Ben McCoy


Lies, Politics and Democracy
Director of Photography
Frontline’s season premiere investigates American political leaders and choices they’ve made that have undermined and threatened democracy in the U.S. In a two-hour documentary special premiering ahead of the 2022 midterms, Frontline examines how officials fed the public lies about the 2020 presidential election and embraced rhetoric that led to political violence.
America After 9/11
Director of Photography
From veteran FRONTLINE filmmaker and chronicler of U.S. politics Michael Kirk and his team, this documentary traces the U.S. response to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and the devastating consequences that unfolded across four presidencies. Drawing on both new interviews and those from the dozens of documentaries Kirk and his award-winning team made in the years after 9/11, this two-hour special offers an epic re-examination of the decisions that changed the world and transformed America. From the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq to the January 6 insurrection, America After 9/11 exposes the legacy of September 11 — and the ongoing challenge it poses for the president and the country.
Buscando vida en marte
Camera Operator
El 18 de febrero de 2021 el Perseverance, el rover más moderno de la NASA y una de las sondas espaciales más sofisticadas del mundo, se acerca a Marte, en un intento épico de buscar vida fuera de la Tierra. Su lanzamiento se produjo el 30 de julio de 2020, dentro de la misión Mars 2020. A 210 millones de kilómetros, un equipo de investigadores espera ansiosamente mientras el Perseverance intenta amartizar donde nadie lo ha hecho antes: junto a un cráter Jezero que podría contener restos de vida marciana, pero que está lleno de acantilados y trampas de arena, donde se puede estrellar o quedarse atascado para siempre. Si el rover logra aterrizar de una pieza, durante unos dos años, perforará las rocas de Marte buscando restos de vida.
Touching the Asteroid
Camera Operator
Spacecraft OSIRIS-REx attempts to grab a piece of an asteroid to bring back to Earth so scientists can study it to learn about the planet's origins.
The Choice 2020: Trump vs. Biden
Director of Photography
A look into what has shaped President Donald Trump and presidential candidate Joe Biden, where they came from and how they lead.
Frontline: America's Great Divide
Director of Photography
A deep look into the growing divide in America from the Barack Obama era through the presidency of Donald Trump.
Pluto and Beyond
Camera Operator
Since it explored Pluto in 2015, the New Horizons spacecraft has been zooming toward NASA's most distant target yet. Join the mission team as the probe attempts to fly by Ultima Thule, an object 4 billion miles from Earth.
Senator John McCain's complicated relationship with President Trump and his own Republican party. A look at McCain's life and politics, from POW in Vietnam, to choosing Sarah Palin as running mate, to his dramatic vote against the GOP's health care bill.
Alzheimer's: Every Minute Counts
Director of Photography
Alzheimer's: Every Minute Counts is an urgent wake-up call about the national threat posed by Alzheimer's disease. Many know the unique tragedy of this disease, but few know that Alzheimer's is one of the most critical public health crises facing America. Because of the growing number of aging baby boomers, and the fact that the onset of Alzheimer's is primarily age-related, the number of Alzheimer's case is predicted to skyrocket in the United States. This will not only be a profound human tragedy, but an overwhelming economic one as well. Due to the length of time people live with the illness and need care, it's the most expensive medical condition in the U.S. Future costs for Alzheimer's threaten to bankrupt Medicare, Medicaid, and the life savings of millions of Americans.
Trump, rompiendo las reglas
Director of Photography
¿Cómo consiguió Donald Trump llegar a la Casa Blanca? Este documental de PBS analiza cómo, contra todo pronóstico, el mediático magnate se ha convertido en el 45º presidente del país más poderoso del mundo. A través de entrevistas con periodistas de los principales medios de comunicación estadounidenses así como los implicados en la campaña electoral, el documental analiza la actuación de Trump: sus polémicas declaraciones y su particular estilo. En definitiva, un candidato que rompió todas las normas y aun así supo ganarse la confianza de millones de personas que le dieron su voto y le abrieron el camino a la Casa Blanca. ¿Romperá también las reglas como presidente?
Frontline: President Trump
Director of Photography
The key moments that helped shape President-elect Donald Trump.
League of Denial: The NFL’s Concussion Crisis
Drawing on the book of the same name, League of Denial crafts a searing two-hour indictment of the National Football League’s decades-long concealment of the link between football related head injuries and brain disorders.