Chloe Hurst

Chloe Hurst


Chloe Hurst


I Heard Sarah
A troubled rockstar escapes mandated rehab in a desperate attempt to confront his deepest demons.
Edward and Isabella
A young couple get away to the country to decide whether to stay together or end their relationship.
Tender Is the Kiss
Will he find the mysterious woman who might be the only one to prove his innocence?
We Are Boats
Francesca navega por el mundo encontrándose con extraños justo en el momento en el que los necesita, haciendo que sus vidas vayan hacia la felicidad o hacia la tragedia.
¡Qué guapa soy!
Una mujer que lucha con la inseguridad se despierta de una caída creyendo que es la mujer más bella y capaz del planeta. Su nueva confianza le permite vivir sin miedo, pero ¿qué sucede cuando se da cuenta de que su apariencia nunca cambia?
Run is a dramatic thriller following Levi, a young businessman who marries the love of his life, Natalie Winters (Taylor Murphy), a passionate journalist who reports on human trafficking and fights to expose it. On their wedding night Natalie is kidnapped and in the process to be sold into sex slavery. Levi goes on the hunt for his wife, chasing clues wherever he can find them, leading him to Jeff Conners (Stephen Baldwin) a crime lord with no mercy. Will Levi be able to find his wife before she is sent to Florida and sold in Cuba? Only with the help of God can Levi find the strength to fight.
A Few Less Men
Una boda en Australia termina mal, cuando Luke se emborracha y cae desde un acantilado. Nuestros muchachos, David, Tom y Graham deben de ​llevar el cadáver de Luke a Londres, donde su triste tía planea el funeral. Cuando su jet se estrella en las montañas de Australia, ellos deben de ​transportar el cuerpo a través del desierto, resistirse a chicas salvajes y fiesteras​, esquivar a un travestí con machete y llevar una carroza con forma de un pene de oro gigante, todo en una carrera contra el tiempo para llevar a Luke de regreso a casa. Una divertida aventura llena de embrollos. ¿Todos sobrevivirán…intactos?
The love story of Chase and Scarlett is abruptly ended when Scarlett is diagnosed with cancer. Mia, next door, is pregnant and in an abusive marriage. The lives of Scarlett, Chase and Mia become intertwined with a surprise twist at the end.
Dos Buenos Tipos
Exotic Girl at Sid's
Ambientada en Los Ángeles durante los años 70. El detective Holland March y el matón a sueldo Jackson Healy se ven obligados a colaborar para resolver varios casos: la desaparición de una joven, la muerte de una estrella porno y una conspiración criminal que llega hasta las altas esferas.
Indigo is a dramatic short film about alienation on the inside. Two young, lost souls in New York City share a common struggle - they are stuck in lives they do not feel they belong to. She is an adored actress and he, a bike messenger. On the outside they seem like each other's opposite, but on the inside they are the same- dehumanized by an internal loneliness that alienates them from feeling alive.
Across Time I Cry
An experimental short film from Robertino Fonseca and Julia Clancey.