Lou Bonin


Magic Village
Set Decoration
Air of Paris
Assistant Director
Victor Le Garrec, a former boxer, runs a gym in Paris while dreaming of finding an aspiring champion who will reach the goals he was never able to achieve.
Coral Reefs
Costume Design
The adventures of a sailor from Mexico to a lagoon in the Pacific ocean, and the meeting with a lonely girl.
Hotel del Norte
Costume Design
En un modesto hotel de un barrio popular de París, Renée (Annabella) y Pierre (Jean-Pierre Aumont), una joven pareja de enamorados, alquilan una habitación para una sola noche. Ambos jóvenes tiene intención de suicidarse: Pierre matará a Renée de un tiro, y luego disparará contra sí mismo. Pero el plan no sale como tenían planeado...
Haut comme trois pommes
Madame Dupin is the most influential character in her village. She is at odds with her daughter because the latter married a showman.
La joven esposa de un viejo marinero está harta de su monótona vida en la barcaza “L'Atalante”. Después de dejarse llevar por la artificiosa vida de la ciudad, dejando a su marido sumido en la desesperación, regresa con él amargamente decepcionada.
It's in the Bag
l'agent de police
Benjamin Déboisé, a hatter, his salesman and a young man want to kidnap an American millionaire, put him in a bag and hold him to ransom. But they make a mistake: the fellow they find in the bag is not the millionaire himself, but his son...!
It's in the Bag
Production Design
Benjamin Déboisé, a hatter, his salesman and a young man want to kidnap an American millionaire, put him in a bag and hold him to ransom. But they make a mistake: the fellow they find in the bag is not the millionaire himself, but his son...!