Léonie Simaga

Léonie Simaga

Nacimiento : 1977-11-30, Marseille, France


Léonie Simaga


Les Secrets du Paquebot
The Green Perfume
In the middle of a performance at la Comédie-Française, an actor dies on stage, poisoned. Martin, member of the troupe and friend of the victim, becomes the center of everyone’s attention. Suspected by the police, he’s also chased by a mysterious organization, the Green Perfume, that seems to have ordered the murder. While leading his own investigation, Martin receives the unexpected help of Claire, an eccentric cartoonist in need of adventure. This unlikely duo will live an adventure across Europe to foil the plans of the mysterious Green Perfume.
Save Our School
A delightful and ebullient comedy on Paris’ first suburban “green school”.
Frantz Fanon, trajectoire d'un révolté
(Voix Off)
Frantz Fanon alone embodies all the issues of French colonial history. Martinican resistance fighter, he enlisted, like millions of colonial soldiers, in the Free Army out of loyalty to France and the idea of freedom that it embodies for him. A writer, he participated in the bubbling life of Saint-Germain with Césaire, Senghor and Sartre, debating tirelessly on the destiny of colonized peoples. As a doctor, he revolutionized the practice of psychiatry, seeking in the relations of domination of colonial societies the foundations of the pathologies of his patients in Blida. Activist, he brings together through his action and his history of him, the anger of peoples crushed by centuries of colonial oppression. But beyond this exceptional journey which makes sensitive the permanence of French colonialism in the Lesser Antilles at the gates of the Algerian desert, he leaves an incomparable body of work which has made him today one of the most studied French authors across the Atlantic.
Los consejos de Alice
Isabelle Leinsdorf
El acalde de la ciudad de Lyon (Francia), Paul Théraneau, se encuentro un punto decisivo y drástico en su carrera política. Tras 30 años de oficio, es incapaz de plantear una solución a los problemas de su comunidad y de atraer votos, causandole una gran frustración. Decide traer sangre joven al partido, Alice Heinmann, una brillante filósofa, que aconsejará a Théraneau. Entre ambos se forja una relación y un diálogo que hará que ambos se planteen su forma de entender el mundo.
Josephine Baker, la primera icona negra
Narrator (voice)
¿Cómo una pobre niña negra de Missouri se convirtió en la Reina de París, antes de unirse a la Resistencia Francesa y finalmente crear la familia de sus sueños “La Tribu Arco Iris”, adoptando a doce niños de cuatro rincones del mundo? Esta es la fabulosa historia de la primera superestrella negra, Josephine Baker.
Little Tickles
Odette is a 8-yr-old girl who loves to dance and draw. Once she has become an adult, Odette realizes she was abused, and immerses herself body and soul in her career as a dancer while trying to deal with her past.
A Season in France
An African high school teacher flees his war-torn country for France, where he falls in love with a Frenchwoman who offers a roof for him and his family.
Bienvenida a Montparnasse
Paula vuelve a París pero no tiene dinero y se encuentra todas las puertas cerradas. En lugar de ponerse nostálgica, se sumerge en la vida parisina.
Divine Comédie, des planches à l'écran
Hired to oversee the security of a superstore, Pierre soon discovers a dark secret and becomes a threat to the system he helped create.
Just Love!
Silvia’s father grants her permission to meet Dorante, the man she’s promised to in marriage, by pretending to be her servant Lisette, who in turn will play the role of her mistress.
Un chapeau de paille d'Italie
Virginie, bonne chez Beauperthuis
Mon pote
The story of a friendship between Victor, owner of a magazine, and Bruno, a car thief.
El baile de las actrices
La baby-sitter
Una realizadora quiere rodar una película documental que sirva como homenaje a actrices de todo tipo. Le da igual si se trata de artistas populares, estrellas, cómicas, intelectuales, desconocidas o, incluso, olvidadas. La directora lo filmará todo de cada una de ellas, con o sin su permiso, hasta que ella misma se deja atrapar por estas mujeres que acaban resultando tan quebradizas como manipuladoras.
Summer of révolution
Annette Lévy-Willard (voix)