Iris is on the verge of a burn out because she is forced to take all emotional and practical responsibility in her relationship with Leo. A mystical support group leader introduces her to a questionable method that could equalize her relationship. To follow through the method is harder than Iris expected.
The stories of the aristocratic Lilliehjelm family, the middle-class Widing family and the poor Kajander family from the Finland's independence through the Civil War and the Roaring Twenties ending during the Second World War.
In the heat of the night, a man from faraway plays the piano. In the local hillside prison, a bitter double-crossed convict stares at the city life over the roofs. A revenge is brewing in his mind; the blood-thirsty killer prepares his escape. Vares gets a client who needs private investigations. Despite the beautiful wife, Vares smells a rat... In the middle of the summer night, a shot rings out. One life comes to an end and Vares finds changes in his assignment. The clues lead him to first-hand encounters and second-hand bookshops; a visit to the gym reveals a drug-smuggling route from Stockholm... Vares finds himself entangled in hot money and cool silk. In the background slithers a cunning garter snake.
Ari de 27 años (Mikko Nousiainen) es un doctor de ambulancias que trabaja en el cuerpo de bomberos de Turku. Fuera de su trabajo, su principal afición son las noches y tiene como norma no acostarse dos veces con la misma mujer porque está seguro que el compromiso es dolor y él no desea herir a nadie. Todo en la vida de Ari marcha bien excepto ese profundo sentimiento de vacío. Pero cuando Ari conoce a Tina (Laura Malmivaara) algo inesperado ocurre: Ari se enamora.