Gabriel de Gravone

Gabriel de Gravone


Gabriel de Gravone


The Manor House of Fear
Jean Lormeau
Since a mysterious stranger and his servant settled in a manor near a Provençal village, a wave of crimes has beenfall the country and spread terror among the inhabitants. Young Jean Lormeau, refusing to give in to fear, leaves to meet the disturbing owner to discover his secret.
Michel Strogoff
Alcide Jolivet
Adapted from Jules Verne's 1876 novel Michael Strogoff, the film tells the tale of a Russian courier named Michael Strogoff who has to dash across Russia with a vital message for the tsar's brother, wrestling with bears and fighting off ferocious Tatar rebels along the way. Captured by the Tatars, he is brought before their leader and blinded with a red hot sword by the executioner.
The Cradle of God
A young intellectual, J. Powers, loses his faith in God after the untimely death of his wife. He devotes his great talents to writing a shockingly blasphemous book, debunking all religion, and then embarks on a trip to Jerusalem. Far from reconciling him to God, the sight of all the different sects worshipping in that ancient city only serves to embitter him and deepen his unbelief. One day, wandering in the country, he loses his way and stops to ask directions at a small house. The inhabitants are a poor but devout family whose daughter, Ruth, revives his broken heart. At the risk of losing her, he confesses to her his loss of faith, and she gently declares that meditation on the Gospels will heal him. He sorrowfully tells her that he wishes he could believe as she does, but it is impossible.
La cavalcata ardente
Petit ange et son pantin
Félix Morand
A young wife, Gisele Aubry, and her young daughter, "Little Angel," cry at the disappearance of a husband, a father. Ruthless creditors are selling their furniture …
La rueda
La película se abre con un espectacular choque de trenes montado a partir de cortes muy rápidos, tan revolucionario en su tiempo como la llegada del tren a la estación filmada por Lumière en 1895. El ferroviario Sisif salva a Norma del choque y la educa como si fuera hija suya. Pero tanto él como su hijo Elie se enamoran de ella. Entonces Sisif decide casarla con un hombre rico, pero ella está enamorada de Elie. Son claras las referencias a la tragedia griega (Sisif es Sísifo y acabará ciego a causa del deseo incestuoso). La metáfora central de la película es la rueda: la rueda del destino, la rueda del deseo y la rueda de la misma película... (FILMAFFINITY)
Rouletabille chez les bohémiens
The final film of André Antoine.Based on the play by Alphonse Daudet. In the nineteenth century, in Camargue, the charming Frédéri, young son of wealthy farmers, is madly in love with a beautiful Arlesienne and wants only to marry her. But the family learns that she has had an affair with a herdsman. Frédéri is deeply affected by this revelation that destroys all his dreams.
Le mariage de l'amour
Psyche, the daughter of a king, and a mortal, is so beautiful that even the God of Fame is fascinated by her charm. He hurries to tell Venus, Goddess of Beauty, that her loveliness is surpassed by a mortal. The jealousy of Venus is aroused and she orders her son, Cupid, the God of Love, to avenge the indignity. One glance at Psyche and Cupid revolts. He beseeches his mother to relent, but Venus is deaf to his pleading and swears to destroy her rival's powers. While joy reigns in the court of Psyche's father, Venus strikes at Psyche by inflicting an illness upon the king. His malady baffles all, and in desperation the queen consults the oracle. The oracle decrees that when Psyche marries a mortal her father will be saved. However, Psyche's husband will be a monster who will devour her.
Les Misérables - Part 4: Cosette and Marius
The rebellion of 1832 is on. There is rioting and barricading in the streets. Marius in despair, and in the hope that a bullet will soon end his life, joins the mob and becomes a fighter in the ranks of the insurgents.
Les Misérables - Part 3: Cosette
The Thenardiers and their small daughter, Eponine, and young son, Gavroche, are seen at their dingy country tavern. Here little Cosette, the daughter of Fantine, is seen performing drudgery and menial tasks. The Thenardiers are treating their own children kindly, but are cruel to Cosette.