Self (archive footage)
Period music, film clips and newsreel footage combined into a visual exploration of the American entertainment industry during the Great Depression.
Charlie (uncredited)
Milford Farsnworth (Bob Hope) es un agente de seguros novato que vende una póliza a T. J. James, descubriendo luego que se trata del famoso Jesse James (Wendell Corey). La beneficiaria de la póliza es la novia de Jesse, Cora Lee Collins (Rhonda Fleming), una famosa bailarina de salón, más conocida como La Duquesa. Milford es enviado al oeste para retirar la póliza y dejar libre de responsabilidad a su compañía. Se une a la banda de James con el objetivo de protegerle, pero Milford empieza a imitar al famoso fuera de la ley. Esto hace pensar a Jesse que si Milford adopta su personalidad, él podrá matarle, quedarse con el seguro de 100.000 dólares y huir con la Duquesa a California.
Sheriff Tom Watling
A woman marries a man for his wealth, then concocts a plan to kill him, take his money, and run off with her lover. Things go wrong when they accidentally kill the wrong person.
Swindlers con a lunchroom clerk into doing them a favor, supposedly on behalf of the FBI.
Un grupo de cuatro artistas de teatros de escaso éxito se ven forzados a trabajar lavando platos en un hotel de Miami, donde tienen la oportunidad de conocer a Dick, un famoso compositor de Broadway.
Luther Kilgore
Basada en hechos históricos. El general y futuro Presidente de los Estados Unidos Andrew Jackson (1829-1837) (Lionel Barrymore), preocupado por la derrota del movimiento independentista tejano, envía al ganadero Deveraux Burke (Clark Gable) para que movilice a los disidentes. Pero, cuando se enamora de la bellísima novia (Ava Gardner) de Thomas Garden (Broderick Crawford), su más férreo opositor, las cosas empiezan a ir mal.
Marshal Landry captures outlaw Girard and bringing him in finds a woman and two children, the only survivors of an Indian attack. Later, transferring the prisoner his brothers free him. Then a stage is robbed of a silver shipment by Girard and his brothers. Examining telegrams gets Landry a confession from Girard's girlfriend. The telegraph line has been tapped and the telegrapher is the supposedly dead husband of the woman he brough in. Now knowing Girard's location he sets out after him.
Willie's Sergeant (uncredited)
El juez de paz Melvin Bush casa a varias parejas antes de que su ingreso en la magistratura sea oficial. Años después, esos matrimonios se enteran de que sus bodas no son válidas.
Sheriff Ed Johnson
La historia de la difícil construcción de la línea de ferrocarril que unía la ciudad de Denver con el Río Grande, atravesando las escarpadas montañas de Colorado. Un hombre deberá luchar contra un grupo de codiciosos trabajadores que pretenden sabotear el tendido en su propio beneficio.
John Vickers, un hombre pacífico, consigue dar con uno de los tres hombres que mataron a su amada durante un atraco a un banco. Antes de morir, el asesino le confiesa que sus cómplices se unieron al ejército, concretamente al 7º de caballería. Convertido en recluta, empieza a sospechar de uno de sus sargentos. Se debatirá, entonces, entre la obediencia al ejército y su venganza personal. (FILMAFFINITY)
Raton Pass is a curious western based on the rules of Community Property. Dennis Morgan and Patricia Neal portray a recently married husband and wife, each of whom owns half of a huge cattle ranch. Neal is a tad more ambitious than her husband, and with the help of a little legal chicanery she tries to obtain Morgan's half of the spread. He balks, so she hires a few gunslingers to press the issue. In a 1951 western, the greedy party usually came to a sorry end; Raton Pass adheres strictly to tradition.
Stagecoach driver (uncredited)
Dos hermanos que combatieron durante la Guerra Civil (1861-1865) en distintos bandos no tienen más remedio que aliarse para hacer frente a un ataque de los indios. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Train Conductor
Harriet O'Malley tries to solve a murder aboard a train en route to New York.
George (uncredited)
Una pareja del mundo del espectáculo, tras varios años sin trabajar juntos, vuelven a reencontrarse y a reanudar una historia de amor abandonada.
Jeb Bassett
Tras la Guerra de Secesión, en un pueblo del sur de los Estados Unidos, un grupo de mineros expoliados por antiguos nordistas pide ayuda a un experto tirador, que se gana la vida en disparando en ferias. Este resulta ser un antiguo coronel del ejército confederado.
Joseph Foster (Thomas Mitchell) es un honrado fiscal de distrito que anda tras un gangster local. Un día, un misterioso hombre llamado Nick Beal (Ray Milland) le hace una oferta para atraparlo. Foster acepta y ese pacto tendrá consecuencias...
Michael Rogan
A young girl holds a special place in her heart for a place called Shamrock HIll, and she tries to stop it from having a television station built on it.
Luke Potter
Carey Jackson recibe una oferta de trabajo de Home Life, una revista "para mujeres". Él acepta cuando descubre que la editora es su vieja amiga Linda Gilman. Ocurrencias verbales vuelan entre Carey y Linda cuando van a Indiana a cubrir la "típica boda americana" de la familia Brinker. Pero detrás de la superficie hay algo oculto. A pesar de los conflictos, ¿podrá Carey salvar la historia (y su trabajo)? ¿Podrán los corazones rotos volverse a unir?
Sheriff Hamilton
A boy tries to protect his dog, a German shepherd that served with U.S. Army forces after it begins attacking strangers several years after the war.
Jim, the Bartender (uncredited)
Sintiéndose responsable de la muerte del Capitán Daniels, el cadete Rocky Gilman visita a su viuda y entre ellos surge el amor. Ella lo anima a ir a West Point para someterse al interrogatorio de la comisión encargada de investigar el caso.
Cop (uncredited)
Eddie Tayloe's grandfather leaves him six thousand dollars and the money belt it came in, freeing Tayloe to leave his dull newspaper job in Texas and move to New York to become a playwright. Along the way, his car breaks down and a girl walking along the highway asks for a lift. It turns out she's a nice girl, named Perry, running away from a job at a gasoline station. Soon they're off to New York together, but part ways once they arrive. Time passes and Eddie is failing to sell his play; Perry is failing to find a job. Odd circumstances, involving an old pickpocket named Mandy, bring them together again.
Jed Baker
Monte Hale is a stagecoach driver for Jed Baker's stage-line. Jed believes his brother, Ralph, is behind the many hold-ups of his stagecoaches but has no proof. Ralph, in turn, blames Jed for the attacks on the linemen of his pioneer telegraph company. Big Bart, a ruthless gunman and outlaw-gang leader working for crooked banker Jordan Weatherbee, is actually behind the troubles of both companies. Bart plans to frame Jed for a double-murder and then kill him. Monte saves his life and, together, they devise a plan of their own to bring an end to the reign of lawlessness along the timber trail.
El poderoso editor de un importante periódico comete un crimen pasional. Para evitar que lo descubran incrimina a un tipo al que no conoce, pero que casualmente resulta estar ligado al diario. El "falso culpable" utilizará entonces todos los medios a su alcance para probar su inocencia.
Arnold (uncredited)
Charlie Davis es un chico de familia humilde que aspira a conseguir la fama en el mundo del boxeo. Aunque su madre y su novia desaprueban su decisión, Charlie se asocia con Robert, un promotor de combates de boxeo, y va perdiendo los escrúpulos poco a poco, llegando a dejarse vencer en un combate amañado.
Rural Marshal (uncredited)
Un ambicioso aspirante a artista de circo (Tyrone Power) está dispuesto a todo con tal de alcanzar la cima del éxito. Cuando encuentra el secreto de un truco de feria, decide montar un próspero negocio con unas ayudantes...
Policeman Callahan (uncredited)
A bordo del S.S. Fortune en una velada de apuestas para actos de caridad, las mesas están calientes, la música de Jazz aún más caliente, y antes de que te des cuenta, el director de orquesta está fiambre. ¡Están tocando vuestra canción, Nick y Nora Charles!. William Powell y Myrna Loy regresan como el matrimonio de detectives que son, sacando de la cama a los sospechosos a las 4 de la madrugada para interrogarlos mientras tratan de entender la jerga musical bebop del jazz de los años 40.
Police Lt. Burke
The Gas House Kids, the very poor man's Bowery Boys, head for Hollywood.
Detective Kelly
Rita Hayworth interpreta a una angelical musa que monta en cólera cuando se entera de que un musical de Broadway la va a presentar como una chica real muy sexy. Así que baja a la tierra para poner las cosas en su sitio.
Lt. Burke
One of two Philo Vance mystery movies released by PRC.
Harry Weston
Comedy about an Irish father, who enjoys betting on horses, who keeps interfering with his daughter's romance with a serviceman.
Trumbo (Milland), un desertor del ejército, es el guía de un grupo de colonos, entre los que están Lily (Stanwyck) y Michael Fabian (Fitzgerald), que se dirigen a California, empujados por el afan de aventuras y por la fiebre del oro. Cuando llegan, se encuentran con una ciudad dominada por la anarquía, donde el malvado capitán Coffin (Couloris) impone su ley despóticamente. Trumbo se encargará de desbaratar los intentos de Coffin de provocar una sublevación en California.
Adaptación del diario homónimo de Richard Henry Dana Jr., un estudiante de Harvard que relata las durísimas experiencias vividas durante una travesía en barco como marinero desde el Cabo de Hornos hasta California.
Detective O'Malley
Slip (Leo Gorcey), Sach (Huntz Hall), Bobby (Bobby Jordan), Whitey (William Benedict) and Chuck (David Gorcey) unsuccessfully try to sell a dilapidated car to a street cleaner for a fabulous amount, so they can get enough money to save Louie's (Bernard Gorcey) Malt Shop. Sidewalk photographer Cathy Smith (Teala Loring) snaps a pictures of three bank robbers as they are fleeing a robbery but when the Bowery Boys and Cathy realize that Sach is also in the photograph, they break into the photo lab to destroy the negative, which might make the police think Sach was involved in the robbery.
Andy Jones (uncredited)
La acción se centra en un cowboy fuera de la ley de Virginia, que vuelve a liderar una banda de ladrones. Sin embargo el Virginiano se enfrenta a un dilema cuando descubre de uno de sus amigos más cercanos es ahora miembro de una banda distinta. ¿Cómo manejará el Virginiano esta situación? y ¿cómo afectarán sus acciones a su relación con una preciosa maestra de escuela?.
Motorcycle Cop (Uncredited)
La hermosa Joan Kenwood no puede superar la muerte de su marido en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Periodista de profesión, Joan tiene obsesivamente presente la imagen de su difunto esposo en todos los aspectos de su vida. El simpático ex soldado Jim Cameron la persigue con la esperanza, contra toda lógica, de que finalmente olvide a su marido y le preste su atención a él.
Murder occurs when several of the most popular radio personalities of the '40s converge on a desert resort.
Charles Gibley
A painter suffering from amnesia convinces himself that he's a famous bandleader and finds romance with a pretty singer. Comedy with music.
A crook becomes the victim of a crafty card player who works for the District Attorney.
Studio Cop
Gene Kelly y Frank Sinatra son dos marineros de personalidades opuestas: uno (Sinatra) es tímido y un tanto ingenuo, mientras que el otro (Kelly) es un hombre de mundo. Ambos vivirán mil peripecias en la ciudad de Los Ángeles
Policeman (uncredited)
A trumpet player in a radio orchestra falls asleep during a commercial and dreams he's Athanael, an angel deputized to blow the Last Trumpet at exactly midnight on Earth, thus marking the end of the world.
O'Leary (uncredited)
Casanova Q. Brown, profesor de historia de una pequeña ciudad, está a punto de casarse con Magde Ferris, cuando recibe noticias de Isabel, su anterior esposa, que le comunica que es padre de un niño.
First Policeman (uncredited)
La historia vuelve a centrarse en la elección de Gillespie por uno de los dos asistentes, el Dr. Red o el Dr. Lee. Para ello tendrán que afrontar otro caso y decidir el diagnóstico: se trata de una niña que se pone enferma cada vez que come dulces.
Ann Castle es una cantante y reina del burlesque que decide regresar al lugar que la vio nacer, Arizona, cuando su padre está a punto de perder una de sus minas de plata.
Riverboat Captain (uncredited)
Un joven compositor abandona su Kentucky natal para triunfar en Nueva Orleans. Acaba en nueva York, donde vende sus canciones a una editora musical, pero se niega a vender su más atesorada canción, "Dixie".
Police Substation Chief Moriarty
A private detective and a blonde acquaintance whom he has rescued from a misdirected murder charge, discover a body in his beachside cottage; only it has disappeared by the time the police arrive, leaving him to be charged with hoaxing the police. With his license in jeopardy, his would-be fiancee and an inquiring reporter set out to investigate.
Pat Murphy
Jeff Troy escribe novelas de poco éxito y Nancy, su mujer, piensa que ello es debido a que viven en un apartamento poco conveniente para un escritor como él, por lo que decide acabar con la mediocridad de su existencia y alquilar un piso bajo con un jardín en una discreta casa de un barrio más tranquilo. En ella vivirán una experiencia tan extraordinaria como irrepetible. La casa entera tiene un aire siniestro, y los vecinos parecen hostiles y asustados. Jeff deberá entonces poner en práctica sus conocimientos detectivescos para resolver un asesinato cometido en su propia casa.
Drama about military doctors and nurses during wartime.
Police Sergeant Velie
Detective Ellery Queen aids Free Dutch agents battle Nazi spies over a prize of industrial diamonds.
Umpire Shaunnessy
A washed up baseball player returns to Brooklyn to manage his old team but an old sports reporter is eager to prove that he is a loser.
Sgt. Velie
A man is framed for embezzlement and runs off to San Francisco. His wife hires Queen to try and track him down before the police get to him.
Union Secretary
Karen Bentley, una agente especial inglesa, tiene que formar equipo con el estrambótico Larry Haines, para frustrar los planes de unos espías alemanes.
Sgt. Velie
Two mysterious seamen come from Alan Rogers' past to blackmail him as he seeks to locate his missing daughters. Ellery Queen is called in by Stewart Cole, Rogers' secretary. Queen goes to the estate and finds one daughter already there and the second one expected. When she arrives, it is Ellery's secretary Nikki Porter posing as the daughter as Ellery had her intercept the real heiress after learning of a plot to swindle Rogers. The blackmailing seamen are killed at a waterfront café after getting the blackmail money, Rogers is suspected and Inspector Queen arrives to arrest him, but he is also found dead.
Police Lt. Forbes
Gloves Donahue, un jugador de Broadway y truhán simpático, quiere encontrar al asesino del señor Miller, un anciano panadero. Donahue reconoce a Leda Hamilton, cantante de un club nocturno propiedad de Marty Callahan, a la que vio salir de la panadería. Joe Denning, el socio de Marty es asesinado, Leda desaparece de forma misteriosa. Donahue, a quien la policía considera sospechoso junto a Marty del asesinato de Joe Denning, sigue la pista de Leda hasta encontrarla, ésta le confiesa que se ve obligada a colaborar con agentes nazis para proteger a su padre prisionero en Alemania.
Sgt. Velie
Ralph Bellamy made his fourth and final appearance as literary sleuth Ellery Queen in Columbia's Ellery Queen and the Murder Ring. On this occasion, Ellery and his police-inspector father are summoned to a private hospital by its owner, philanthropist Mrs. Stack. There've been some very weird goings-on at the hospital as of late, and Mrs. Stack wants to get to the bottom of things.
Un detective privado es abordado por una misteriosa mujer, que dice estar amenazada. Pero tanto el perseguidor como el hombre encargado de su protección aparecen muertos. Todo parece girar alrededor de una estatua de un halcón de valor incalculable.
Sgt. Velie
Ralph Bellamy makes the third of four appearances as "master detective" Ellery Queen in Columbia's Ellery Queen and the Perfect Crime. The principal villain is crooked stockbroker John Mathews, whose Wall Street manipulations render Ray Jarden penniless. Mathews' chicanery seems particularly coldblooded, inasmuch as his daughter Marian is engaged to Jarden's son Walter. When the latter disappears, Mathews asks Ellery Queen to locate the young man.
A sudden windfall has unexpected consequences on a working class girl during the Great Depression.
Comedy of a North Woods clam-digger who journeys to Detroit to earn money for outboard motor by working on auto assembly line.
Lt. Grady
James Stewart toca la armónica en una pequeña banda que se propone actuar en un programa de radio, pero no dispone de medios para ensayar en un estudio, así que tiene que conformarse con hacerlo en el tejado de una pensión, cuya propietaria tiene una hija de la que James se ha enamorado. La situación se complica cuando un magnate los denuncia porque su música le molesta; lo peor es que el magnate es uno de los patrocinadores del programa de radio en el que la banda desea actuar.
Sgt. Velie
Like the first entry in Columbia's "Ellery Queen" series, Ellery Queen's Penthouse Mystery depicts its amateur-criminologist hero as an oafish ignoramus. This time around, Chinese ventriloquist Gordon Cobb (Noel Madison), is murdered by a gang of jewel thieves. Baffled by the contradictory clues, Inspector Queen (Charles Grapewin) asks his son Ellery (Ralph Bellamy) to help out.
Sgt. Velle
Ellery Queen (Ralph Bellamy) investiga la enigmática muerte de un millonario que administraba un centro de vacaciones.
Sergeant McGowan
La joven irlandesa Nellie se enamora de Jerry, un guapo muchacho, pero sus padres se oponen a la relación. Ambos deciden casarse y mudarse a Nueva York.
Police Sergeant (uncredited)
Gaylord escribe una obra de teatro que triunfa en Broadway. Todo le va a las mil maravillas porque además consigue casarse con la chica a la que ama y que es quien ha protagonizado la historia. El éxito sobre los escenarios se sucede con nuevas obras pero las cosas cambian cuando decide olvidarse de las comedias e intentar escribir una buena tragedia. El nuevo reto
A mild-mannered insurance salesman gets mixed up with gangsters.
Paul Kriza is a cashier of a bank in a small town, and the happy husband of Anna and the father of four children. He is sent to New York to deliver some securities for the bank. There, he is tagged as easy-pickings by a con-game gang and Mary Brown, gang accomplice, proves he is. Waking up in the morning he discovers he has been robbed of the securities and, when he confronts the gang, he is hit on the head and taken out to be left on a railroad track. He comes to, struggles with the henchman and the man is killed when a train comes roaring by. Paul escapes but his watch is found and he is reported as the dead man. But he can't go home again.
Patrolman Mike
El Santo regresa a la acción para ayudar a un viejo amigo suyo el Inspector Fernack, acosado por un grupo de mafiosos.
Taxi Driver
Radio star Jack Benny, intending to stay in New York for the summer, is forced by the needling of rival Fred Allen to prove his boasts about roughing it on his (fictitious) Nevada ranch. Meanwhile, singer Joan Cameron, whom Jack's fallen for and offended, is maneuvered by her sisters to the same Nevada town. Jack's losing battle to prove his manhood to Joan means broad slapstick burlesque of Western cliches.
Police Sergeant Wilkins
A wise-guy reporter and a tippling sportswriter acquire an unclaimed trunk with a corpse inside.
Wilkie, house detective
On a cruise ship from Honolulu to San Francisco, the famous Chinese detective encounters four more murders while trying to figure out the murder of a Scotland Yard friend.
Police Captain Orr
A man's ex-wife is found murdered, and he finds himself to be the prime suspect.
Pop Saunders
An orphan whose father has been killed by bandits inherits a mine. Cisco saves the mine and the child and also finds the child's real mother.
John Carter
Los Hermanos Marx tratar de ayudar al dueño de un circo a recuperar algunos fondos robados antes de que se encuentre a él mismo sin trabajo.
Joel & Garda Sloan, a husband and wife detective team, who also sell rare books in New York, take a vacation to Seaside City. At Seaside, Joel's pal, Mike Stevens is managing and preparing for their beauty pageant. Joel is made one of the judges plus he has invested $5,000 in it, to Garda's dismay. Eric Bartell, promoter, arrives to dupe Stevens. When Ed Connors, New York racketeer arrives, Bartell is mysteriously murdered. Joel and Garda set out to investigate the murder.
Lieutenant Dufour
Un grupo de legionarios franceses llega a un fuerte en medio del desierto y descubre que todos los hombres están muertos; apoyados en los muros y en posición de vigilancia, pero muertos. Este extraño suceso es el punto de partida de una enigmática historia relacionada con la desaparición de un valioso zafiro y con la historia de tres hermanos alistados en la legión por un asunto de honor.
Sheriff Burlingame
Young Pud is orphaned and left in the care of his aged grandparents. The boy and his grandfather are inseparable. Gramps is concerned for Pud's future and wary of a scheming relative who seeks custody of the child. One day Mr. Brink, an agent of Death, arrives to take Gramps "to the land where the woodbine twineth." Through a bit of trickery, Gramps confines Mr. Brink, and thus Death, to the branches of a large apple tree, giving Gramps extra time to resolve issues about Pud's future.
Cattle Auctioneer (uncredited)
Kansas, 1866. Wade Hatton intenta imponer el orden y la justicia en Dodge City, una próspera ciudad a la que llega el ferrocarril, pero que está dominada por un cacique y su banda de pistoleros. En su empeño le ayuda Abby Irving, la sobrina del médico local.
Promises of happier times dawn for the financially distressed Patterson family when father Sweeney and brother-in-law Archibald "Doc" Finney win a $150,000 grand prize in the sweepstake contest. With their windfall, each member of the family decides to pursue a dream.
Rose Pierce is discontent with her life as the wife of a small town plumber and has visions of becoming a wealthy socialite. Consequently, when her smart aleck son Sammy hears that an electric railroad line is to be built through town, she decides that the family can become rich by purchasing the lots along the right of way. Patriarch George Pierce laughs at the idea, but when Rose and Sammy learn that Cora Stewart, the wealthy town widow, has withdrawn her savings from the bank, they jump to the conclusion that she is interested in buying the lots, and mother and son secretly invest the family bank roll in the land.
A wrongly convicted woman studies law and seeks her revenge.
Headquarters Police Officer
En este 2º lanzamiento, Simon Templer, el Santo, y el inspector Henry Fernack, son llamados por el departamento de policía de San Francisco para ayudar a descubrir al cerebro que está detrás de una serie de inteligentes y misteriosos asesinatos.
Flaherty - Motorcycle Driver
Remake del filme bélico homónimo dirigido por Howard Hawks en 1930. Un oficial británico al mando de un escuadrón de pilotos novatos se verá obligado a ordenar a sus inexpertos hombres que se enfrenten a los veteranos aviadores alemanes.
Mike Moriarty
Annie (Ann Gillis), an orphan, (based on Harold Gray's comic strip but who is at no point in the film called 'Little Orphan Annie), is befriended by a fight manager, 'Pop' Corrigan (J. Farrell MacDonald). She brings him Johnny Adams (Robert Kent), a promising prizefighter. Annie gets the people of the neighborhood to finance his training. But on the night of Johnny's big fight, a gambling syndicate locks him in a gymnasium and it appears the neighborhood folks will lose their investment.
Melsa Manton, una jovencita de clase alta, descubre una noche, en una casa deshabitada, un cadáver. Pero cuando llega la policía, el cuerpo ha desaparecido. Al día siguiente, un diario publica la noticia, tomando por una bromista contumaz a Melsa, quien no duda en poner un pleito al autor del artículo, Peter Ames. Deseando demostrar la verdad, Melsa y su grupo de inseparables amigas empiezan a investigar el caso. Un segundo cadáver, éste nada escurridizo, no tarda en aparecer. Los meandros de la investigación son cada vez más espesos. Y entre dudas, sospechas y amenazas, Peter Ames y Melsa Manton empiezan a constatar que del odio al amor hay sólo un minúsculo paso.
Wonder Pictures has been striking out at the box office lately, causing the seedy PR man to involve main star Annabel in ever outrageous stunts for publicity.
Chief Detective (uncredited)
Alice Sycamore, la única persona con un poco de cordura en una familia llena de lunáticos, se enamora de su jefe, Tony Kirby, que pertenece a una familia muy rica y muy cursi. La diferencia entre el estilo de vida y la mentalidad de ambas familias se agudizan cuando los padres de él van a cenar a casa de ella, y la cena termina con la llegada de la policía y la detención de todos los presentes, acusados de anarquistas.
J.A. Nolan
Esta película se desarrolla en los primeros tiempos de la aviación civil, cuando los pilotos se jugaban la vida como auténticos héroes debido a la precariedad de los primeros aviones.
Falling in love with the voice of Broadway chanteuse Margaret Garret, cocksure young tycoon Daniel Brewster decides to rescue the star from her hectic lifestyle of frenzied fans and mooching relatives. When Margaret has her ardent suitor arrested, the judge appoints her as Daniel's probation officer, forcing the duo to spend time together. As Daniel teaches Margaret to let her hair down and enjoy life, she begins to fall for her fun-loving admirer.
Ike Matthews
When headstrong pilot Bill Kellogg disobeys orders and takes a plane to photograph potential landing fields in uncharted Latin American country, he ends up running out of gas and crashing. The members of a nearby tribal village save Bill from the wreckage, but arent willing to help him get home.
Constable Snodgrass
Gerald Wicks ha sido educado con gran rigidez por una abuela que quiere convertirlo en el perfecto caballero de los años 30, pero, cuando Mona Carter entra en su vida, Gerald decide lanzarse a la aventura y conquistar el corazón de la entusiasta muchacha.
Darby McGraw
A spoiled playboy is forced to leave town to avoid the press, which latches on to his statement, while tipsy, that he will give away his fortune. He disguises himself and gets a job as a laborer at a day-care center. He finds himself attracted to the owner, a pretty young girl determined to make life better for her charges, and he soon begins to question his own priorities.
Police Officer Mulligan
En una calle de Nueva York, la miseria y la delincuencia conviven con la riqueza de los inquilinos de un lujoso bloque de apartamentos. Inevitablemente esos agudos contrastes acabarán desencadenando tensiones entre los dos mundos.
Pennsylvania, 1859. Sally Waterson y su padre han dejado la ciudad con su espectáculo de medicina de viaje, pero cuando su carro se prende fuego, se encuentran varados. Son acogidos por la señora Cortlandt y su nieto, Peter, que está tratando de establecer un gasoducto que suministrara petróleo por todo el estado. Sally y Peter pronto se enamoraran.
Mr. Scribner
n Vienna, a new jazz club featuring American trumpeter Buzzy Bellew threatens the existence of its neighbor, the Waltz Palace, run by Franz Strauss and featuring his granddaughter, singer Elsa. Smitten by Elsa, Buzzy hides his identity and association with the club -- whose owner intends to buy out the Palace property. When Elsa accidentally learns who Buzzy really is, it appears he may have to return to America alone.
Bill Norton
A man convicted of murder escapes from jail and hides out in the home of a small town newspaper publisher who has befriended him. She knows who the real killer is.
Patrick James Aloysius 'Pat' Haley
Johnny Cave es nombrado inspector de pesos y medidas después de que el antiguo inspector fuese hospitalizado debido a un presunto intento de asesinato. Pronto descubre que hay muchas irregularidades y que están engañando a los compradores. Las medidas agresivas que toma al respecto le hacen objetivo de la mafia.
Sheriff N.B.F. Rider
Withers y su padre Summerville llegan a una mansión sureña y convierten a los recolectores de algodón en animadores para recaudar dinero para salvar el lugar.
Doyle - Process Server
Duke and Jeanie Benson, an outlaw couple hiding out under assumed names. Duke realizes that he has a winning sweepstake ticket and will win $150,000 if he can cash it in without getting apprehended
Comedia musical en la cual un cowboy (Bing Crosby) regresa a su tierra después de algunos años, enamorándose de una rica ranchera (Frances Farmer).
Lt. Mike Boyle
Julia and Hap are a dance team. He drinks and gambles, she succeeds for a while with the help of producer Alan.
A San Francisco singer flees Chinatown on murder charges and poses as a missionary in Alaska.
Dishonorably discharged from the U.S. Marines after starting a barroom brawl that gets his leatherneck buddy "Tubby" Waters killed, hothead "Woody" Davis infiltrates a gang of Shanghai gunrunners to bring the culprit to justice.
Phil Moore
Peyton Wells (Ben Lyon) rescues Judy Jones (Joan Marsh) from a very dull young man, at a sedate party given for her by her multi-millionaire grandfather Silas P. Jones (Purnell Pratt.) Judy refuses to accompany Peyton on a slumming trip to a cheap dance hall, and Peyton dances with several of the dowagers and tells them that Silas is practically dying of scarlet fever. The guests hastily depart and Joan joins Peyton at the Dreamland Dance Hall. She is mistaken by Jimmy Cassidy (Edward J. Nugent) as one of the hostesses and decides to dance with him as a lark. One thing follows another and Judy gets disinherited and takes a job at the dance hall through Jimmy and his friend Mabel(Isabel Jewell.) Jimmy confides to Judy his ambition to become a dance instructor over the radio and Judy decides to help him but can't get the needed financial backing. She gets Peyton to front the money, promising him she will reconsider his offer of marriage if Jimmy's plan fails.
Major Rushton
Valette Bedford es una aristócrata sudista, dueña de una plantación, a quien su vida de comodidad se verá dinamitada por la explosión del conflicto entre sudistas e unionistas. Durante esos oscuros días de penurias y desesperación lo único que la sustentará será el amor por Duncan Bedford, su primo lejano, que es oficial de los confederados. A pesar de las incursiones yankis, Valette deberá conseguir mantener unida a su familia, a pesar que su mansión sea arrasada hasta los cimientos.
As California gubernatorial candidate Burton is about to cast his vote a truck crashes into the polling booth, critically injuring him and his opponent. A flashback traces his career from unemployed veteran to dockworker to lawyer. A side thread traces his tortured relationship with his wife.
Slug Moran
Southern California's Hotel Coronado caters to and is frequented by members of the social upper-crust. Although she lives on the wrong side of the San Diego track, in a tent-city with her father. Otto, and ditzy sister, Violet, June Wray is a singer with the Eddy Duchin Orchestra appearing to the hotel. Johnny Marvin, an aspiring songwriter and the son of a wealthy automobile manufacturer, is staying at the hotel and, from they moment June and Johnny meet, they fall instantly in love. Trouble arises when Johnny's father objects to the romance, and complications and help arrive in the form of two Marine-hating sailors,Chuck Hornbostel and "Pinky" Falls, when Chuck marries June's ditzy sister.
Police Sgt. Burke
A thief on the run dumps some hot money in Thelma and Patsy's lap.
Mickey (uncredited)
Una actriz de cierta edad reconoce al fin la verdad cuando la sustituyen por una corista.
Police Sergeant Rorty
After an argument with his newspaper's city editor, press-photographer Jimmy Hudson quits his job and takes up free-lancing as a street-photographer for a living. He stumbles across the robbing of a jewelry store and takes a picture of one of the robbers as he is leaving the scene-of-the-crime in which murder has also been committed. At the risk of his own life, over the protests of his sweetheart, he sets a trap to catch the crook.
Broken-Nose Reilly
A scatterbrained heiress opens her home to a succession of unemployed actors and vaudeville performers, then decides to produce her own show, much to the consternation of her father, her sister and her sister's boyfriend, who is actually after the young girl's money.
Two people go to Coney Island to find romance and wind up in jail.
Michael Shaughnessy
A con artist attends a reunion in his hometown and discovers that his former classmates are trying to trick an old millionaire into returning to build a factory.
Jack Thornton, un buscador de oro, compra un magnífico San Bernardo al que llama Buck. Los problemas surgen cuando Buck muerde a Smith, otro buscador de oro, que quiere matarlo para vengarse. Jack y Smith llegan a un acuerdo que consiste en hacer una carrera de trineos, cuyo vencedor se quedará con Buck.
Hard-working, henpecked Ambrose Ambrose Wolfinger takes off from work to go to a wrestling match with catastrophic consequences.
Uncle Andy
A taxi driver travels to Venice and poses as a gondolier to land a radio singing job.
A college economics professor's "radical" ideas about capitalism get him fired. When he decides to put those ideas into practice, he finds that they actually do generate him huge amounts of money. Soon a local banker and others who scoffed at his ideas see the amount of money he's making and try to cheat him out of his system.
Police Lieutenant
Though he was protecting her when he accidentally killed a man, Mabel Kane (Thelma Todd) refuses to testify on behalf of her dance partner Jerry Davis (George Murphy), and he's sent to jail. In a riot, a hostile convict (Jack La Rue) forces Jerry to help him escape, so Jerry takes to the streets himself. Nightclub entertainer Anne Taylor (Nancy Carroll) meets him, and convinces her boss Louis (Arthur Hohl) to hire him as her partner.
Truck Driver
A mother sends her young son to military school so he won't find out she's been sentenced to a prison term on a framed fraud charge.
Jeff Tuttle
In this comedy of an Englishman stranded in a sea of barbaric Americans, Marmaduke Ruggles, a gentleman's gentleman and butler to an Earl is lost in a poker game to an uncouth American cattle baron. Ruggles's life is turned upside down as he's taken to the USA, is gradually assimilated into American life, accidently becomes a local celebrity, and falls in love along the way.
Managing Editor Marvin
Hard-boiled newspaper reporter Larry Doyle (Robert Armstrong) goes a bit too far in celebrating a work bonus and wakes up on a train bound for St. Louis with only a buck on his person. To remedy the problem, Doyle pawns the revolver he's carrying. When the gun is subsequently used in a murder, Doyle's problems only multiply. In the meantime, he's also fallen in love with a comely stranger (Maxine Doyle) he convinced to impersonate his wife.
Detective Lt. John Aloysius McGinnis
After a jeweler hires a private detective to help him find $50,000 missing from his company, he is murdered while attending a society party; and the private eye, aided by his comely secretary, vies with a bumbling police detective to find the murderer among several suspects, including the dead man's daughter, her current husband, her former husband, and an ex-convict.
To improve her image, a fan dancer "adopts" an old woman to be her mother.
Pirate of the Spanish Main
Jim Hawkins es un joven inglés que trabaja en la posada de sus padres. Un día llega al establecimiento un viejo bucanero llamado Billy Bones, que trae consigo un cofre con el mapa de “La isla del Tesoro”, que revela el paradero de las formidables riquezas acumuladas por el Capitán Flint. Los piratas de la tripulación de Flint, entre ellos Perro Negro, están buscando el mapa. Pero antes de conseguirlo, el joven Jim, aprovechando que Billy Bones muere, roba el cofre y escapa. Jim pide ayuda al doctor Livesey y al squire Trelawney, y deciden ir a la isla a por el tesoro. Tras adquirir la fragata “La Hispaniola”, la equipa con todo lo necesario y contrata a una tripulación. Entre ellos está Long John Silver, que embarca como cocinero, pero que en realidad es un capitán pirata que, tras ganarse la confianza del squire, consigue que un grupo de marineros a sus órdenes componga la tripulación.
Policeman Arresting Wynn
Un hombre tímido y apocado finge ser un sofisticado hombre de mundo cuando recibe la visita de un antiguo compañero de la universidad.
An aspiring young writer becomes infatuated with a successful romance novelist, who realizes his life as a philandering Lothario is suddenly threatened.
3rd Expressman (uncredited)
An heiress abandons an out-of-work husband, two sons and a lovesick daughter.
Sheriff (uncredited)
Oscar Jaffe (John Barrymore) es un dramaturgo y director teatral de Broadway que goza de gran prestigio, pero que tiene un carácter insoportable. En uno de los castings conoce a una joven actriz llamada Mildred (Carole Lombard), a la que escoge como protagonista de su obra. La rebautiza con el nombre de Lily Garland, que resulta mucho más comercial y llamativo. El estreno es un éxito de crítica y público, y la actriz se convierte en una estrella de Hollywood.
Well respected local good guy, "Feet" Samuels finds himself heavily in debt due to an uncharacteristic gambling binge. Feet decides the only way to settle the bill is by selling his body to an ambitious doctor who agrees to allow him one last month to live life to the fullest, then kill himself.
King, a Hobo
The wealthy president of a big railroad, who's beginning to crumble under the combined pressure of business, personal and physical problems, meets up with a pair of hoboes from whom he starts to learn how to really enjoy life in ways he never knew were possible.
Brooklyn Jack
Dos fogoneros que trabajan en el mismo barco rivalizan por los favores de una cantante de cabaret.
Detective Making Raid (uncredited)
Barbara Stanwyck es una jugadora profesional llamada Lady Lee, que está obsesionada con el recuerdo de su padre, también un jugador profesional que se suicidó al no poder hacer frente a sus deudas. La vida de Lee se complica cuando se enamora de un hombre y debe salir indemne de peliagudos asuntos como el chantaje y el asesinato.
Detective (uncredited)
Peter Warren, es un periodista desempleado que se topa con Ellie, la hija de un millonario que huyó del barco de Alexander Andrews, su padre, porque no acepta al hombre con el que ella se quiere casar. Peter ve la oportunidad de conseguir una buena historia, pero varios hechos acaban por crear un vínculo entre ellos.
Detective (uncredited)
The Whinneys share expenses for their trip to Hollywood with George and Gracie and their great Dane. A clerk in Whinney's bank has put fifty thousand dollars in a suitcase, hoping to rob Whinney on the road, but instead Whinney takes another road and is himself arrested in Nevada.
Welfare Island Guard (uncredited)
A professor tires of the direction his life is going and wants to move west, but his girlfriend doesn't understand why he is so dissatisfied.
Blacksmith - 4th Rabble Rouser (uncredited)
Suecia, siglo XVII. Durante la guerra de los Treinta Años (1618-1648) muere, en la batalla de Lutzen, el rey Gustavo Adolfo de Suecia. Hereda el trono su hija Cristina, que desde la infancia se entrega en cuerpo y alma a los problemas de estado, lo que la lleva a renunciar al matrimonio con el principe Carlos Gustavo, héroe nacional y el pretendiente preferido por todos. Sin embargo, Cristina se enamora profundamente de Don Antonio, Conde de Pimentel y embajador del rey de España en Suecia.
Policeman Who Lets Dog Out (uncredited)
Archer Coe es hallado muerto en su inaccesible dormitorio. Todo parece indicar que se trata de un suicidio, pero el inspector Philo, que piensa que ha sido un asesinato, considera que el principal sospechoso es el hermano de Archer.
First Immigration Officer (uncredited)
A glamorous film star rebels against the studio, her pushy press agent and a family of hangers-on.
Kentucky Sheriff (uncredited)
La historia de los enfrentamientos y venganzas entre dos clanes familiares de Kentucky, los Hayden y los Colby, durante varias generaciones. Justo antes de la Guerra Civil, Jed Colby fue enviado a prisión por asesinato. Los Hayden se marcharon a Nevada, pero cuando Colby salió de prisión partió tras ellos en busca de venganza.
Taxi Driver
When she can't support her illegitimate child, an abandoned young woman puts her up for adoption and pursues a career as a torch singer. Years later, she then searches for the child she gave up.
Cromwell Dexter
Un profesor y la estrella del equipo de fútbol americano se enamoran de la misma chica.
Detective Jackson
A hospital surgeon (James Dunn) protects a mystery woman (Gloria Stuart) who knows too much about a card-game murder.
A couple of down-and-out British aristocrats buy an American roadhouse.
Cop (uncredited)
Dos pintores de carteles viajan por Nueva Inglaterra en busca de trabajo. Después de que uno de ellos utiliza a Madge como modelo, la esconde en su carreta. Los pintores están a punto de ser acusados de secuestro, hasta que ella promete casarse con su enamorado...