Allel El Mouhib


The Man Who Was Looking at the Windows
Mr. Rachid, librarian, shocked and disappointed by his recent transfer, talks about the day and the night that preceded the tragic death of one of his colleagues.
Les Enfants de Novembre
El Ghoula
Directed by Mustapha Kateb.
El Ghoula
Directed by Mustapha Kateb.
En un país regido por una corrupta democracia, donde el gobierno utiliza a la Policía y al Ejército para erradicar cualquier amenaza izquierdista, un diputado de la oposición es asesinado en plena calle cuando acababa de presidir un mitin de carácter pacifista. De la investigación del caso se encarga un joven magistrado consciente de que se trata de un crimen político cometido por dos sicarios a sueldo. Al mismo tiempo, un ambicioso periodista se servirá de métodos poco ortodoxos para acumular pruebas que inculpen a varios militantes de un partido de extrema derecha, los cuales, a su vez, atribuyen la responsabilidad del atentado a altos cargos de la policía y del ejército.
Hassan Terro
Directed by Mohammed Lakhdar-Hamina.
The Way
The Algerian War is seen through the eyes of a group of Algerian freedom-fighters who have been captured and incarcerated in French-run military prisons both in France and Algeria. In addition to attempts at escape, this prison drama also includes propaganda and brainwashing attempts by the French and scenes of torture. In what is possibly the most horrible torture of all, the inmates are forced to listen to broadcast speeches by General Charles de Gaulle -- speeches which illustrate the changing relations between the French and the Algerians.