Marcel Hensema

Marcel Hensema

Nacimiento : 1970-10-25, Winschoten, Groningen, Netherlands


Marcel Hensema


So laut du kannst
My Father Is an Airplane
When Eva’s mother unexpectedly dies, the life of Eva turns out to be built on secrets and lies. The fear of losing her mind, just like her father who has been living in a mental facility for many years, becomes more and more of a threat, propelling Eva on a quest into her past to face her demons.
Quedamos como amigos
Moritz Fichte
Una vez más, Doro no puede decir que no. Lleva a su exmarido Volker a su casa y le promete ser su cuidador temporal. Pero acaba de enamorarse de Moritz. Con yesos en un brazo y una pierna, Volker ahora se relaja en el sofá de la casa que solían compaUna vez más, Doro no puede decir que no. Lleva a su exmarido Volker a su casa y le promete ser su cuidador temporal. Pero acaba de enamorarse de Moritz. Con yesos en un brazo y una pierna, Volker ahora se relaja en el sofá de la casa que solían compartir, sintiéndose extremadamente cómodo. Doro, sin embargo, se debate entre cuidar de Volker y pasar tiempo con su nuevo novio Moritz, quien encuentra a su exmarido cada vez más insoportable.
Alles in de Hens
A re-take of the one man show 'Alles in the Hens' from actor Marcel Hensema. The story evolves around a man, in his late 40ies, who takes off for a walk away from the daily struggle with work, family and thoughts, only to find out that you can walk away from your problems, but that you cannot walk away from yourself. This journey of a man, on a road to nowhere, is dramatic, funny and very recognizable especially when you lost track or when you are on a dead-end yourself.
Promising young gymnast Timo and his disabled father Ward share a big dream, to win Olympic gold. But when Timo meets physiotherapist Irene, these new and intense feelings conflict with Timo's dedication to his father and the Olympic 'mission'.
Und wer nimmt den Hund?
After 26 years of marriage there is a divorce on the way between Georg and Doris. While Georg is having some fun with a much younger co-worker, Doris want the divorce be silenced. Thats why the couple is taking a separation therapy and there will be some rough sessions.
La trampa de la araña
Ruud van der Veen
Rodeado de mentiras y engaños, el veterano agente secreto Adereth (Ben Kingsley) se da cuenta de que no es capaz de distinguir entre sus aliados y los enemigos. Tras detectar que el sistema de producción de armas químicas sirias está corrupto, y después de afrontar un impactante secuestro, Adereth decide ir en busca de respuestas. En el camino conocerá a Angela (Monica Belluci), que se convertirá en una pista clave en su investigación. La hostilidad de sus aliados, junto con el dudoso pasado que lo persigue, deja a Adereth atrapado en una compleja red de desconfianza en este inteligente y apasionante thriller de espías.
Der Tod und das Mädchen - Van Leeuwens dritter Fall
Anton Gallo
Thanks to the latest DNA technology, Bruno van Leeuwen finally has a proof in his hands, with which the rapist of the then nine-year-old Vicky can be convicted. Piet Martens, the neighbor of the girl's family, was the culprit. But despite the new evidence, he can not be brought to justice because the crime is now time barred. Martens leaves the police headquarters as a free man. Then Vicky falls on Martens and hits him with a bottle. The police separate the two and Martens' lawyer reports to Vicky about dangerous assault.
Anton Mulder
Una vez más, los inspectores y viejos amigos Vincke y Verstuyft se enfrentan a una serie de horribles asesinatos que tendrán que resolver con la ayuda de una víctima que sobrevivió a un ataque del asesino. A no ser que esta víctima, que parece tener una gran influencia sobre Verstuyft, no les aleje todavía más de la solución. Tercera entrega de la saga protagonizada por los inspectores Vincke y Verstuyft, que se hicieron famosos por el éxito nacional e internacional de "La memoria del asesino" (2003), y que volvieron a aparecer en "Dossier K." (2009).
Silk Road
Vader Daphne
Raymond, un joven holandés, es arrestado en el aeropuerto de Miami con 25000 dólares en efectivo y un Lamborghini esperando para ir a una fiesta.
In my Father's Garden
Jozef Mieras
La película cuenta la historia de amor entre Hans (Barry Atsma) y Margje (Noortje Herlaar) - novios desde la escuela. Hans crece en un ambiente religioso muy estricto, con un padre brutal. Huye de su casa muy joven y deja los estudios de horticultura. Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, se inicia en un vivero en un pueblo de la provincia de Gelderland. Al principio, él y Margje disfrutan de una vida familiar feliz y amor sin límites. También tienen problemas, sin embargo, mantienen el negocio en marcha. Un día, conoce a Jozef Mieras (Marcel Hensema), quien le habla de Dios. Después Hans oye la voz de Dios en una visión, se convierte y cambia de fe - una fe va a determinar el curso de su vida, y la de su familia. Las divisiones entre los diferentes miembros de la familia se vuelven más y más grandes hasta que Hans cae totalmente en las garras de una secta religiosa. Sin embargo, el amor incondicional de Margje sobrevive, a pesar de todo.
Dummie the Mummy and the Sphinx of Shakaba
Meester Krabbel
Dummie realizes that he is not as famous as his father, an ancient pharaoh, so he decides to rely more on himself and enters a special contest with the help of his best friend.
Blood, Sweat and Tears
Johnny Kraaijkamp
Blood, Sweat and Tears is a story about the life of Andre Hazes, a Dutch popular singer. It shows three crucial phases in the life of Hazes: his youth (in the 1960s), his breakthrough (1980s) and the last year of his life (early 2000s).
Oncoloog Marco
Three teenagers appear to have a lot of fun on the children's oncology department on the fourth floor of a large hospital. Nick and Iwan both lost a leg as a result of bone cancer. For their friend Olivier, an amputation may be the next phase. The fourth of the bunch, Pepijn, is so ill and weak that he often stays in his room. Friendship and a deep desire to live keeps the guys mentally balanced. Their friendship changes when Gina arrives. Sickos is a humorous drama that deals with adolescence and chemotherapy.
Farewell to the Moon
It's the hot summer of 1972: the Americans launch their last mission to the moon; also a time of dungarees and hallucinogenic wallpaper. On the eighth floor of a new Dutch apartment block, 12-year-old Duch lives with his family. His hobbies are space travel and Mary, the pretty woman next door. Duch’s father prefers to watch the neighbour who recently moved in two doors down. Her arrival makes the residents aware of the free-sex morality. Up until now it had left the eighth floor untouched, but that is clearly not to everyone’s satisfaction.
Short romantic film made for the 48 Hours Project Rotterdam 2014
The Marathon
Four out-of-shape car mechanics decide to participate in the Rotterdam marathon. If they reach the finish in time, they will be able to pay off their debt — if they don't, they will lose their garage.
Cop vs. Killer
Enigmatic Dutch crime lord Mirko is always a step ahead of the national police team. When Mirko's gang are forced to kill Russian mob baron Jegor's cousin Oleg, the cops hope their time has come. Both sides resort to dirty tricks, testing loyalties and using the antagonists' daughters and independent pimp Aziz for blackmail, which makes several bloody victims.
Young Nick, charming and talented, but restless and fickle, works as a chef in a restaurant. After his girlfriend kicks him out of her house and he is sacked by the restaurant, he goes on a long journey to Croatia in search of both the ultimate truffle, and himself.
El secuestro de Alfred Heineken
Kees Sietsma
Relata el secuestro de Freddy Heineken, el director de la famosa fábrica de cerveza que lleva su nombre. Este hecho tuvo lugar el 9 de noviembre de 1983.
Sonny Boy
Adaptación de Sonny Boy, la novela homónima de Annejet van der Zijl, un bestseller basado en una descorazonadora historia real de un amor prohibido que tuvo lugar en los Países Bajos durante la primera mitad del s. XX. Sonny Boy empieza en 1928 y narra la tumultuosa historia de Waldemar, un estudiante negro de 19 años de Surinam (que por entonces pertenecía a los Países Bajos), y Rika, una mujer holandesa, casada y respetable, que ronda los cuarenta. A pesar de las diferencias, se enamoran perdidamente el uno del otro. Sin embargo, su amor se pondrá a prueba cuando, primero, ella se quede embarazada, y, después, diez años más tarde, escondan a varios judíos bajo su techo durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. (FILMAFFINITY)
One hour before the State Opening of Parliament, something very unusual happens. The Prime Minister appears and demands an adjustment to the Queen's speech. The speech concerns aid to Africa. Even with all the pressure around the State Opening, Beatrix goes back in time, and remembers her banishment to Canada, the visit to the victims of the Flood disaster and the turbulence suffered by her parents at Palace Soestdijk during the Hofman case.
Fucsia la mini bruja
Oom Rogier
A veces, una gran aventura puede incubarse en un pequeño huevo. Descubrimiento que hace el mago Kwark cuando encuentra un huevo en el Bosque de las Brujas. De éste no nace un pájaro, sino una pequeña y especial niña, una mini-bruja cuyo nombre es Fucsia.
Ausgerechnet Afrika
Pieter van Dyke
The Happy Housewife
Lea is an immaculate 30-something wife whose husband’s job in real estate allows her an enviably glossy lifestyle. The word ‘emancipation’ simply isn't in her vocabulary and as long as the money rolls in, all is rosy. So, when Harry Jr. arrives, she is a little traumatized at having to swap canapés for nappies.
When the fifteen year old Zara knocks on her teacher Gijs' door, she's just been abused and she has no one else to turn to. At least, that's what she tells her teacher. Gijs can't send her back to her home, but soon he regrets his decision. As the evening progresses, Zara spins a web of lies and deception around him.
Whitefish is a thriller set in a closed Dutch fisherman's village community. Hans, a religious fisherman and his rebellious brother Stijn try to save their necessitous fishing boat. Their difficult relationship seems to put success in the way, until one day they catch a huge amount of drugs in their nets. Stijn badly wants to get rid of it, but Hans hesitates. Maybe their prayers are heard and this is the chance to get out of trouble? Or is Stijn's fear well grounded and is the real misery now only to begin..?
Pez blanco
un thriller sobre drogas, hermandad y la delgada línea entre el bien y el mal. n esta producción, Hans, un religioso pescador, y su rebelde hermano, Stijn, tratan de salvar su barco pesquero. Su difícil relación parece mantener a raya el éxito, hasta que un día encuentran una cantidad considerable de drogas en sus redes. Lo que sucede después se convierte en una cuestión de vida o muerte para los hermanos, interpretados por Hensema y Bolhuis.
Het wapen van Geldrop
Three people travel to the small town of Geldrop after a gruesome event has changed their lives.
Hannah, the headstrong rebel of seven siblings, tries to avoid the preparations for her parent's wedding anniversary, but her charming brand-new lover Victor sort of drags her along, and soon proves an ideal son-in-law, which arouses mixed feelings in her. The sister in law who for years tries to fit in but always felt ignored gets a fit because Victor is immediately invited to chip in and join the anniversary river cruise, so they take over the organization from her. Yet when he confides in her the bunch is miserable at communicating, she claims he can't judge after just one evening and seems suddenly uncertain whether to stay with Victor who proves quite patient and understanding...
Wild Romance
Koos van Dijk
The start of the career of Herman Brood, who lived his life filled with sex, drugs and rock 'n roll. Guided by his manager they aim to take over the USA with his music.
Kilkenny Cross
I don't know who I am - that's what it is', the seventeen-year-old curly redhead Jordi grumbles to his tough girlfriend. Under mother's wing, Jordi spends all his time on the Internet. His only adventure is a ride on the back of his girlfriend's motorbike. One day, a coincidental but shocking discovery on the Net forces him to start searching for his identity, away from his familiar environment. It takes him to a confrontation with his biological father who was supposed dead, but appears to live in Ireland and does not immediately press his lost son in his arms. Kilkenny Cross is a coming-of-age drama, in which the Dutch urban water landscape contrasts with the green hills of Ireland and the impassiveness of modern means of communication with the longing for human intimacy. A chat session between mother and son leads to an emotional climax. In a cameo role, female novelist Manon Uphoff explains what true love means.
Just before a truck hits a ten-year-old boy everything comes to a standstill. A man who is witnessing the accident is the only one who can move in the frozen world and he discovers a way to save the life of the child. But in his attempt to alter the boy's fate he has to face a cruel dilemma...
On Stage
On Stage is a fake documentary about a promising five-headed cabaret company at the Cabaret Academy, who after their graduation are signed up by an impresario. The latter wants to launch them as real stars, but the troupe appears to be less close-knit than expected, when machinations and mutual competition drive the friends apart and one person is even victimised. The actors really graduated from the Academy in 2003.
This movie is about a group of young people struggling with what 'true love' means. Main character is a boy who doesn't want to commit himself to one woman.
A fictional version of the events that led to the assassination of the Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn on May 6, 2002. The movie is based upon the book "The sixth of May" by Tomas Ross.
Camiel Vrolijk
A mild-mannered gay dentist and a womanizing bar owner rekindle their unlikely friendship when, upon meeting by chance after a decade apart, the latter turns out to be severely ill.
Lighting designer
Four old college friends in their forties come together in a time of trouble and despair. Old joy relives, but the harsh reality of their problems can't satisfy them and eventually endangers their friendships.
Man in Shopping Mall
A woman is shopping in a crowded shopping mall, with her husband and two kids. In the shopping mall she meets a stranger, who brings romance to a dreadful Saturday.
The Cave
Axel van de Graf
Psychological thriller. Geography teacher smuggles a case of heroin for a friend.
Uitgesloten is set in 1983. Jonathan is 18 and, just like his best friend Coen, he has grown up in the Jehovah's Witnesses. In this world with its strict rules, Jonathan and Coen however have their own ideas. Both have girlfriends, Marjan and Annemiek, who live in a very different world: the girls study at art school and mix with squatters. The boys do not tell their girlfriends about their background and they anxiously keep Marjan and Annemiek hidden from their own community. The friends lead a double life: they ring doorbells to distribute the Ontwaakt! and play in a band for the Jehovah's Witnesses, while they also visit ska concerts and squatters' bars and become increasingly caught up in the worldly life of Marjan and Annemiek.
Katadreuffe es un joven que atraviesa por dificultades económicas en la Rotterdam de los años 20. Vive bajo la tiranía de su padre, el dominante alguacil Dreverhaven, un hombre que todavía no ha aceptado que la madre del chico lo abandonara, y que vuelca toda su rabia y fustración sobre su hijo. (FILMAFFINITY)
Punk Lawyer
A young Amsterdam lawyer seems to be doing well, but occasionally he is overwhelmed by an unstoppable need for booze. During one of his delirious episodes, he witnesses the death of a squatter at a police station. Worried about his career, he hesitates to speak out.