Alexa-Frances Shaw


BRAKHAGE explores the depth and breadth of the filmmaker’s genius, the exquisite splendor of his films, his magic personal charm, his aesthetic fellow travelers, and the influence his work has had on generations of other creators. While touching on significant moments in Brakhage’s biography, the film celebrates Brakhage’s visionary genius, and explores the extraordinary artistic possibilities of cinema, a medium mostly known only for its commercial applications in the form of narratives, cartoons, documentaries, and advertising. BRAKHAGE combines excerpts from Brakhage’s films and films of other avant-garde filmmakers (eg, George Kuchar, Jonas Mekas, Willie Varela, Bruce Elder, and others); interviews with Brakhage, his friends, family, colleagues, and critics; archival footage of Brakhage spanning the past thirty-five years; and location shooting in Boulder, Colorado and New York.
BRAKHAGE explores the depth and breadth of the filmmaker’s genius, the exquisite splendor of his films, his magic personal charm, his aesthetic fellow travelers, and the influence his work has had on generations of other creators. While touching on significant moments in Brakhage’s biography, the film celebrates Brakhage’s visionary genius, and explores the extraordinary artistic possibilities of cinema, a medium mostly known only for its commercial applications in the form of narratives, cartoons, documentaries, and advertising. BRAKHAGE combines excerpts from Brakhage’s films and films of other avant-garde filmmakers (eg, George Kuchar, Jonas Mekas, Willie Varela, Bruce Elder, and others); interviews with Brakhage, his friends, family, colleagues, and critics; archival footage of Brakhage spanning the past thirty-five years; and location shooting in Boulder, Colorado and New York.
BRAKHAGE explores the depth and breadth of the filmmaker’s genius, the exquisite splendor of his films, his magic personal charm, his aesthetic fellow travelers, and the influence his work has had on generations of other creators. While touching on significant moments in Brakhage’s biography, the film celebrates Brakhage’s visionary genius, and explores the extraordinary artistic possibilities of cinema, a medium mostly known only for its commercial applications in the form of narratives, cartoons, documentaries, and advertising. BRAKHAGE combines excerpts from Brakhage’s films and films of other avant-garde filmmakers (eg, George Kuchar, Jonas Mekas, Willie Varela, Bruce Elder, and others); interviews with Brakhage, his friends, family, colleagues, and critics; archival footage of Brakhage spanning the past thirty-five years; and location shooting in Boulder, Colorado and New York.
A Man Whose Life Was Full of Woe Has Been Surprised by Joy
Habiendo completado recientemente su ciclo monumental de películas, "The Book of All the Dead", Elder comienza un nuevo ciclo -"The Book Of Praise"- con "A Man Whose Life Was Full of Woe Has Been Surprised by Joy". Elder cree que, usando la velocidad y creando construcciones que incorporan una serie de atracciones que se enfrentan entre sí por atención, un cineasta puede producir una forma de experiencia que pasa por alto el intelecto y va directamente al cuerpo y los sentidos. En consecuencia, crea películas densas y elaboradas que hacen uso de complejas construcciones de montaje, collages complejos (combinando múltiples imágenes simultáneas) y construcción de sonido estratificado. En su nueva película, Elder describe formas de vida que han crecido cada vez más fuera de contacto con el cuerpo y trata de obtener y experimentar el deleite que resulta de volver a conectar con nuestro ser natural.
A Man Whose Life Was Full of Woe Has Been Surprised by Joy
Habiendo completado recientemente su ciclo monumental de películas, "The Book of All the Dead", Elder comienza un nuevo ciclo -"The Book Of Praise"- con "A Man Whose Life Was Full of Woe Has Been Surprised by Joy". Elder cree que, usando la velocidad y creando construcciones que incorporan una serie de atracciones que se enfrentan entre sí por atención, un cineasta puede producir una forma de experiencia que pasa por alto el intelecto y va directamente al cuerpo y los sentidos. En consecuencia, crea películas densas y elaboradas que hacen uso de complejas construcciones de montaje, collages complejos (combinando múltiples imágenes simultáneas) y construcción de sonido estratificado. En su nueva película, Elder describe formas de vida que han crecido cada vez más fuera de contacto con el cuerpo y trata de obtener y experimentar el deleite que resulta de volver a conectar con nuestro ser natural.
Michael Snow Up Close
MICHAEL SNOW UP CLOSE was produced on the occasion of The Michael Snow Project, a major, career-spanning, multi-venue retrospective of the artist. The documentary celebrates the multi-faceted shape of Snow's creative genius, including glimpses of his work in painting, sculpture, film, photo-works, performance, installations, and holography. Discussions with Snow, original documentation of his music and performance work, and excerpts from his avant-garde films, are complemented by interviews with filmmakers Jonas Mekas and Bruce Elder, Snow's dealer Av Isaacs, the architect Eb Zeidler, museum director Pierre Théberge, curator Louise Dompierre, and others. A deliberately conventional documentary about a deliberately unconventional artist.