Milan, racing and alive, is the background to the story of Luca and Mickey, two brothers in their thirties, perennially in conflict and intent on reaching their individual dreams. A dry comedy, which at times is bitter and then fleets to ironic and amusing. Luca, a writer, dreams of making an independent film based on his own script.
Mazzoleni - the Examining Magistrate
El abogado Mario Orimbelli (Ugo Tognazzi) es millonario gracias a un matrimonio de conveniencia. Su vida transcurre sedentaria y aburrida hasta que conoce a Marco, un navegante aventurero que va donde el viento lo lleva. Orimbelli arrastra a Marco a su villa, donde le presenta a su cuñada Matilde (Ornella Muti), una joven enigmática, solitaria y sensual.