Boris Barnet

Boris Barnet

Nacimiento : 1902-06-18, Moscow, Russian Empire

Muerte : 1965-01-08


Actor y director de cine ruso, nacido en Moscú. Después de cursar sus primeros estudios, se matriculó en la Escuela de Bellas Artes de Moscú, centro en el que permaneció hasta poco después de la Revolución de 1917. Dos años más tarde ingresó en la armada roja y completó su formación en la Escuela Militar Superior. Poco después consiguió entrar en el Instituto de Cine de Moscú, donde asistió a las clases de Lev Kulechov, a quien siguió durante unos años, y con el que se inició como actor en 1924. Sin duda, las lecciones recibidas del gran maestro influyeron en la concepción narrativa de sus películas, abundantes en recursos metafóricos a partir de un elaborado montaje. A partir de esta fecha continuó su trayectoria profesional de la mano de Vsevolod Pudovkin, en cuyas producciones intervino como actor, entre otras, en Tempestad sobre Asia (1928). Dos años antes codirigió su primer largometraje, Miss Mend en el país de los bolcheviques (1926), con Fedor Ozep. La comedia fue el marco temático en el que mejor se desenvolvió ya que se valió del humor y la sátira como los elementos sobre los que sostenía la trama (Devuska s koroblsoj, 1927). Fue invitado a participar en el décimo aniversario de la Revolución, para la que aportó un momento de la acción bélica sobre Moscú (Moscú en octubre, 1927). Tras esta película se dedicó a preparar sus trabajos con más tiempo. Quizá por eso resultó muy interesante su primer trabajo sonoro, Arrabal (1933), un historia realista situada en el entorno de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial colaboró con los noticiarios, para continuar, una vez finalizada la contienda, con su carrera en la que recorrió el mundo de los mineros, pescadores o el mundo del circo desde la tragedia al humor, al tiempo que abordó otras historias sin grandes resultados. La temática que aborda muchas de sus películas responden a la convicción de Barnet de que en la cotidianidad podía encontrar las historias más interesantes. A mediados de los años sesenta se suicidó en Riga un 8 de enero.


Boris Barnet


The Whistle Stop
Moscow academician Pavel Pavlovich comes to a picturesque village on the seashore to calmly spend his vacation here. Whiling away the time for sketches, he manages to get acquainted with the local guys, the restless Grishka and the daughter of the foreman Nyuska. Together they build a stove, repair a sewing machine, and reconstruct a telephone switchboard. When Pavel Pavlovich suddenly falls ill, all the villagers take care of him. When the time comes to leave, Pavel Pavlovich understands that in this village far from the capital, he leaves a piece of his heart.
The Whistle Stop
Moscow academician Pavel Pavlovich comes to a picturesque village on the seashore to calmly spend his vacation here. Whiling away the time for sketches, he manages to get acquainted with the local guys, the restless Grishka and the daughter of the foreman Nyuska. Together they build a stove, repair a sewing machine, and reconstruct a telephone switchboard. When Pavel Pavlovich suddenly falls ill, all the villagers take care of him. When the time comes to leave, Pavel Pavlovich understands that in this village far from the capital, he leaves a piece of his heart.
Set in 1955 when many migrated from Russia to the Steppes of Kazakhstan, this is the trip back to the Canal from the frontier and farms by a number of people who tell their settler stories. Alenka Muratova (Ovodova) is a winsome 13 year old who talks Dmitry Prokovich, the chief mechanic for the Soviet, into giving up his seat in the truck to a young mother with her infant daughter. Then Alenka and Dmitry share the back of the open truck with a young woman, newly graduated dentist who has not been able to find a position, Stefan, a hitchhiker with a dog who hopes his upper-class wife will return to him and the countryside, and Vasselina Petrovolka, a woman who lost one of her twin daughters in a riding accident by the river shortly after they arrived, and now is returning to tell the other twin of her sister's fate. A warm hearted look at common folks traveling in the frontier.
The main character, Anna Denisova, is a simple Russian woman, on whose shoulders all the hardships of wartime fell. Like all her compatriots, Annushka did everything in her power to bring Victory Day closer. In this war, she lost her husband, Pyotr, but managed to save the lives of her three children — Sasha, Nina and Granata. The trials of Annushka didn't end with the end of the war. In the first years of peace, all survivors had to survive the famine and spend their last strength on rebuilding the country.
The Wrestler and the Clown
It's a story about two of the most famous russian personages. They become friends, and then go along on the path of glory in parallel.
Soviet propaganda film about communists plotting a violent attack on a Russian city. A local poet helps the communists and they glorify his poem about Lenin.
A group of Moldavian folk musicians compete for the top Soviet prize. Singer Lyana loves the flautist, but he's fallen afoul of the group leader.
A group of Moldavian folk musicians compete for the top Soviet prize. Singer Lyana loves the flautist, but he's fallen afoul of the group leader.
Masters of Ukrainian Art in Concert
Soviet musical film-concert directed by Boris Barnet. Filmed in 1952 at the Kiev Film Studio.
Bountiful Summer
The war is over. The Red Army soldier Pyotr tries to find himself in a peaceful life. He takes the place of an accountant, and long-time friend Nazar, who has already grown to the post of the head of a collective farm, helps him in this. Together they achieve high performance indicators of their wards, skillfully solving controversial issues and emerging from confused situations.
Pages of Life
The story of a young woman who, after her years at university in the city, returns to her hometown an engineer and begins work on a huge new power plant. She continues to supervise work on the plant throughout the war.
Secret Agent
Gen. von Kühn
Soviet agent Fedotov is air-dropped into Nazi occupied land. He changes over into Mr. Ekhert, a German entrepreneur wishing to take advantage of eastern worker slave labor in occupied Ukraine. Ekhert (Fedotov) enters into a partnership with a German entrepreneur who's son, Willie, is a high ranking Nazi. Together they go to Vinnitsa, Ukraine and start a factory. Fedotov begins seeking contacts with headquarters, but faces problems when a Ukrainian Nazi collaborator manages to infiltrate the Soviet partisans.
Secret Agent
Soviet agent Fedotov is air-dropped into Nazi occupied land. He changes over into Mr. Ekhert, a German entrepreneur wishing to take advantage of eastern worker slave labor in occupied Ukraine. Ekhert (Fedotov) enters into a partnership with a German entrepreneur who's son, Willie, is a high ranking Nazi. Together they go to Vinnitsa, Ukraine and start a factory. Fedotov begins seeking contacts with headquarters, but faces problems when a Ukrainian Nazi collaborator manages to infiltrate the Soviet partisans.
Arseniy Petrovich Gay
A story about the boys and their life during the WWII. Based on Lev Kassil book.
Dark Is the Night
A girl, working in a German commandant's office, saves two wounded Russian pilots sacrificing her own life.
Dark Is the Night
A girl, working in a German commandant's office, saves two wounded Russian pilots sacrificing her own life.
A Good Lad
A group of Russian partisans hiding within a remote forest attempt to destroy a nearby German airfield, all the while assisting a downed French pilot who happens to fall madly in love with a local girl.
A Priceless Head
One of Boris Barnet's contributions to the "films for the armed forces" series, about the suffering of Poles under Nazi occupation.
Боевой киносборник № 3
La película narra la vida cotidiana de una batería de defensa antiaérea británica. Muestra el funcionamiento de la artillería antiaérea sobre los bombarderos alemanes. Muestra equipos ópticos de radiogoniometría, cálculos de movimiento de objetivos y la instalación de un detonador remoto para un proyectil. Se menciona de pasada un dispositivo que permite buscar aviones enemigos ocultos y de noche. También se muestran las actividades de ocio de los artilleros antiaéreos, como el billar y el piano.
The Old Jockey
About Trofimov, a well-known rider who goes on taking part in races in spite of the advanced age, until he realizes his time has gone and passes his experience on to his granddaughter’s fiance
The Peasants
A Night in September
Film deals with Stakhanovite movement. Old miners try to sabotage young man's plan to renew methods of getting coal.
By the Bluest of Seas
Yussuf and Aliosha are two shipwrecked sailors on an island in the Caspian Sea. They start working as sailor and mechanic for the fishing boats of the "Lights of the Communism" kolkhoz. Here the two friends will fall in love with the beautiful Masha.
By the Bluest of Seas
Yussuf and Aliosha are two shipwrecked sailors on an island in the Caspian Sea. They start working as sailor and mechanic for the fishing boats of the "Lights of the Communism" kolkhoz. Here the two friends will fall in love with the beautiful Masha.
Outskirts is an internationally renowned masterpiece of early sound cinema. In a remote Russian village during World War I, colorful and nuanced characters experience divided loyalties: family loyalty vs. personal desire, nationalism vs. transcendent humanism.
Outskirts is an internationally renowned masterpiece of early sound cinema. In a remote Russian village during World War I, colorful and nuanced characters experience divided loyalties: family loyalty vs. personal desire, nationalism vs. transcendent humanism.
Outskirts is an internationally renowned masterpiece of early sound cinema. In a remote Russian village during World War I, colorful and nuanced characters experience divided loyalties: family loyalty vs. personal desire, nationalism vs. transcendent humanism.
The Thaw
A story about capitalistic corruption in a small village and the personal struggles of Anka (Vera Marinich) as she is pregnant and abandoned by her lover.
The Backlog!
One Kuleshov film that might be of great interest to scholars is The Breakthrough (Proryv, 1930). It was made in 48 hours. Naturally, such an unusual work did not stay in cinemas for a long time.
Tempestad en Asia
English soldier, pipe smoker
Ambientado en Siberia y el Tibet durante la ocupación inglesa de esas tierras, Tormenta Sobre Asia cuenta la historia de un cazador local que es confundido con un descendiente del legendario Genghis Khan. Entonces los invasores deciden usarlo como títere político, sin saber que el cazador tiene sus propias ideas al respecto.
The House on Trubnaya
Life is short and full of oppression, but that doesn't mean Parasha can't find love and laughter when she leaves her country home to take a job as a maid in the overcrowded, overworked, and underpaid world in the big city.
The House on Trubnaya
Life is short and full of oppression, but that doesn't mean Parasha can't find love and laughter when she leaves her country home to take a job as a maid in the overcrowded, overworked, and underpaid world in the big city.
Moscow in October
October reflects a general attempt in Russia to sustain the frenzy and dynamism of revolutionary fervour. This attempt increased in scale and ambition as they pushed it further, resulting in the theatricalisation of life. In other words, the boundaries between real events and fabricated drama became blurred as the portrayal of life became more exaggerated. It is important to remember that the film does not represent what actually happened during the 1917 Revolution, but is rather an adaptation.
Moscow in October
October reflects a general attempt in Russia to sustain the frenzy and dynamism of revolutionary fervour. This attempt increased in scale and ambition as they pushed it further, resulting in the theatricalisation of life. In other words, the boundaries between real events and fabricated drama became blurred as the portrayal of life became more exaggerated. It is important to remember that the film does not represent what actually happened during the 1917 Revolution, but is rather an adaptation.
La muchacha de la sombrerera
Un patrón sin escrúpulos le da a una joven trabajadora un boleto de lotería en vez de pagarle su sueldo. El boleto resulta ganador y la chica consigue una fortuna, lo que desencadenará una carrera para poseer el boleto... y el amor de la chica.
Miss Mend
Three reporters and an office girl are trying to stop a bacteriological strike by some powerful western business leaders against the USSR.
Miss Mend
Barnet - Reporter
Three reporters and an office girl are trying to stop a bacteriological strike by some powerful western business leaders against the USSR.
Miss Mend
Three reporters and an office girl are trying to stop a bacteriological strike by some powerful western business leaders against the USSR.
La Fiebre del Ajedrez
Cameo (uncredited)
A través de la historia de una pareja de jóvenes y sus desavenencias durante la competición, Poudovkine decidió hacer una sátira de la fiebre por el ajedrez que se desató en Moscú con motivo del Torneo Internacional de Ajedrez.
The Extraordinary Adventures of Mr. West in the Land of the Bolsheviks
Jeddy - The Cowboy
Mr. West and his faithful bodyguard Jeddie visit the land of the 'evil' Bolsheviks. Through various mishaps, Mr. West discovers that the Soviets are actually quite remarkable people.