Louis Viret

Nacimiento : 1917-10-14, Lyon, Rhône, France

Muerte : 1974-07-08


El imperio de los canallas
L'employé aux immondices (uncredited)
Un grupo de atracadores trata de conseguir el robo perfecto. Uno de ellos llevaba 15 años alejado del oficio, pero, cuando un antiguo colega aparece, no puede resistir la tentación de un nuevo golpe. Todo está medido al detalle, pero... (FILMAFFINITY)
El hombre del cadillac
Antoine Marechal sufre un accidente con su coche justo cuando se iba a pasar las vacaciones a Italia, el culpable, el empresario Leopold Saroyan le promete reemplazarle el coche para que no pierda sus vacaciones, y así aprovechar al pobre Antoine para que haga de "mula" conduciendo un cadillac hasta Italia para pasar por la frontera un cargamento de heroína, oro y diamantes, sin que éste lo sepa...
Fin de semana en Dunkerque
Le chauffeur du lieutenant
Junio de 1940. En las playas de Dunkerque, que han sido arrasadas por los bombardeos alemanes, miles de soldados franceses e ingleses esperan partir para Inglaterra. Tras abandonar a sus camaradas, Julien intenta embarcar con los ingleses en un carguero. (FILMAFFINITY)
El gran golpe
Un voisin
Siguiendo los erróneos consejos de su banquero, el señor Garnier ha hecho unas inversiones que lo han dejado en la ruina. Ni corto ni perezoso decide excavar un túnel, junto con la ayuda de su familia, que llegue hasta el banco para robar el dinero que ha perdido.
Hallmark Employee On Subway (uncredited)
Charles Lampert, buscado por el gobierno de los Estados Unidos bajo la acusacion de haberse apoderado de un cuarto de millón de dólares en oro del fondo federal suma entregada a Charles y a cuatro compañeros de armas de éste, durante la guerra, para ayudar a la Resistencia francesa es asesinado cuando viajaba en tren en las proximidades de Burdeos. La esposa de Lampert -Regine- es sometida a vigilancia en Paris no solo por miembros de la embajada americana, sino por los individuos a los que Charles defraudó y que acusan a Regine de ocultar el dinero. Pero Regine es ajena, al parecer, a toda la maniobra montada por su difunto esposo.
Maigret, terror del hampa
Le patron du café (uncredited)
Tres americanos disparan sobre un transeúnte. El inspector Quevedos asiste al homicidio y alerta a la policía, pero cuando llegan, el cuerpo desaparece. Poco después, Quevedos es raptado por los gángsters que quieren saber qué se hizo con el cuerpo. Maigret (interpretado por tercera y última vez por Jean Gabin) lleva la investigación. (FILMAFFINITY)
Francia, siglo XVIII. Louis de Bourguignon abandonó la banda de Malichot, porque consideraba que sus métodos eran inmorales. Creó entonces su propia banda, y bajo el nombre de Cartouche se dedicó a robar audazmente a los ricos, repartiendo después el botín entre los pobres. Así fue cómo consiguió el aprecio y la admiración de la gente, pero también el rencor de la policía y de sus viejos compinches.
Vers l'extase
6-Day Race
Semi documentary on a famous cycle race in Copenhagen. The story is about the competition between the riders as well as about their private and marital struggles.
Todos pueden matarme
Le patron du bistrot qui chante la romance
Cinco hombres llevan a cabo un atraco perfecto, y después ingresan en prisión por delitos menores para evitar cualquier tipo de sospechas. Sin embargo, uno a uno comienzan a morir. (
Sylviane de mes nuits
Michel Lenoir, a successful interior designer, has reached the middle of his life without ever getting married. A bit blue over it he dreams one night of a beautiful young woman. When he wakes up he is persuaded that this is the girl meant for him. He can't help thinking about her, talking about her, drawing her figure, her face, her eyes on paper. He even gives her a name: Sylviane. Later on, as he is holidaying in Portugal, he notices a charming girl swimming in the pool he is in. No doubt about it : he has found Sylviane. He follows her, talks to her, woos her and they are soon married. However, back in Paris, Michel realizes that Betty, an articulate sports writer, is not the idealized woman his brain had conceived. Things go awry and the couple is about to separate when well-meaning friends intervene and open up Michel's eyes : he must base his love story on everyday reality not on idle dreaming.
The Suspects
Agent Jupiter from the D.S.T. (uncredited)
Commissaire Perrache, the chief of the D.S.T., the French domestic intelligence service, tries to neutralize a group of terrorists named the Partisans de la Métropole. He sends one of his best agents, inspector Louis Vignon, incidentally the husband of his charming secretary Lucette, on the trail of an illegal transmitter. But Vignon gets kidnapped by the gang and held captive on a boat off the shores of Monaco...
The Wheel
The station master
Pierre is an engine driver who adopts a small girl, a WWI orphan. A widower, he sees in her the image of her mother.
Until the Last One
The employee of the locker (uncredited)
Just released from prison after serving a six-month sentence, Fernand Bastia goes into hiding. He has indeed double-crossed his gang by keeping part of the product of a robbery for himself. Thanks to his sister Marcella, Fernand has taken refuge in a small circus where she works. There, he falls in love with Gina but also arouses the jealousy of Quedchi, a fairground stall-holder who has seen him hiding the stolen money. After a while, Fredo Riccioni, the boss of the gang and his men, manage to trace him...
Hi Doc
24 hours in the life of a humble general practitioner. A very busy life to say the least... Like every other day, Dr. Forget works from morning till dusk (and even later). He sees patients in his consulting room or visits them either on house calls or at the hospital. But is today just another day? Not quite since on this very day, Junior, Dr. Forget's son, will know if he has passed or not his exam at the faculty of medicine.
Le colonel est de la revue
During the First World War, the Empyrée Montmartre, a Paris music-hall, is dedicated to patriotic revues whose star is the charming Mitsou. The young artist is not without talent but she is mainly well-connected. She is indeed the cherished mistress of Pierre Duroy-Lelong, a rich industrialist. One night, thanks to Petite-Chose, an ebullient singer-dancer and her co-star, she gets to know a handsome army, Lieutenant Bleu. Mitsou falls madly in love with him and Lieutenant Bleu is physically attracted to her. The trouble is that Bleu comes from a distinguished family and cannot put up with her lack of culture and artistic bad taste...
La travesía de París
Cyclist (uncredited)
Durante la ocupación nazi de París, un torpe e ingenuo estraperlista se ve obligado a pedir ayuda a un extraño individuo que dice ser pintor para poder transportar en varias maletas un cerdo troceado. Juntos tendrán que cruzar la ciudad en plena noche. (FILMAFFINITY)
Maid in Paris
Jenny es una chica pizpireta que, cuando viaja a París, se escapa y conoce a un chico al que toma por un gangster, aunque no lo es. Sus aventuras terminarán bien.
This Man Is Dangerous
On the run from international police, Special Agent Lemmy Caution arrives in the South of France and soon becomes embroiled in a scheme with the infamous gangster Siegella. Whilst seeming to co-operate with the underworld boss, Lemmy is secretly acting for the FBI, and intends using Miranda Van Zelden, a wealthy heiress, as bait to trap a gang of crooks and put an end to Siegella's exploits...
My Brother from Senegal
Le monsieur qui pose des affiches
Jules Pinson, photographer in a small provincial village is in love with Annette, the daughter of the grocer. She 's dreaming only heros of adventure movies, so Jules invents a twin brother, Caesar, hunter of lions in Senegal ...
Oriental Port
In Marseille, a customs inspector falls in love with a young woman involved in dubious traffic.