Kristian Høgh Jeppesen

Kristian Høgh Jeppesen


Kristian Høgh Jeppesen


El reino de Dunark: El don de la serpiente
La hija de Shamer, Dina, con el poder mágico de obligar a la gente a admitir su vergüenza más secreta, debe salvar a su familia con su padre recién descubierto. Pero él es un Blackmaster, con el poder de hacer que la gente vea y crea cosas que no son ciertas, por lo que Dina debe lidiar con haber heredado este horrible poder, mientras forja una relación con un padre al que teme y desconfía.
El mejor boxeador
The Monk
La verdadera historia de Jorgen Hansen, uno de los mejores boxeadores daneses, apodado "Old Hansen" por ganar al final de su carrera.
The film takes place over a day for two young people's lives. There they meet each other and the a number of people in the streets, each in their own way in a quiet humdrum tone tells about the need to be present. The film is simultaneously both a tribute to the city of Copenhagen and life in general.
Profanación: Los casos del Departamento Q
Bjarne Thøgersen
El detective Carl Mørck y a socio Assad, del Departmento Q de la Policía de Copenhague, especializada en casos especiales, investigan el brutal asesinato de dos jóvenes gemelas en una casa de verano. La película, relata la apertura del caso, que fue cerrado con la confesión de un personaje marginal del pueblo, a pesar de que la policía sospechaba de un grupo de estudiantes de clase alta.
Sexo, drogas e impuestos
Aborda la amistad entre dos daneses excéntricos: el rey de los paquetes de viajes Simon Spies y el controvertido abogado reconvertido a político de altos vuelos Mogens Glistrup.
Bag Glas
Bo lives alone in his apartment. The only contact to the outside world is the large window in the living room. Bo has for a long time kept an eye on Anemone and Karsten, who live in their respective apartments in the building opposite. He has created his own notion of who the two people are, and through his tape recorder, he has recorded his own narrative about them. But one day, Anemone and Karsten talk spontaneously together, which does not fit into Bo's reality. He is forced to leave the safe confines of the apartment and take a stand on the real world outside.
Hush Little Baby
Four girls in rehab is on tour from their treatment centers and it becomes their life stories. The girls run off in a stolen Volvo and soon learns to know the freedom of good and evil. Both the fantastic feeling to be master of its own destiny, but also the heavy feeling of responsibility when you have to figure out what to do with his life. Before long, the girls learn that they can not continue