Shelley Robertson

Shelley Robertson


Shelley Robertson
Shelley Robertson


Holiday Hideaway
Carly Stewart is the queen of holiday celebrations, but her mistletoe misstep sends her running to a Holiday Hideaway that teaches her the importance of family, forgiveness, and fighting for love.
An expecting mother suspects that her unborn baby is possessed by the demonic spirit of her dead mother while her wife questions her unstable state.
The Manor (La Mansión)
Después de sufrir un derrame cerebral, Judith Albright se muda a un histórico asilo de ancianos, donde comienza a sospechar que algo sobrenatural se está aprovechando de los residentes. Para escapar, tendrá que convencer a todos los que la rodean de que, después de todo, no pertenece allí.
Recuperar el pasado
Dr. Graham
Melissa, una mujer felizmente casada y con una hija de 8 años, invita a la madre de su esposo a vivir con ellos. Sin embargo, se da cuenta de que la abuela está trastornada y quiere secuestrar a la hija de Melissa para reemplazar a su propia hija muerta.
Divorcio mortal
Detective Baker
Cuando el exmarido de Josie, Michael regresa a su vida para expandir su negocio de flores, su ex esposa Laura parece decidida a convertir la vida de Josie en un infierno.
The Obama Effect
Lola Jackson
A serious health scare ignites John Thomas, an insurance salesman in his 50s, to take a closer look at his life. Motivated by a misguided obsession with getting Barack Obama elected, John takes an overwhelming involvement in the Presidential campaign. While John becomes obsessed with the ideal of change that Obama represents for Americans, he has in turn neglected to create positive change in his own life, particularly with regard to his health and familial relationships. John hides his health problems from his strong, yet supportive wife, Molly, creating a strain on their marriage. John seeks the support of a Republican relative, MLK, who initially starkly resists supporting a Democratic candidate. John's son, Kalil, rebels against his father's avid support of Obama by supporting the Republican candidate as well. John neglects to support his daughter, Tamika, at a crucial moment in her life...
La venganza de Pinocho
Tras ser condenado por asesinato, el asesino en serio Vicent Gorro entrega a su abogada Jennifer Garrick un Pinocho de madera, su única posesión y una prueba rescatada de uno de sus crímenes. Zoe, la hija de la abogada, coge el muñeco creyendo que es un regalo para ella, y entonces empiezan a ocurrir sucesos muy extraños.