Lucie Phan

Lucie Phan


Lucie Phan


La Main de Fadma
Frenchmen 3
Mon pote
The story of a friendship between Victor, owner of a magazine, and Bruno, a car thief.
22 balas
Pat Nguyen
Un antiguo miembro de la mafia que lleva 3 años retirado, viviendo una plácida vida dedicado a su mujer y a sus hijos, es atacado una mañana por unos hombres y dado por muerto después de recibir 22 balas. Pero sobrevivirá milagrosamente y buscará a Tony Zacchia, el único hombre capaz de atreverse a matarlo. Tony ha cometido solo un error, fallar en su intento.
All the Beauty of the World
Isabelle, la soeur de Franck
This is the story of Franck and Tina. Franck loves Tina, but she can't love him. The man of her life has just died and she's having a nervous breakdown. During a journey to Asia, where Tina attempts rediscover her zest for life, Franck gradually becomes indispensable as a guide, traveling companion and, soon, friend... Will Tina eventually fall in love with him?
Leclerc, un rêve d'Indochine
In Hanoi, a French couple who had come to adopt a baby met Maï, an old woman who had a love affair with a French officer in 1945. She tells how, sent by de Gaulle to restore order, Leclerc negotiates with Ho Chi Minh, against the advice of d'Argenlieu, the high commissioner.
And the Little Prince Said
A divorced Swiss couple must come to terms with their daughter's life-threatening illness. He, a scientist, snatches his daughter from the examining table at the clinic and takes her away as if to kidnap her from the disease. His ex-wife, an actress, takes to bed weeping uncontrollably when she learns of her daughter's tumor. The girl's step-mother, an Asian-American physician, is clinical in her response, outlining a treatment regimen of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. It is left to the girl herself, ten-year-old Violette, to be calm, reassuring, philosophical, and even metaphysical as she faces death.