Paddy Ryan

Nacimiento : 1904-01-01, Greenwich, London, England, UK

Muerte : 1990-01-01


He was an actor, known for An American Werewolf in London (1981), The Meaning of Life (1983) and Hell Below Zero (1954).


Based on slides shot in 1978 of the Austrian aktion artist Hermann Nitsch. Put away for 24 years, the color transparencies are spread out on a light table. The images are examined with a macro lens and captured with digital video. Not so much a reconstruction, or documentary of an event but a process of re-imagining. A hundred frames record a 12-hour, noon to midnight performance in an Roman amphitheatre in the center of Trieste in Northern Italy. Hermann Nitsch has been creating his unique rituals since the early 1970’s. The blood flows over naked bodies strapped on crosses, carried blindfolded, senses are tweaked with percussion sounds and blaring brass instruments. Religious iconography, operatic orchestrations of cast, crew, friends, and the public who eat, dance, drink.
The Black and Blue Lamp
Satirical and surreal play by Arthur Ellis, dealing with the manner in which the British police force has been represented on TV for four decades. In 1949 Tom Riley is arrested for the murder of PC George Dixon. As he awaits interrogation at the station he is mysteriously transported into an episode of The Filth - a 1988 police series where the hard men rule, where he is told by the local CID that he'll be confessing to the murder or else his genitals are getting cut off ! This black comedy questions whether the police have changed or is it the way film and television present them.
Body Contact
Rock musical set in the future, around Tottenham and Hackney. Taxi driver, Smiley, helps beautiful Dominique Renoir, who is on the run from her violent Mafia boyfriend.
The Crimson Permanent Assurance
En 'Seguros permanentes Crimson', Terry Gilliam crea un paralelismo entre lo que ocurre en una oficina y una galera con motines y ataques piratas. Cortometraje estrenado en cines, como "telonero" de la película 'El sentido de la vida', y que desde entonces ha llegado al mercado doméstico ligado a ésta, sin formar directamente parte de ella. Fue nominado al BAFTA al mejor cortometraje.
Un hombre lobo americano en Londres
First Werewolf
Dos mochileros norteamericanos, David Kessler y Jack están de viaje por Europa. Caminando por una zona rural de Inglaterra, la población local los mira mal cuando entran en un bar. Al salir, reciben todo tipo de extrañas advertencias: 'Manténganse en la carretera y aléjense de los pantanos' y 'Cuidado con la luna'. Aun así, los jóvenes se adentran en la oscuridad y no se dan cuenta que están siendo seguidos por una terrible criatura.
La cama tiene un precio
A través de la voz en off de un narrador y en tono de comedia sexy y desenfadada, esta especie de falso documental muestra la historia de la prostitución, en sucesivos episodios, desde tiempos remotos hasta la actualidad. (FILMAFFINITY)
Holocausto radiactivo
Grandfather Murray
Los habitantes de una isla británica son víctimas de un escape radiactivo de un vertido ilegal en el mar. Por ello casi todos reproducen una extraña enfermedad que un científico intentará curar, aunque se tenga que enfrentar con todos sus habitantes.
La condesa Drácula
Hungría, siglo XVII. Después de enviudar, la anciana condesa Elizabeth Nádasdy, del linaje de los Báthory, descubre fortuitamente una forma de volver a ser joven; pero el precio a pagar por aquellos que la rodean será alto y sangriento.
Undercover Girl
Nightclub employee Joan Foster (Kay Callard) assists the brother of a murdered reporter to expose a drug ring.
La espada y la rosa
En el año 1514, siendo rey de Inglaterra Enrique VIII, su hermana Mary Tudor se compromete con Luis XII, Rey de Francia, para sellar la unión entre los dos países. Pero la joven conoce a Charles Brandon, un apuesto y humilde abogado del que se enamora perdidamente.
Dick Barton at Bay
David Phillips (Patrick Macnee) is running down the darkened streets of London's Limehouse district, pursued by two men with guns. He finds a public phone and puts a call through to Dick Barton (Don Stannard), but before he can report, a shot rings out. Barton must piece together what Phillips found out that got him killed. Phillips had been assigned to protect Professor Mitchell (Percy Walsh) and his new development, a ray capable of exploding any unstable element aboard an aircraft in flight. Mitchell has been targeted for kidnapping by Serge Volkoff (Meinhart Maur), a foreign agent from Eastern Europe, as part of a larger, much more sinister plot to destroy England and cripple Western Europe. Complicating matters further is that Mitchell's daughter (Joyce Linden) has also been kidnapped, and Barton must contend with Volkoff's crafty female companion Anna (Tamara Desni).