Anatoli Golovnya

Anatoli Golovnya

Nacimiento : 1900-02-02, Simferopol, Taurida Governorate, Russian Empire

Muerte : 1982-06-25


Anatoli Golovnya
Anatoli Golovnya


Camera Operator
A biographical film about the fate of the great Russian mechanic and creator of aerodynamics Nikolai Egorovich Zhukovsky.
Collection of Films for the Armed Forces #6
General Suvorov
Director of Photography
Primarily a biographical documentary about the military career of Alexander Vasilvich Suvorov, who was Field Marshal of the armies of Catherine the Great and Czar Paul I. After many military successes during the reign of Catherine, General Suvorov broke with her successor, Paul I, the Mad Emperor, over questions regarding army policy. He went into retirement and wrote "The Science of Victory," containing maxims such as "Swiftness of movement accompanies victory," and "the real general is he who defeats the enemy before reaching him." The czar recalled Suvorov to become the leader of the joint armies of Russia and Austria against Napoleon.
Minin and Pozharsky
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
A wise and forgiving communist leader decides to send a young worker, Karl Renn, as an international delegate to the Soviet Union after the worker had deserted a picket-line and had expressed doubts about the methods of class struggle in in his own country.
Sound team program No 3
The Glass Eye
Archive footage from the 1920s juxtaposed against a film-within-a-film parodying the melodramatic excesses of popular cinema of the day.
Tempestad en Asia
Director of Photography
Ambientado en Siberia y el Tibet durante la ocupación inglesa de esas tierras, Tormenta Sobre Asia cuenta la historia de un cazador local que es confundido con un descendiente del legendario Genghis Khan. Entonces los invasores deciden usarlo como títere político, sin saber que el cazador tiene sus propias ideas al respecto.
The Land of the Lion and Sun
Camera Department Manager
The 41-minute documentary directed by Vladimir Yerofeyev, is a 1928 Russian production. 'The Land of the Lion and Sun' has recorded different moments of Iranian people’s social life, the country’s general ambience, women’s clothing in the year 1921.
El fin de San Petersburgo
Director of Photography
Realizada para conmemorar el décimo aniversario de la Revolución de Octubre de 1917, narra los acontecimientos ocurridos en San Petersburgo, desde entonces Leningrado, a través de las vicisitudes de un campesino que llega a la ciudad intentando escapar de la miseria y del hambre.
The Man from the Restaurant
Director of Photography
During the good old days of the Russian aristocracy, that is to say, before the October Revolution, in the city of Moscow there was a fancy restaurant which catered to the appetites and egos of the rich. In one such establishment works a middle-aged waiter who is devoted to serving his bourgeoisie clients correctly. However, his life outside his job is very different: His son was killed during the Russian civil war and the waiter's wife died of grief as a result....
La madre
Director of Photography
Adaptación de la novela homónima de Máximo Gorki, está ambientada durante la Revolución rusa de 1905. Narra los trágicos acontecimientos de ese año a través del sufrimiento de una madre por su hijo y su marido, una mujer campesina que tomará conciencia de la lucha social sólo a través del ejemplo y la tragedia.
La Fiebre del Ajedrez
Director of Photography
A través de la historia de una pareja de jóvenes y sus desavenencias durante la competición, Poudovkine decidió hacer una sátira de la fiebre por el ajedrez que se desató en Moscú con motivo del Torneo Internacional de Ajedrez.