A depressed rock star, maimed in an accident, is encouraged by his manager to start a new worldwide trend.
Internet Café Guy
El hacker adolescente Will Farmer comienza un peligroso juego on-line con un simulador de ataques terroristas contra un superordenador del gobierno denominado Ripley (R.I.P.L.E.Y.). Este ordenador de última generación está diseñado para localizar terroristas potenciales. Por ello la NSA (Agencia de Seguridad Nacional) creerá que el chico es una auténtica amenaza para el mundo. Will no es consciente de que este excitante juego le hará vivir una auténtica pesadilla: su identidad quedará al descubierto, su familia y sus amigos en peligro, y su ciudad en el punto de mira de una intervención militar automatizada.
In the late 1930s, a young machinist named Maurice Richard distinguished himself as a ice hockey player of preternatural talent. Although that was enough to get him into the Montreal Canadiens, his frequent injuries cost him the confidence of his team and the fans. In the face of these doubts, Richard eventually shows the kind of aggressive and skillful play that would make him one of the greatest players of all time as "The Rocket." However for all his success, Richard and his fellow French Canadians face constant discrimination in a league dominated by the English speaking. Although a man of few words, Richard begins to speak his own mind about the injustice which creates a organizational conflict that would culminate in his infamous 1955 season suspension that sparks an ethnic riot in protest. In the face of these challenges, Richard must decide who exactly is he playing for.