Robert Kresser


Ocean Odyssey
Executive Producer
500 million years ago life left this blue womb and colonized the land, but we are still intricately linked to the ocean. Our climates, coastlines, ecosystems, and economies are tied to the perpetual movement of water between continents. The great ocean currents are the arteries and veins of Planet Earth! This is the story of one particularly fascinating flow – the East Australian Current, a massive oceanic river that stretches the length of Australia’s east coast.
Out of Bounds: An Epic Mountain Journey
Follow Australian Olympic snowboarder Torah Bright as she heads from her home in the foothills of the Australian Alps, deep into Alaska's glaciated Chugach mountain range. Torah dedicated her life to conquering the mountain, and now she's working with her team to understand and protect these epic ecosystems from an ever-changing world. Standing over the ledge of a 2000-foot vertical drop, we unravel the science behind the earth's most incredible mountain environments and ride these untamed peaks.
Journey to Space
Executive Producer
Un descubrimiento de una nueva era de la exploración del espacio profundo sin precedentes en formato de película en pantalla gigante con toque dramatico.
Executive Producer
Rescue sumerge al público en la ardua pero inspiradora labor de salvar vidas frente a un desastre natural. Detrás de escena, la película sigue a un comandante naval canadiense, dos pilotos y un técnico de rescate voluntario mientras se entrenan para la acción. Cuando un terremoto golpea a Haití, creando uno de los mayores desastres humanitarios del siglo, la audiencia es arrastrada, uniéndose al esfuerzo masivo que trae personal y equipos militares y civiles de todo el mundo. Rescue es un viaje de respuesta ante desastres y emergencias del mundo real capturado (en 3D) con una escala e impacto sin precedentes para la pantalla gigante.
Legends of Flight
Executive Producer
A film that will not only delight and entertain the aviation enthusiast but also educate and inspired renewed interest in aviation by the traveling public.