Light Up the Night is an analog science-fiction short film set in an Orwellian, futuristic 1980s. The story tells the tensions flaring between rebellious citizens and robotic law enforcement. We are introduced to two dissidents as they take aim at the city's looming, panoptic control tower, while local band The Protomen take the stage amidst the action, inciting unrest as they narrate the struggle.
Durante la noche de Halloween, Frank, chef en un restaurante de Las Vegas, se enamora de Lola, una misteriosa chica que acaba de llegar a la ciudad. Ella le engaña y él la perdona, pero el daño está hecho y la obsesión de Frank le lleva a Paris y a la venganza.
When Sheila Johnson accidentally messes up a major illicit deal, local kingpin Barry and his goons kidnap her from the club where she dances. Unfortunately for Barry and the men, Sheila also happens to be a psychopath with a plan of her own.
Dos agentes de Turquía contra el terrorismo son enviados a Nueva York en una misión para encontrar y traer de vuelta el peligroso líder islámico con nombre en código “Dajjal”
Jane is recently sober and trying to get her life back together when her childhood habit of sleepwalking suddenly reappears, re-blurring the line between her waking and dreaming lives. As the divide between her two realities expands, her relationships as well as her sanity begin to suffer.