Neil Zlozower

Neil Zlozower


Widely considered one of the greatest music photographers of all time, Neil Zlozower has shot AC/DC to ZZ-Top and everybody in-between. His iconic photos of: Van Halen, Led Zeppelin, David Bowie, Guns N' Roses, Motley Crue, Ratt, The Rolling Stones, U2, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Michael Jackson, Frank Zappa,(and too many others to list here) have helped shape the rock-and-roll landscape for over four decades and counting.


Neil Zlozower


In Your Face: The Neil Zlozower Story
Rock music and rock photography are synonymous for the wild antics of their rockstars with one common denominator: Neil Zlozower, photographer extraordinaire and in-your-face madman. The daily dalliances of 'Zloz' as part of the rock n' roll stage show, in front and behind the stage and in the studio, are well documented and collaborated by the stars themselves - While his 'unique' communication skills may leave a lot to be desired in the real world, the end result of his work can only be described as phenomenal. No other photographer had the access, the attitude and lifestyle to bring a seductive photo perspective, a peep show if you will, of the down and out lifestyle of rockstars through the professional lens of 'Zloz'.
Rock Star
Chris Cole (Mark Wahlberg) es un fanático obsesivo del grupo heavy Steel Dragon. Los admira tanto que con varios amigos ha formado un "grupo tributo", es decir, un grupo de rock especializado en reproducir fielmente las canciones de Steel Dragon. Luego de algunas discusiones internas, Chris es expulsado del grupo que él mismo fundó. Entonces, llega la llamada mágica. Parece que el vocalista real de Steel Dragon va a abandonar la banda y el resto de los integrantes buscan un reemplazo. Por azar vieron en vídeo una presentación del grupo tributo en el que cantaba Chris y quedaron impresionados por su talento, por lo que lo invitan a hacer una audición. Chris y Emily -su novia/manager (Jennifer Aniston)- viajan a Los Angeles y finalmente Chris es seleccionado como reemplazo.