Hilton Edwards

Hilton Edwards

Nacimiento : 1903-02-02, London, England, UK

Muerte : 1982-11-18


Hilton Edwards


Filming Othello
Filming Othello is a 1978 documentary film directed by and starring Orson Welles about the making of his award-winning 1952 production Othello. The film, which was produced for West German television, was the last completed feature film directed by Welles.
La mitad de seis peniques
Arthur Kipps (Tommy Steele) es un simpático niño que se queda huérfano. Por una serie de circunstancias fortuitas, se convierte en millonario de la noche a la mañana. Pero ahora que la vida le sonríe es cuando tiene más presente el juramento que hizo con un antiguo amor, que se ha convertido en una bonita jovencita. Como prueba de su amor, cada uno conserva la mitad de una moneda de seis peniques.
La caja de las sorpresas
Un grupo de padres decide abrir una cuenta bancaria con la intención de que la suma acumulada durante años vaya a parar a manos del hijo que consiga sobrevivir a los demás. Mucho tiempo después, sólo quedan dos supervivientes: dos hermanos que se odian.
The Quare Fellow
Holy Healy
Thomas Crimmins is a new warder, or guard, in an Irish prison. He is young, naive, and idealistic, determined to serve his country by his part in meting out justice to criminals. His superior, Regan, however, realizes that even prisoners are human beings, and Regan is sick of the eye-for-an-eye attitude that leads the state to execute condemned men, or "quare fellows." Crimmins begins to see that not all is black and white in his new world, and when he becomes involved with Kathleen, the wife of one of the condemned men, his attitude begins to change. When new evidence arises to suggest that Kathleen's husband may not deserve his fate, Crimmins is torn between his duty and his humanity.
Melville Farr es un prestigioso abogado inglés felizmente casado con Laura. Sin embargo, detrás de su apariencia conservadora se esconde un homosexual que busca escarceos con jovencitos, a pesar de que le había prometido a su mujer que esa etapa de su vida ya estaba clausurada. Ambientada en una época en la que la homosexualidad era todavía considerada un delito que podía implicar penas de cárcel.
Los luchadores de la noche
Father McCrory
En 1941, el IRA tiene previsto una campaña para coincidir con la planeada invasión alemana de Inglaterra. Dermott O'Neil (Robert Mitchum) encuentra fácil entrar en el IRA, pero ¿podrá salir?
David y Goliat
Los filisteos declaran la guerra a los hebreos y rompen el Arca de la Alianza. Saúl, Rey de Israel, escucha a los profetas que le anuncian que el nuevo rey será un pastor llamado David, pero antes este joven deberá enfrentarse al gigante Goliat, el más fuerte de los filisteos.
This Other Eden
The Canon
A small town plans to erect a monument in memory of an IRA rebel killed during the 1920's. The son of the English Colonel who killed the rebel objects to this.
She Didn't Say No!
The Film Director
Bridget Monaghan, a single mother who has had six children by different fathers, shocks the conservative inhabitants of an Irish village.
Cat & Mouse
Mr. Scruby
A GI deserter frames a girl for killing a blackmailer, and holds her captive while seeking gems.
Orgullo de raza
Lord Glen
En la Irlanda de 1815 los patriotas luchan contra el invasor inglés. Michael Martin, un joven impulsivo y audaz, es miembro de una sociedad revolucionaria que lucha por la independencia de Irlanda. Con el fin de servir a la causa, comete toda clase de robos. Cuando una de sus víctimas lo reconoce, se ve obligado a huir a Dublín, donde llega a ser el lugarteniente del famoso capitán Thunderbolt.
Return to Glennascaul: A Story That Is Told in Dublin
Orson Welles, taking a break from the filming of "Othello," is driving in the Irish countryside one night when he offers a ride to a man with car trouble. The man relays to Welles a strange tale of an encounter he had once before at the same isolated location.
Return to Glennascaul: A Story That Is Told in Dublin
Orson Welles, taking a break from the filming of "Othello," is driving in the Irish countryside one night when he offers a ride to a man with car trouble. The man relays to Welles a strange tale of an encounter he had once before at the same isolated location.
Return to Glennascaul: A Story That Is Told in Dublin
Orson Welles, taking a break from the filming of "Othello," is driving in the Irish countryside one night when he offers a ride to a man with car trouble. The man relays to Welles a strange tale of an encounter he had once before at the same isolated location.
From Time to Time
A young woman on a bike ride suffers a head injury and is transported back in time to an event which occurred on the same spot years before during the Irish War of Independence when an informer was captured by the IRA.
Cuando se planea un matrimonio secreto entre Othello, un general moro, y Desdemona, la hija del senador Brabantio, su antiguo pretendiente Roderigo se lo toma muy mal. Se alía con Iago, que tiene su propio rencor contra Othello, y los dos conspiran para derribar a Othello. Cuando su primer plan, acusarlo de brujería, fracasa, colocan pruebas destinadas a hacerle creer que Desdemona es infiel.
Call Of The Blood
Dr. Robert Blake
A young man's passions are stirred by a beautiful Sicilian after his physician-wife is called away on an emergency.
Guests of The Nation
During the Irish War of Independence in 1921, a pair of IRA soldiers are ordered to guard two British prisoners, but face a dilemma when they bond with their captives.