Torsten Ranft

Torsten Ranft

Nacimiento : 1961-01-01, Leipzig, Germany


Torsten Ranft


Beyond the Blue Border
Dr. Hübner
GDR, August 1989: Hanna and Andreas became a target of the secret police and had to give up their plans for their future studies and desired professions. Instead, they face arbitrariness, mistrust and reprisals. Their only chance for a self-determined life lies in fleeing across the Baltic Sea. Fifty kilometres of water separate them from freedom - and only a thin connecting rope around their wrists saves them from absolute loneliness.
The Unbearable Lightness of the Revolution
Genosse Stahle
East Germany, 1988. 19-year-old Franka doesn't really care for politics. She prefers going to the disco and dreaming about seeing Bruce Springsteen and Michael Jackson live in concert. But beneath her carefree façade, she is scarred by the loss of her baby brother. But then she meets Stefan: He's young, idealistic, and part of an environmental activist group. A mix that makes Franka instantly make fall for him – and his group, which welcomes her with open arms. But this wild, revolutionary influence does not stay unnoticed: Her mother, who's with the Party, is worried about Franka. As Stefan's group loses the support of the church, leaving them vulnerable to the state, Stefan and Franka are soon in the government's line of fire…
Gustav Brendel
Weimar, 1921. La vida de Lotte Brendel, de 20 años, parece estar predeterminada. Su padre la ve como una futura esposa y madre del lado de un hombre que se hará cargo del negocio de carpintería de sus padres. Pero la peculiar Lotte se une a un grupo de jóvenes artistas contra la voluntad de su familia, se postula en la Bauhaus y es aceptada. La Bauhaus de Weimar, bajo la dirección del visionario Walter Gropius, aspira no sólo a combinar artes y oficios, sino también a encontrar un lugar para el "Hombre Nuevo". Lotte encuentra en el estudiante Paul Seligmann un apoyo y su gran amor.
El joven Karl Marx
En el París de 1844, tras exiliarse, Karl Marx conoce a Friedrich Engels, quien investigaba el nacimiento de la clase obrera británica. Engels proporcionó la última pieza del puzle a la visión del mundo del joven Marx. Juntos, entre censuras, represión policial, revueltas y conflictos políticos, lideraron el movimiento obrero durante su desarrollo hacia la era moderna.
Desnudo entre lobos
Cuando un grupo de prisioneros es transferido al campo de concentración de Auschwitz, un niño judío de cuatro años aparece en el campo dentro de una maleta. Un grupo de prisioneros decide ocultar y proteger al niño. (FILMAFFINITY)
Für immer ein Mörder - Der Fall Ritter
Anton Mesmer
At the beginning of 2000, the young commissioner Yvonne Weber moved from Frankfurt am Main to Eisenach. Together with the local colleague Frank Wolf, she is to review an unresolved murder case from the GDR era. The investigation team encounters inconsistencies in the file and it becomes clear that there is no interest in truth-clarifying the Eisenach department and the prosecutor's office in Gotha.
Lullaby to my Father
The film intertwines historical events and intimate memories. I observe how architecture represents the transformations of society and those who give form to this architecture. We follow the journey of Munio, my father, born in 1909 in Silesia, Poland, the son of a tenant farmer of a Prussian junker. At the age of 18, Munio goes to Berlin and Dessau to meet Walter Gropius, Kandinsky and Paul Klee at the Bauhaus. In 1933, the Bauhaus was closed by the Nazis, who accused Munio of treason against the German people. Munio was imprisoned, then deported to Basel. He left for Palestine. Upon his arrival in Haifa, he began a career as an architect and adapted European modernist principles to the Middle East.
Mensch Kotschie
A well-placed site manager and father slips into a midlife crisis and recalls promptly to a former lover. Satirical comedy that finds compelling cinematic narrative technique for the feeling of comprehensive alienation and emotional state of emergency worded precisely in images that make over room poetics, dramaturgy and color perspectivization experience the world of heroes transparent. The fact that the terseness is sometimes applied a little thick, weight to a minimum.
Die Freundin der Tochter
Schüler Cellogruppe
Die Todesautomatik
Cuatro minutos
Una anciana pianista, que da clases de música en una cárcel alemana, descubre el talento de Jenny, una joven y conflictiva presa de 21 años, y decide presentarla a un certamen musical para jóvenes intérpretes. Para lograr el primer premio, las dos mujeres, absolutamente opuestas en apariencia, se verán obligadas a trabajar en equipo, a aprender a conocerse y a respetarse...
Berlin Blues
In October 1989, the part of the West Berlin borough of Kreuzberg called SO 36, had been largely shut off by the Wall from the rest of the city for 28 years. A lethargic sub-culture of students, artists, bohemians and barflys had flourished among crumbling buildings. Part of that microcosm is barkeeper Frank, semi-formally called 'Herr Lehmann' by friends and patrons. He hangs out drinking, sports utter disregard for anything beyond SO 36 and lazily pursues an affair with cook Katrin. His lifestyle is gradually disturbed, when his parents show up for a visit, things go awry with Katrin and his best friend Karl starts to act strange. Meanwhile, political turmoil mounts on the other side of the Wall.
The sweetness of strangers
Once upon a time very much alike the twenties in Germany, a little town is frightened to death by an uncaught child murderer. Since somebody has to be blamed the townspeople turn against an inconspicious policeman, a family-man who becomes suspected of the crime and therefore loses his job. Strangely enough, the only work he can find is to distribute candy on children, dressed up as clown. When a bunch of kiddies, including his own son who doesn't recognize the father due to the masquerade, plays a nasty trick to him, things turn really ugly...
Schulmeister Spitzbart