, který při ztřeštěné sázce dočasně přišel o řidičský průkaz, takže teď pase družstevní stádo krav, ona je na chatě se svým chlapcem Bobou, který nepříliš úspěšně studuje medicínu a právě se připravuje na opravné zkoušky. Honzova bezprostřednost, optimismus a přístup k životu i práci ostře kontrastuje se sobeckým, slabošským a nevyrovnaným Bobou a Doubravka si stále víc uvědomuje, že její cit k Bobovi zmizel a doopravdy má vlastně ráda Honzu. Otázkou je, jak se na takovou partii bude dívat její poněkud konzervativní rodina.
Recepty doktora Kudrny
Profesoři za školou
(segment "Téma: Láska")
Svůdnice na šest
Dům doni Bernardy
Girls from a Porcelain Factory
The fifteen year old Maruska (Lenka Korínková) starts as a new staff in the porcelain warehouse. For the boss Svetla (Míla Myslíková) it is the last straw. She asked to extend her staff consisting of four girls and a retired lady by a man, not a child. The kind and ever fussy Svetla, battling in vain with overweight decides to leave her position and to take another one in the office. As soon as she finds out that the position will be taken by Arnost Jarolím (Josef Langmiler), she insists on a hand over inventory.
V každém pokoji žena
Princess Goldilocks
Babička s hadem
A princess was so beautiful and had such golden hair that she was known as Pretty Goldilocks. A neighboring king fell in love with her from her description, but much to the king's disappointment, she rejected his ambassador, saying she had no wish to be married...
Three Men Travelling
Stará dáma
Three Men Travelling is billed as a loosely related sequel to Tri chlapi v chalupe (1963), sending our country protagonists set out from their family nests in the village of Ouplavice into the big wide world. Grandpa Potucek, (Lubomír Lipský) and his son Václav (Jan Skopecek) take part in the cooperative's excursion to spa town Karlovy Vary, a Pilsen brewery and some agricultural enterprises in western Bohemia. During the course of a series of misunderstandings and merrymaking, grandfather Potucek decides he will not let problems with sick calves unsettle him, and that he will persevere in his role as the leader of the cooperative.
Miss Golem
It is the 1920's. The good-looking hostess Věra demonstrates household robots to visitors of the Futurum exhibition. Young inventor Petr comes to her rescue when she tries to flee from two men wanting to take her away. Věra confesses that she has fled from home because her father, a factory owner, wanted to profitably marry her off. Petr is fascinated by the emancipated woman and shows her round his laboratory, where he plans to create a robot of his own - but one that would be far more advanced. Věra cuts herself on a broken test-tube and a drop of her blood gets in the solution. In the morning, they are taken aback to see Věra's double. This lucky chance has helped Petr create an artificial being, Miss Golem. She has a single motive for her actions: to take care of Věra and allow her to do only what is good for her.
Six Bears and a Clown
The owner of a circus decides to swap his trained bears for trained pigs, and fires clown Cibulka. The clown gets a job at a local school, bears escape and seek him out and a school inspector comes into town.
Svatba v terénu
Touha Sherlocka Holmese
Sherlock Holmes likes to play violin and expects a great career in music. He gets a place in a spa orchestra, but he is again and again distracted by criminal cases. Therefore he is the only one who does not see that his violin has no future. He solves the criminal mysteries in passing but the final test shows that the famous detective is tone-deaf.
Zdravá vdova 29/169
Oil Lamps
In 1900, Stepha, the vivacious 30 year old daughter of a wealthy couple, agrees to marry her cousin Paul, who has accumulated large debts as an Austrian army officer. Paul refuses to work or to consummate the marriage, and then his health steadily declines.
Four Murders Are Enough, Darling
Harringtonová, Camelova bytná
Two criminal gangs are ruthlessly fighting for a 1-million dollar check that, purely by chance, got into the flat of shy high school teacher George Camel. As the number of victims sharply increases, Camel is mistakenly regarded as a mass murderer and cunningly uses his horrifying reputation to get the respect and heart of his beloved Sabrina, a journalist from a local newspaper. But this game turns out to be risky and in the end, both gangs don't hesitate to seize the check at all costs, including an improvised operation
The Great Unknown
Three detective stories, three different views of life and death... Collection of three horror short stories.
Honba za filmovým námětem
Charleyova teta
dona Lucia d`Alvadores
El incinerador de cadáveres
Woman Demanding a Casket
El señor Karel domina a sus familiares, amigos y empleados. Sólo está preocupado porque el tránsito de los difuntos hacia el más allá sea lo más limpio y rápido posible, todo mediante la incineración de cadáveres en el cementerio que regenta. (FILMAFFINITY)
Jak chodí babičky spát
Klec pro dva
Zločin lorda Savila
Láska jako trám
Zločin a trik II.
(segment "Další, prosím")
Láska a chléb
Když se čerti rojili
The Phantom of Morrisville
Inspector Brumpby (Jaroslav Marvan) and the young crime reporter Allan Pinkerton (Vít Olmer) attend wedding of Sir Hannibal Morris (Oldrich Nový) with beautiful Clarence (Kveta Fialová). After the ceremony, Clarence's ex-husband, criminal Manuel Diaz (Waldemar Matuska), who was believed dead, shows up in her room. He wants to get his hands on Clarence and, most importantly, on the money she would inherit in the eventuality of her new husband's death. Diaz makes attempts on Hannibal's life. He knows his way about an underground labyrinth in the château and the traps he sets up for Hannibal seem to work, since Hannibal is apparently found dead after an explosion in the labyrinth, after which his body vanishes. The inspector tries to solve the countless mysteries. In this, he is joined by Allan, always ahead of the man of the law in his estimation and judgment of the situation.
Čertouská poudačka
The Junk Shop
Client with Letters (voice)
Juraj Herz adapts Bohumil Hrabal's story about a man who works in a junk shop.
Polka jede do světa
Darounická poudačka
Komedie s Klikou
Do You Keep a Lion at Home?
“And what did you do at school today?” In Pavel Hobl’s Czech fairytale, when Pepik and Honzik learn that school has been canceled they embark on an amazing odyssey around Prague that has them directing traffic, following the lead of a talking dog, breaking the spell an evil sorcerer has placed on a group of local musicians, rollerskating through a museum, and winning a magical car race. (University of Chicago Doc Films)
Záhadný pan Hyde
Okno místo dveří
Zkouška pokračuje
a member of the Tham Theater
Záhady aneb S Karlem Čapkem v soudní síni
První a poslední
Prokopová (voice)
The Road Back
Czechoslovakian crime film
Of Things Supernatural
(segment "Glorie")
Czech comedy fantasy directed by Jiri Krejcik et al.
Metoda rady Pitra
Konec jasnovidce
Zaostřit prosím!
secretary to the Minister
Na konci města
Měsíc nad řekou
Anna the Proletarian
The movie describes proletarian life in the Czech Lands after World War I.
Soudný den
Magical River
Leopold Kohák married a rich widow a long time ago and now has nothing to do compared to his energetic wife. He's growing old and troubled by the fact that he betrayed his first love Emča and his beloved river Sázava where he spent his childhood and youth. A visit from an old friend Lebeda brings it all back to him. After a nervous breakdown Leopold secretly visits his home instead of going to the spa. A wandering tramp suggest Leopold should bathe in the magical waters of the Sázava, and slowly his youth returns to him.
Žíznivé mládí
Marie, Navrátilova žena
Irena Šeborová
Pantáta Bezoušek
Zuranova žena
Přítelkyně pana ministra
Love Song
Kamila Vondráková
Vzhůru nohama
Výdělečné ženy
zpěvačka Frangysová
Poručík Alexander Rjepkin