Erika Pluhar
Nacimiento : 1939-02-28, Wien, Österreich
'Paris', 'Texas', 'Wings of Desire', 'The American Friend', y tantos otros. Eric Friedler y Campino nos llevan tras las cámaras de estos y otros clásicos en su documental. que recorre la carrera de Wim Wenders, uno de los artistas más polifacéticos de nuestro tiempo.
Angela Terzani
Cuando un hombre extraordinario que lo ha vivido todo ve acercarse su fin, decide llamar a su hijo para reunirse con él por última vez en su casa de la Toscana. Su intención es compartir unas valiosas conversaciones sobre la vida que ha llevado como corresponsal de prensa en el sureste asiático, los cambios políticos y sociales de los que ha sido testigo, y la transformación espiritual que ha experimentado en sus últimos años. Pero para él lo más importante es mostrarle a su hijo cómo se está preparando para la última gran aventura de su vida
Melanie Klein
About Austrian-British psychoanalyst Melanie Klein, whose pioneering achievements mainly in the field of child psychology (The Psychoanalysis of the Child) and object relations theory. The action takes place in London in 1934, which sees twenty-five-year-old Melanie Klein mourning the death of her son Hans, who came to life in a mining accident. Your daughter Melitta interprets the incident as suicide and your mother as a culprit.
Ms. Recher
In the worst crisis of his life, widower Franz Schuster finds out he has cancer and definitively gives up.
Neither is his daughter able to get through to him. In hospital, he gets to know retired doctor Peter Arndt, who tries to show him the right way. At the lowest point of his life, Schuster gets to know and love Erika Frecher.
Together they attempt to master their lives, and it is not the length of time, but the manner in which they will live, which opens up their avenue of hope.
A tectonic displacement at the centre of a large family. No member of the family stays clear of the quake's reverberations.
The relationship of a married couple in their 40s is broken when the mother has an affair with her teenage daughter's boyfriend.
Varvara Michajlovna
Berlín, años 20. Cuando el joven coronel Paul von Przygodski (David Bowie) regresa de la guerra, tras pasar varios meses en coma, se da cuenta de que el mundo que conocía ha cambiado drásticamente. Para él, que pertenece a una familia aristocrática, será muy duro ver su casa convertida en una pensión y tener que buscar algún trabajo para ayudar económicamente a los suyos. Después de un periodo de aturdimiento y desorientación, una noche conoce por azar a la baronesa von Semering (Marlene Dietrich), que regenta un club de gigolós.
Marguerite Gautier
Nicole von Beck
Bella Manningham
Rachel Fachmin
Peter Handke adaptó su propia novela para este film sobre un portero de fútbol que pierde súbitamente la concentración en medio de un partido y es expulsado del juego. Confundido, vaga por la ciudad sin saber dónde ir y termina realizando acciones sin mucha explicación ni sentido.
Gräfin von Claudieuse
Die Schauspielerin
An all-knowing interlocutor guides us through a series of affairs in Vienna, 1900. A soldier meets an eager young lady of the evening. Later he has an affair with a young lady, who becomes a maid and does similarly with the young man of the house. The young man seduces a married woman. On and on, spinning on the gay carousel of life.
Léontine Duchotel
Claire Imhoff
Rough-and-ready vice detective Perrak has to follow a 1000 leads during the investigation of a trans murder case. In a profoundly mysterious massage parlor he meets industrialist wife Claire Imhoff, who knows more about the crime than she wants to admit.
Schwester Maria Bonaventura
After a frank confession by his wife, a doctor is called to see a dying patient. The cause of the night brings him to meet an old friend, a pianist, who tells him of a mysterious ball where he is due to perform. Based on the book "Traumnovelle" ("Rhapsody: A Dream Novel") by Arthur Schnitzler.
Alissa Thal
Engaged to the daughter of an aging baron, an ambitious advertising executive wishes to renovate the baron’s crumbling castle into a holiday getaway for the social elite. In his zeal to seal the deal, he manages to alienate his friends, lose his fiancee, and end up with nothing.
Josefa Schalanter
Philippine de Hainaut
Madeleine Forestier
Julia Chomin
Mascha Schamjarewa