Joseph Aguilar


Purple Heart
M.A. Guiterrez
PURPLE HEART tells of a clean-up effort after a covert mission gone wrong. It is the story of Colonel Allen, the leader of a new, elite military unit designed for covert operations. His first mission: assassinate Saddam Hussein prior to the beginning of the 2003 Iraq War. Sgt. Oscar Padilla is the sniper chosen for the mission targeting Hussein. Unfortunately the mission is compromised; Padilla is captured and tortured by the Iraqis.
Last Mountain
A homeless dying veteran, trying to find a Unicorn he believes lives in the mountains above Los Angeles, convinces a Latina immigrant to join his quest, provoking a tragic-comic chase as they are followed by the Border Patrol and her Lowrider cousins.
Yamamoto es un yakuza que viaja a Los Ángeles para encontrarse con su hermano pequeño, Ken, al que protege y financia mediante sus ingresos criminales. Pero al llegar allí, descubre que Ken está realizando unas operaciones de tráfico de drogas sin demasiado futuro. Yamamoto decide ayudarle mostrándole cómo tomar los bajos fondos de Los Ángeles al estilo de la mafia japonesa, es decir, usando matones profesionales que basen sus acciones en un estricto código del honor que chocará con la mentalidad criminal norteamericana.