Joana Scrinzi


Sleeping with a Tiger
Sleeping with a Tiger is a hybrid film about the Austrian painter Maria Lassnig. A film about her struggle in the male dominated art world and the quest to find her own personal artistic way of expression in which she brings her inner pain on canvas. And of course a film about her great artistic success.
Great Freedom (Gran libertad)
Es la historia real de Hans en tres momentos (1945, 1957 y 1969) de su relación con Viktor, un asesino convicto: un amor carcelario, propiciado por las entradas y salidas de prisión de Hans a causa de la represión a la que fueron sometidas las personas homosexuales en la Alemania democrática de posguerra.
Andreas y Stefan viven en una casa acogedora en medio de la naturaleza. Son una pareja artística e interesada en la cultura, que aman la naturaleza y tienen un gato abandonado llamado Moses. La única pregunta es: ¿acaso Stefan tiene un secreto que no comparte con nadie? Un ataque de ira inexplicable trae la discordia al paraíso, la vida feliz de todos los días se ha tornado desafiante.
Drei Eier im Glas
According to an African fairy tale, every child receives a song from their parents that they carry with them throughout their lives. Richard, an orphaned Tanzanian immigrant, has never had his own song. How he got one before his unexpected death and the significant, though unintended, roles played by the dark-tourism entrepreneur Drakuhl, the gray-haired hair model Barney and the heavy-drinking music teacher Kiesel won't be revealed here. Merely that the song Dead Man Play becomes an international hit.