Marília Coelho


How Do You See Me?
How Do You See Me? is a Brazilian documentary feature that entwines both experienced actors and beginners to explore the hardships and the happiness that are inherent to the job when detached from the glam and glitz of the gossip industry, creating a diverse and comprehensive mosaic of what it means to be an actor in Brazil, a country so full of contradictions. The film brings forward a reality that the masses usually don't get to know: the men and women moved by a deep passion for acting and touching people. With Julio Adrião, Matheus Nachtergaele, José Celso Martinez, Cássia Kis, Nanda Costa, Babu Santana, Luciano Vidigal and Letícia Sabatella, among others.
Pé Sem Chão
Vidigal, Rio de Janeiro. A woman is left desperate and hopeless after she is evicted from her house with her disabled son.
Casa Grande
Ambientada en el mundo de la élite social de Río de Janeiro, ‘Casa grande’ narra la historia de Jean, un adolescente rico que lucha por escapar de sus sobreprotectores padres, al tiempo que su familia entra en bancarrota. Su hogar de desmorona, y Jean debe hacer frente a todas las contradicciones posibles mientras se enamora de una chica más pobre que él.
Não Se Pode Viver Sem Amor
Seven Minutes
In the favela, two drug dealers decide to meet to settle scores.