Peter Anderson


Space Junk 3D
Director of Photography
50 años después de lanzar nuestros sueños al espacio, nos queda un legado inquietante: un anillo creciente de escombros en órbita que amenaza la seguridad de las órbitas de la Tierra. SPACE JUNK es un viaje de descubrimiento visualmente explosivo que sopesa las soluciones destinadas a restaurar las órbitas de nuestro planeta. Experimente colisiones alucinantes, tanto naturales como provocadas por el hombre. Vuele hacia las impresionantes profundidades del cráter Meteor para una vista sin precedentes de nuestras órbitas cada vez más pobladas: 22,000 millas sobre la tierra. Únase a nosotros como el principal experto Don Kessler, el "Padre de la basura espacial", nos guía a través de los desafíos que enfrentamos para protegerlos, forjando una nueva era de descubrimiento espacial.
Al's Brain in 3-D
Director of Photography
"Weird Al" Yankovic guides the audience through a 3-D lesson on the human brain. Al answers "man on the street" questions, provides interesting trivia, and even recounts the unfortunate mishap of Phineaus Cage. The film ends with "The Brain Song," which details exactly how the brain works.
U2 3D
Director of Photography
A 3-D presentation of U2's global "Vertigo" tour. Shot at seven different shows, this production employs the greatest number of 3-D cameras ever used for a single project.
Sesame Street 4-D Movie Magic
Post Production Supervisor
It's the Sesame Street Film Festival!
Sesame Street 4-D Movie Magic
Visual Effects Supervisor
It's the Sesame Street Film Festival!
Sesame Street 4-D Movie Magic
3D Supervisor
It's the Sesame Street Film Festival!
Sesame Street 4-D Movie Magic
It's the Sesame Street Film Festival!
Tall Tales of the South
Visual Effects Supervisor
Two children are entertained, and scared, by grandpa's "tall tales" on his porch in the Florida backwaters. -- "Tall Tales of the South" is a 3D film that was shown in The Tall Tales of the South 4-D Theater at Stone Mountain Park. The story centers around a Southern grandfather teaching his grandchildren the lost art of storytelling through stories of swamp creatures. "A frog's tongue is the first element to stretch into the movie audience from its perch on a swamp log, then there is the snake and then fireflies as the story continues. The audience experiences the film in other ways as well - with aromas from hot chocolate to skunk and the feel of lightning, wind and falling rain."
Tall Tales of the South
Two children are entertained, and scared, by grandpa's "tall tales" on his porch in the Florida backwaters. -- "Tall Tales of the South" is a 3D film that was shown in The Tall Tales of the South 4-D Theater at Stone Mountain Park. The story centers around a Southern grandfather teaching his grandchildren the lost art of storytelling through stories of swamp creatures. "A frog's tongue is the first element to stretch into the movie audience from its perch on a swamp log, then there is the snake and then fireflies as the story continues. The audience experiences the film in other ways as well - with aromas from hot chocolate to skunk and the feel of lightning, wind and falling rain."
Ultimate G's
Visual Effects Supervisor
Feel the thrill of flying in a world class, aerobatics competition aircraft through the Grand Canyon! Containing the most dynamic aerial stunts ever shot in large format woven into a delightful story of a young boy's dream to fly, Ultimate G's: Zac's Flying Dream is a story about having a dream and pursuing it despite all odds. The aerial adventure takes place over the spectacular backdrop of the Grand Canyon, Little Colorado River and Lake Powell and the flying talents of both pilots give the audience the thrill of a lifetime!
Ultimate G's
Director of Photography
Feel the thrill of flying in a world class, aerobatics competition aircraft through the Grand Canyon! Containing the most dynamic aerial stunts ever shot in large format woven into a delightful story of a young boy's dream to fly, Ultimate G's: Zac's Flying Dream is a story about having a dream and pursuing it despite all odds. The aerial adventure takes place over the spectacular backdrop of the Grand Canyon, Little Colorado River and Lake Powell and the flying talents of both pilots give the audience the thrill of a lifetime!
Capitán EO (Captain EO)
El Capitán EO viaja por la galaxia en su nave, junto a un grupo de alienígenas que forman su estrafalaria tripulación. Tras un accidente que deja su nave en un paraje oscuro, llegan a los dominios de una malvada emperatriz (personaje encarnado por Angelica Houston). Película en 3D, inicialmente realizada para mostrar en Disneyland, y posteriormente lanzada al mercado doméstico.
Visual Effects Supervisor
Jewell and Gil are farmers. They seem to be working against the odds, producing no financial surplus. Gil has lost hope of ever becoming prosperous, but Jewell decides to fight for her family.
Buck Rogers, El aventurero del espacio
Visual Effects Supervisor
En 1987 la NASA envía al espacio profundo la nave de prueba Ranger III. Por una lluvia de meteoritos, la nave se desvía de la órbita planeada y queda a la deriva por quinientos años. Su único ocupante, el capitán William "Buck" Rogers, es hallado en animación suspendida por una nave del Imperio Draconiano, en el año 2491. Una vez descongelado, el confundido Buck se entera que los Draconianos, un pueblo belicoso, planea un ataque e invasión sorpresa a la Tierra. Buck escapa en el Ranger III y llega a nuestro futurista mundo, donde es recibido con cierta desconfianza por las autoridades, pues sospechan que sea un espía del Imperio Draconiano. Pero conforme se adapta a este mundo del siglo XXV, va ganando amigos que prestan oidos a sus advertencias, justo cuando la nave "Draconia" está orbitando el planeta Tierra.