(archive footage)
Este perspicaz documental presenta algunas de las actrices más importantes y bellas que adornan la pantalla grande. Muestra cómo la industria del cine cambió su descripción de la representación del sexo y las actrices del sexo desde la era del cine mudo hasta el presente. Las escenas clásicas se muestran desde la película muda, True Heart Susie, protagonizada por Lillian Gish, hasta Love Me Tonight (1932), mezcla de sexo y sofisticación, protagonizada por Jeanette MacDonald (antes de Nelson Eddy) y Elizabeth Taylor en A Place in the Sun (1951), además de mucho, mucho más.
A collection of behind the scenes and home movies from the golden age of Hollywood.
'A Star Is Born' (archive footage) (uncredited)
Henry Fonda hosts this retrospective on the career and films of iconic filmmaker David O. Selznick, who epitomized the era of the auteur producer in the 30s and 40s.
Mr. Pendergast
Una jovencita hace cambiar a todo un pueblo gracias a su alegría. Aunque se quedó huérfana a los doce años, Pollyanna siempre tiene ganas de sonreír, incluso a su severa tía, a la que acabará ablandando con su contagiosa alegría.
Frederick W. Sutton
Un ejecutivo publicitario descubre que su trabajo entra en conflicto con su amor por una modelo.
Gen. George Broulard
Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). En 1916, en Francia, el general Boulard ordena la conquista de una inexpugnable posición alemana y encarga esa misión al ambicioso general Mireau. El encargado de dirigir el ataque será el coronel Dax. La toma de la colina resulta un infierno, y el regimiento emprende la retirada hacia las trincheras. El alto mando militar, irritado por la derrota, decide imponer al regimiento un terrible castigo que sirva de ejemplo a los demás soldados.
Arthur Martin
Dos delincuentes de poca monta secuestran a una estrella de cine, pero deciden soltarla. La mujer, preocupada por los efectos sobre su carrera de un falso rapto, les pide que continúen adelante.
J. B. Merlin
Polly, que trabaja como oficinista en unos grandes almacenes, es despedida. El mismo día encuentra un bebé abandonado y, por una serie de equívocos, se hace pasar por su madre. Así es como consigue la ayuda y el amor de Dan, el hijo del propietario de los grandes almacenes.
Senator Jonathan Carwright
El Senador Cartwright ha sido enviado a París para llevar a cabo ciertas investigaciones sobre la conducta de los soldados americanos que desempeñan sus funciones en Francia. Ya en el país, solicita la ayuda del embajador americano, cuya hija se encargará de mostrarle la ciudad a la hija del Senador. Durante ese paseo, el descubrimiento del amor puede cambiar substanciamente el futuro de la joven.
'Sweetwater' Tilton
Llamado por un telegrama, un ingeniero regresa al coto maderero de su padre y encuentra que éste ha muerto, probablemente asesinado. Se queda en el lugar para averiguar la verdad y seguir explotando el negocio del padre. El hombre que posee la mitad del negocio y que quiere eliminarlo, le propone comprarle su parte, pero al no aceptarlo se entabla una lucha entre los dos hombres, descubriéndose al final que el primero era el asesino y que también había matado al padre de la joven de la cual los dos están enamorados.
Con la ayuda de las tropas soviéticas, los comunistas se han hecho con el poder en Checoslovaquia. Una compañía de circo intenta cruzar la frontera con Austria para huir de la represión. (FILMAFFINITY)
Frank Kafka
En San Francisco, Eddie Miller, un modesto empleado, armado con un fusil de precisión mata desde un tejado a cuatro mujeres. A continuación se quema una mano para poder ingresar en un hospital y atraer la atención de los médicos sobre su estado mental.
Hacia 1830, varios tramperos, entre ellos Flint Mitchell, se dedican a la caza en los inexplorados territorios de Montana e Idaho. Para evitar que los indios Pies Negros le corten la cabellera, Mitchell se casa con Kamiah, la hija del jefe de la tribu.
Caleb Jeffers
Abraham Lincoln viajará en tren a Washington con motivo de su investidura y, aprovechando la ocasión, se está tramando un complot para asesinarlo a su paso por Baltimore. El detective de Nueva York John Kennedy (Dick Powell) intenta alertar a sus superiores sobre el plan, pero sus sospechas se desestiman. Entonces decide subir al tren para intentar frustrar el asesinato él mismo. No está seguro en quién confiar, pero encuentra un aliado potencial en Ginny Beaufort (Paula Raymond), la hermana de uno de los conspiradores.
Mike Brannan (Clark Gable) es un arrogante corredor de coches que despierta el odio o la admiración del público. Su mala reputación se la ganó tras ser acusado de provocar un accidente fatal durante una carrera. Decidida a comprobar qué hay de cierto en todo ello, la dura columnista Regina Forbes (Barbara Stanwyck) trata de entrevistarlo, pero él se niega.
Melville Crossman
Emery Slade was one of the brightest stars in Hollywood in 1932, but by 1949 his career has hit the skids. Fortunately, he is able to convince studio head Melville Crossman to cast him in the adaptation of a hit Broadway show. Crossman has one condition: Slade must travel to New York and convince the female star of the stage production to join the film. Slade goes, but, when he eyes the winsome Julie Clarke, he hatches a different scheme.
Thomas Hutchins
Un cazatalentos convierte a una joven desconocida en una estrella radiofónica de la canción.
Jim Conover
Un industrial inicia su carrera política en el partido republicano como candidato a la presidencia de los Estados Unidos, pero su tarea requerirá compromisos incómodos tanto en el terreno político como matrimonial.
Mr. Kimberly
Un veterano de la Segunda Guerra Mundial decide dedicarse por su cuenta al mundo de la publicidad, pero ve difícil compatibilizar el éxito con la integridad moral.
Craig Warren
An assistant district attorney gets mixed-up with a woman who is working for the group that he is investigating.
J. Conrad Nelson
Una chica de pueblo miente a un hombre de negocios para conquistarle derivando esto en una serie de divertidos enredos.
Alexander Moody
A department store floor walker is persuaded by four husband-seeking salesgirls to pose as their father in a Long Island mansion which they have rented by pooling resources and pretending to be wealthy themselves.
Arlette Lafron, una joven delincuente que se escapa de un reformatorio, entra a formar parte de una banda de carteristas de París, cuyo jefe, un famoso ladrón, la convierte en la mejor de su promoción. Inexplicablemente, es sorprendida in fraganti en su primer hurto por un aristócrata que, a cambio de no denunciarla, le exige que ejecute un robo para él.
A reportedly dead man haunts his wife and her boyfriend.
Fly-by-night producers dodge bill collectors while trying for one big hit.
Tom Moran
An American singer becomes engaged to an English duke, but is continuously pestered over her past as a burlesque dancer by a reporter from her hometown.
Hector Phyffe
When the bride's mother is supposedly swindled out of her money by a spurned suitor, the groom's father orchestrates a scheme of his own to set things right. He is aided by a cabaret singer, while placating a jealous wife.
Eduardo Acuña
En la acaudalada familia argentina de los Acuña la tradición exige que las hijas se casen por orden de edad. Cuando la mayor se casa, las otras dos hermanas apremian a la segunda, María, para que busque marido. Pero María todavía no ha encontrado un hombre que le guste.
Narrator Hopper covers two war benefit affairs, a garden party and a USO fashion show, at Pickfair, "The White House of Hollywood."
George Latimer
A young trumpeter rises through the jazz world and finds love.
Billy Flynn
A café in Chicago, 1942. On a rainy night, veteran reporter Homer Howard tells an increasing audience the story of Roxie Hart and the crime she was judged for in 1927.
Frederic 'Freddie' Osborne Senior
Una actriz famosa tiene que ganarse a una familia ya hecha cuando se casa con un magnate naviero.
Col. Carleton Carroway
Rich playboy Drogo Gaines is in imminent danger of marrying a gold digger, and escapes by feigning insanity. The joke's on him when he wakes up in an asylum full of comical lunatics. There he befriends Colonel Carraway, and together they escape, catching a ride with a beautiful blonde who proves to be Penguin Moore, carnival owner.
Hilary Fairfield
Margaret, es una divorciada cuyo marido lleva veinte años internado en un manicomio. Ella desea rehacer su vida con un hombre al que conoce desde hace tiempo, pero su cuñada, con la que convive, no ve con buenos ojos esa relación. La situación se complica cuando el exmarido de Margaret se escapa del sanatorio y vuelve a casa, creyendo que todavía sigue casado con su mujer.
Phil Manning
Bickering husband and wife Tim and Sally Willows mutter a few angry words to a statue of Buddha and wind up living each other's life.
Stacey Delmore
J. D. Forbes, head of the almost-bankrupt Four Star Studios in Hollywood contacts band leader Kay Kyser, who puts on a radio and-live theatre program called "The Kollege of Musical Knowledge," to appear in films. When manager Chuck Deems gets the studio offer, he and band members Ginny Simms, Sully Mason, Ish Kabiddle, Harry Babbitt and the others are all fired up at the prospect of going to Hollywood and working in the movies, but band-leader Kay is all against it and says his old grandmother has told him to stay in his own back yard, but he relents. Once there, Stacey Delmore, a Four Star associate producer left in charge of the studio while Forbes is out of town, discovers that the screenplay writers have prepared a script that has Kay Kyser playing a glamorous lover in an exotic European setting.
Deakon Maxwell
A mobster's moll leads a newsman, cub reporter and photographer to a scoop.
Tom Moody
Un joven con vocación de violinista entra en el mundo del boxeo para conseguir algo de dinero, y sin darse cuenta, empieza a alejarse de su verdadero sueño. El padre intenta recordarle que su pasión es la música, pero al hijo no le resulta fácil reemprender ese camino.
Jim Mason
Mason is a former race-horse owner who gave up everything and started to drink after the death of one of his jockeys. One day he meets Goldie who has run away from home, hoping to find a job around horses; his biggest hobby. When he finds out the real identity of Mason, Goldie takes care of him. The two find an occasion to buy a horse for only two dollars, and start entering competitions. Goldie is an instant celebrity, but his mom reads the newspapers and tracks him down. Mason is very surprised to see her, his ex-wife, and even more astonished to hear that Goldie is his own son. However, Goldie must go back to school and so they decide to keep the secret. Since Goldie does not want to leave Mason behind, he goes to the bookies and fixes the next race, hoping to disappoint Goldie by asking him to lose on purpose.
J. B. Harcourt
Una pareja de enamorados escuchan un programa de radio, en el cual premiarán al hombre típico estadounidense, donde todos los participantes contestan cien preguntas sobre sus preferencias. Henry Smith (Jack Haley) logra el puntaje más alto, coincidiendo en el 100% de las preferencias del yanqui promedio. Ante este hecho inusual, al dueño de la empresa patrocinante del concurso se le ocurre la idea de utilizar el talento de Smith, al tener el gusto de lo que prefiere el consumidor promedio, por lo que decide contratarlo, pero buscando la forma de que no cobre el premio. Smith sufre una gran decepción, ya que pensaba que con ingreso del premio podría casarse con su novia Madge Raines (Arleen Whelan). Para la empresa el plan sale a la perfección, ya que un asistente sigue por todas partes a Smith anotando sus gustos y logrando el éxito para la compañía. Todo se complica ...
John Mannering
Un actor en decadencia, que trata de relanzar su carrera en Broadway, se sorprende cuando aparece su hija, de la cual se encuentra bastante distanciado, que también es actriz y está tratando de triunfar en Broadway. Él intentará restablecer su relación con ella, mientras intentará ocultar a la prensa el hecho de que ella es su hija.
Oliver Merlin
Un excéntrico productor de cine se encuentra en plena crisis creativa y siente que ha perdido el contacto con el público. Por ello, contrata a una joven como asesora, para que le diga qué es lo que el público quiere ver, y con estas ideas rodar su siguiente película.
Anthony Powell
Un grupo de chicas, unidas por el mismo deseo de triunfar en el teatro, conviven en una residencia regentada por antiguas actrices, las cuales muestran su entusiasmo y envidia al mismo tiempo ante el futuro que espera a sus pupilas. Algunas logran alcanzar el éxito, pero otras no tendrán más remedio que olvidar sus sueños y volver al pueblo del que partieron un día.
John Cardwell
Una joven cantante muy generosa intenta ayudar a alcanzar el éxito a la orquesta los "Cien Hombres", un grupo de músicos ya retirados que viven en una casa de huéspedes. Sin embargo, la persona que más le preocupa es su padre (Adolphe Menjou), el más desafortunado del grupo. En realidad, a la orquesta lo que le falta es un líder con carisma. Entra entonces en escena el legendario director de orquesta Leopold Stowkowski, quien, después de mostrarse reacio a escuchar a la chica, queda cautivado al escuchar la Rapsodia Húngara nº 2 de Liszt interpretada por los cien andrajosos músicos en las escaleras de un edificio
Monsieur Victor
En París vive el norteamericano Alexis, todo un galán que se dedica a la buena vida utilizando cualquier truco con tal de no dar un palo al agua. Lo malo es que no puede hacer frente a la deuda contraída con Monseuir Lobard, dueño de un café. Así que, para poder pagarle, éste propone a Alexis que saque el dinero cortejando a una rica heredera que acaba de llegar a la ciudad. Haciéndose pasar por un aristócrata ruso, Alexis se dispone a enamorarla y sacarle el dinero, dejándola rendida a sus pies. Pero nada sale como estaba previsto.
Oliver Niles
Esther Blodgett, una ambiciosa chica de pueblo con mucho talento, llega a Hollywood. En una fiesta en la que trabaja como camarera conoce a Norman Maine, un famoso actor en decadencia. Para sorpresa de Esther, Norman le ofrece un papel en una película y, tras realizar una prueba, el productor queda impresionado y decide convertirla en una estrella. Norman y Esther se casan, pero la felicidad se ve empañada por el declive de Norman y el rápido ascenso al estrellato de Esther.
Tad Spencer
American theatrical manager (Menjou) discovers Henie preparing for the Olympics in Switzerland and brings her to Madison Square Garden.
J. Hugh Ramsey
Homer Bigelow has an ideal marriage, with a wife who loves him very much as does he in return. Hilarity ensues when, his wife and him take "marital advice" from an old school friend, who thinks marriage is a farce.
Bruce Farraday
The "Caliban-Ariel" romance of fiftysomething John Barrymore and teenager Elaine Barrie is spoofed in this delightful 20th Century Fox musical. Adolphe Menjou plays the Barrymore counterpart, a loose-living movie star with a penchant for wine, women, and more wine. Alice Faye plays a nightclub singer hungry for publicity. Her agent (Gregory Ratoff) arranges a "romance" between Faye and Menjou. Eventually Faye winds up with Michael Whalen, allowing Menjou to continue his blissful, bibulous bachelorhood. Sing, Baby, Sing represented the feature-film debut of the Ritz Brothers, who are in top form in their specialty numbers--and who are awarded a final curtain call after the "The End" title, just so the audience won't forget them (The same device was used to introduce British actor George Sanders in Fox's Lancer Spy [37]).
Gabby Sloan
Burleigh Sullivan (Lloyd) es un tímido lechero que, sin saber muy bien como, noquea a un campeón de boxeo en una pelea. El manager del boxeador decide construir la reputación del lechero en una serie fija de combates y más tarde hacer que el campeón le gane y reconquiste así su título.
Professor Eduardo de Vinci
A taxi driver travels to Venice and poses as a gondolier to land a radio singing job.
Nicolai Nicoleff
Romance strikes when a vacationing millionairess and her daughter and son spend their vacation at a posh New England resort.
Bailey Walsh
20th Century Fox's highly fabricated film biography of circus showman P. T. Barnum stars Wallace Beery (as Barnum), Virginia Bruce (as Jenny Lind), Janet Beecher and Adolphe Menjou. Released in 1934.
Gregory Sheldon
The story of a theatrical producer, his divorced wife and their four children.
Stephan Karpath
An actor is jealous of his wife's stardom.
Sorrowful Jones
Marthy Jane es una adorable huerfanita que es dejada en prenda para cubrir una deuda de juego entre apostadores. Es así como se convierte en la mascota de varios tahúres capitaneados por Sorrowful Jones y Bangles Carson, una cantante de cabaret. Sorrowful Jones se hace cargo de darle un lugar donde vivir y poco a poco se encariña de la niña. Cuando es evidente que el ambiente está malogrando el comportamiento de Marthy Jane y que es posible que finalmente termine en un orfanato, el tahúr decide hacer todo lo posible por mejorar su condición de vida, aunque eso signifique cambiar su estilo de vida y regenerarse.
Pancho Montes / Pancho Gomez
In Mexico, a former bandit settles down and picks out a beautiful young dancer to be his wife. His younger brother also comes home after having spent years in the U.S., and falls in love with his brother's intended fiancé. Rather than cause problems, the younger brother goes to Mexico City to become a matador. While there, he gets word that the police, who have been hunting his brother, have finally captured him.
Paul Mollet
A woman murders her husband's mistress and someone else gets accused of the crime.
Carol feels, for whatever reason, that her husband, John, has grown indifferent to her, and is on a quest to find out why, suspecting another woman. She sees the family physician, Dr. Swope, first and then hires a private detective. Her own sleuthing is more effective and she devises a plan; having long been pursued by Eric, she apparently accedes and accompanies him to an apartment and, per her plan, enter the wrong one. There, they find Carol's best friend, Charlotte, and John hiding in a closet. The latter, showing more nerve than good sense, goes into a rage and berates Carol for her apparent philandering. The battle continues at home, where their daughter Janet informs them that because of them, she and Paul have given up on the idea of marriage, but are going away together, anyway. Carol and John trail them to a hotel and find them in twin beds, whereupon John, armed with a fire-ax, summons a justice of the peace and demands a fire-ax version of a shotgun wedding.
T.R. (Ted) Kent
Durante una convención de una empresa de neumáticos, se suceden toda clase de desmanes sexuales y alcohólicos.
Adolphe Ballou
Tired of being tired and scandalized in gossip columns, she leaves Menjou for a trip to the US. Barely surviving a Midwest train wreck, she becomes a local hero after injuring herself while saving a baby's life. While recovering at the home of the headmaster of a boy's school and his family, her veneer of oversophistications melts away and she finds herself fancying the small town life.
Louis Easton
Una ingenua y joven actriz llega a Nueva York en busca de fama y romance. Una romántica historia de amor para un film que, según la crítica americana, no ha soportado demasiado bien el paso del tiempo, y que debe gran parte de su fama por ser la película que permitió a la gran Katharine Hepburn -en su tercera película- llevarse su primer Oscar
Thatcher Colt
Suave, lip-reading DA Thatcher Colt plans to get away from the big city for a while. So he and his secretary, Miss Kelly hop on a train for an Upstate NY town called Gilead. They expect a calm oasis, but when a small time circus rolls into town they soon find themselves caught up in a sordid tale of marital infidelity, murder, cruelty to animals, and cannibalism.
Major Rinaldi
Antes de que los Estados Unidos entren en la guerra en 1917, Frederick, un periodista norteamericano, se alista como voluntario en el Cuerpo de Ambulancias italiano para poder seguir de cerca los acontecimientos. Tras recibir una herida, ingresa en un hospital y se enamora de Catherine, una enfermera británica.
Police Commissioner Thatcher Colt
A police commissioner investigates the murder of a nightclub owner who was under police protection.
Dan McQueen
One of the guests tries to foil a gang of jewel-robbers during a country house weekend party.
Andrew Hoyt
A middle aged millionaire falls in love with a gorgeous, but stupid blonde gold digger, being guided by her ever-present shrewish friend.They marry but the man soon regrets his rash move when she's constantly bored and looking for dancing and excitement, leaving him feel his age. He conspires with a loyal friend to find a suitable man she might run away with so he can divorce her.
Maj. Carey Liston
A man becomes bored with married life and pretends to have lost his memory so he can pursue other women.
Durante un crucero, una joven bibliotecaria se enamora de un hombre casado...
Capt. Remy Bandoin
A woman joins her fiance at a Malaysian prison camp only to discover he's become an alcoholic.
Captain Geoffrey Roberts
British Army captain Geoff Roberts carries on an affair with Alva, the wife of the cruel Victor Sangrito. Sangrito, however, is well aware of the affair, as he uses his beautiful wife to lure men into romance with her, then blackmailing them to save their careers.
An aspiring classical singer is romanced by both a famous opera star and his younger understudy.
A German reporter visits Hollywood and is escorted through the MGM Studio by a German nobleman, who is working there as an extra. They meet and speak to several actors, primarily Buster Keaton, John Gilbert, Joan Crawford and Heinrich George. Then they meet Adolphe Menjou, who rehearses a long scene in German. A final scene shows stars arriving at a film premiere, including Jean Harlow, Norma Shearer and Wallace Beery.
Bob Brown
This is the French-language version produced by MGM of Let Us Be Gay (1930))
Walter Burns
Hildy es un periodista que está a punto de dejar su empleo para irse a Nueva York. Para impedir que se vaya su mejor reportero, el director del periódico le encarga el reportaje de su vida: el caso de un condenado a muerte que ha huido de prisión. Primera adaptación cinematográfica de la obra de teatro de Ben Hecht y Charles MacArthur "The Front Page". La segunda adaptación ("Luna Nueva", 1940) la dirigió Howard Hawks. La tercera ("Primera Plana", 1974) fue obra de Billy Wilder. A Ted Kotcheff corresponde la cuarta versión ("Interferencias", 1988).
Pre-code melodrama about high society marriage and fidelity.
William 'Will' Brockton
Laura, que se ha criado en una humilde familia, harta de la pobreza decide aceptar a Will Brockton, un hombre rico y bastante mayor que ella. Poco tiempo después, Laura se enamora del joven Jack Madison y deja a Brockton; sin embargo, cuando el dinero vuelve a escasear, vuelve con él.
Governor Boris Brusiloff
New Moon is the name of the ship crossing the Caspian Sea. A young Lt. Petroff meets the Princess Tanya and they have a ship board romance. Upon arriving at the port of Krasnov, Petroff learns that Tanya is engaged to the old Governor Brusiloff. Petroff, disillusioned, crashes the ball to talk with Tanya. Found by Brusiloff, they invent a story about her lost bracelet. To reward him, and remove him, Brusiloff sends Petroff to the remote, and deadly, Fort Darvaz. Soon, the big battle against overwhelming odds will begin.
Monsieur La Bessiere
En una ciudad marroquí donde está la Legión extranjera, Amy Jolly (Dietrich), una cantante de cabaret que por problemas económicos se ve obligada a cantar en un café de segunda fila, tiene como novio a un rico pintor (Menjou), pero se enamora del apuesto legionario Tom Brown (Cooper).
Malatroff, head of an international gang of jewel thieves, pressures Lucy Stavrin to pose as a countess and become friendly with the Corbetts, a nouveau-riche American couple residing on the Costa Azul.
Jérôme Rocheville
Paul de Remy
Marquis d'Argenville
Menjou is a gentleman for sale to the daughter of any millionaire who will pay his debts and support him in the style to which he is accustomed.
Georges St. Germain
Frank Tuttle silent romantic comedy about a Frenchman who seduces women all over Paris, but he meets his match in a proper American tourist. He does everything he can to seduce her, but he will only find romance when he does so on her terms!
Footage from the premiere of Charlie Chaplin's 1928 film 'The Circus'.
Marquis de Marignan
Le Marquis de Marignan is a French aristocrat and seducer who flirts with every Parisian girl he meets. If dallying with youngster fräuleins isn't enough to keep him busy, the Marquis also has to cope with an unexpected visit from his fiancée and her father.
Albert Leroux
Albert Leroux, headwaiter at an exclusive Paris hotel, falls hopelessly in love with Elizabeth Foster, an American heiress, though he is convinced that she will never admire a waiter.
Lucien d'Artois
Attracted by his wealth, avaricious Germaine marries D'Artois, then leaves him for a more sophisticated man. D'Artois retaliates by moving to the city and learning the proper social graces. His new life style proves to be too expensive for him, and at the end he is left with nothing but one suit of evening clothes and his now contrite wife.
Henri Martel
Adolphe Menjou stars in a Roaring Twenties comedy of remarriage.
Prince Lucio de Rimanez
Geoffrey is desperately in love with Mavis, who lives at his boardinghouse and is also pursuing a writing career. Unable to marry her because of his poverty, in his anger he curses God for abandoning him. Soon Geoffrey meets Prince Lucio de Rimanez, a wealthy, urbane gentleman who informs Geoffrey that he has inherited a fortune, but that he must place himself in the Prince's hands in order to enjoy the fruits of his inheritance. What Geoffrey doesn't know is that Prince Lucio is actually Satan.
An officer in the British Guards takes to drink when a friend and fellow officer convinces the woman they both love that he has another woman.
Max Haber
Small-town barber Max Haber is the pride of his father, Johann, who owns an antiquated barbershop. Max adores Kitty Laverne, the manicurist, who loves him but is ambitious to be a dancer, so she heads for New York, hoping that he will follow in pursuit of better things. Mrs. Jackson-Greer, a New York society matron, has occasion to note Max styling the hair of a town girl and induces him to come to New York and pose as a French count. There he meets April, Mrs. King's niece, and loses his heart to her, as well as to Kitty, now a showgirl.
Adolphe Menjou
Playboy Teddy Ward wants to marry Jeannie King, an artist, but his father wants him to marry Loris Lane, but tells Teddy he can marry whom he pleases if he will make the Mountain Inn a profitable operation. Teddy agrees, and with the support of his friends arranges an ice-boat race with a $10,000 prize to the winner. A problem arises when his father refuses to pay such an amount. Teddy thinks one of his friends will win the race and refuse the prize, but champion racer "Duke" Slade shows up and Teddy knows he will take the money. Some movie stars show up and, while using their own names, are definitely not playing "Self" in this fictional film.
Albert Durant
Albert Durant, a young millionaire, poses as a waiter in order to woo an exiled and financially hard up Grand Duchess. She finds him impertinent and clumsy, but also quite fascinating. She takes him into her employ insisting he does everything she asks.
The King
A European Ruler falls in love with an American.
Mr. Hazlitt
The teenage daughter of a wealthy couple is horrified to find out that her parents, who spend most of their time fighting with each other, are planning to divorce. She schemes to get them back together by pretending to fall for a dimwitted actor, hoping that her parents will unite to prevent the "romance".
Walter Grenham
Based on a Frederick Lonsdale Broadway play.
Albert von Kersten-Rodenfels
The Swan (1925) is a silent film produced by Famous Players-Lasky and distributed by Paramount Pictures. The film is based on Melville Baker's 1923 Broadway play adaptation, The Swan, of Ferenc Molnar's play A Hattyu Vigjatek Harom Felvonasbarn. This film was directed by Dimitri Buchowetzki, a recent Russian immigrant working for Famous Players-Lasky. Buchowetzki had directed pictures in Russia, Sweden, and Germany. The story of this film was remade in 1930 as One Romantic Night, an early talkie for Lillian Gish, and in Technicolor as a 1956 vehicle for Grace Kelly.
Edmund Durverne
Therese Duverne (Viola Dana) is bored with her even-tempered husband, Edmond (Adolphe Menjou). Isabelle Fevre (Gale Henry) suggests that Edmond go to the bicycle races and stay out all night. Then she takes Therese there and introduces her to manly Petit Mathieu, one of the racers (Maurice B. Flynn). Since he has just quarreled with his sweetheart, Lea (Jetta Goudal), he is glad to have Therese's attention and offers to run away with her after he wins the six-day race. Lea, meanwhile, is spending her time with Edmond. Therese eventually decides she doesn't care for brutes like Mathieu, and Edmond gains a temper and wins his wife back. Lea and Mathieu are reunited, while Isabelle goes back to helping her own alcoholic sweetheart, Igor (Raymond Griffith), break into the movies.
Arthur Merrill
Aging roué Arthur Merrill meets flapper Penelope Stevens on an ocean liner and decides to undergo rejuvenation surgery so that he may enjoy life again. Transformed, he attends a wild jazz party given by Penelope and persuades her to visit his apartment, but he finds that she is a "good girl" and only flirting. After he gives Penelope a scare and a lecture, her old beau, Brock Farley, enters with a letter to Arthur that reveals Brock to be his son. Arthur gladly steps aside, renounces his wild living, and returns to a simple life.
Tommy Kemp
A young girl is forced to give up college when her father loses all his money. She soon meets and falls for a young man at a party, only to discover that he's married. As if that weren't bad enough, he is soon seriously injured in an automobile accident, and doctors say that he may never walk again.
Ralph Norton
Ralph Norton, man-about-town and wealthy favorite in Broadway society circles, is attracted to Helen Tremaine, but her flirtatious behavior causes him to reject the superficial life of his set.
Georges de Croy
A young woman rises from an apache dancer to become a wealthy woman in post-WW1 Paris.
Professor Josef Stock
El profesor Stock y su mujer Mizzi siempre están peleándose. Mizzi trata un día de de seducir al Dr. Franz Braun, el nuevo marido de su buena amiga Charlotte. Un colega del Dr. Braun, el Dr. Mueller, que está enamorado de Charlotte, ve este flirteo de Mizzi como una buena oportunidad para él, aunque Franz y Charlotte son un matriminio felizmente casado. Por un malentendido, Charlotte piensa que su marido está interesado en la Srta. Hofer, y piede a Mizzi que le mantenga ocupado. Mientras, el profesor Stock comienza a sospechar de su mujer, y contrata a un detective para que la espíe, con la esperanza de obtener pruebas para un divorcio.
Alexei, un joven oficial, salva a la zarina de un pequeño reino de unos conspiradores revolucionarios, y ella le recompensa con su amor. Él deja entonces a Anna, la chica de quien estaba enamorado y que es dama de honor de la zarina. Pero ésta le es infiel y el despechado Alexei se une a los conspiradores. El canciller corta la revolución de raíz y la zarina hace que detengan a Alexei.
Don Salluste
The Spanish Dancer is the story of Maritana, a gypsy girl who dances in courtyards and even tells people's fortunes. Despite her gypsy occupation, Maritana wishes to be a Countess. Her ambitions are realized when she meets the handsome Count Don Cesar de Bazán, if only the King of Spain would stay out of their way!
Pierre Revel
Melodrama que denuncia la hipocresía y los prejuicios morales de la sociedad a través de la historia de Marie St. Clair, un sencilla joven de un pequeño pueblo francés enamorada de un pintor.
Mr. Chepstow
Bella Donna, a seductive woman snares Nigel Armine into marriage and he takes her to Egypt to live. Tired of her simple husband, Bella becomes involved with brutish Baroudi.
Robert Townsend
Corinne d'Alys (Daniels) achieves sudden success on the stage and among her many admirers is noted artist Robert Townsend (Menjou). Robert is married to Elsa (Williams), the sister of John Elliott (Stone), the producer responsible for Corinne's rise to fame. The young woman's head is turned by the praise she receives and, despite John's warning against Robert, she permits the latter to paint her portrait and pay her a good deal of attention. John himself loves Corinne and believes that wisdom will come to her with time.
Bliss Gordon
Singed Wings 1922
Hubert Stein
Clarence Smith is an ex-soldier who is hired for odd jobs by Mr. Wheeler primarily because he has overheard a family argument. And the Wheeler household is going through quite a bit of turmoil -- Mrs. Wheeler feels neglected by her husband and is jealous of Violet Pinney, the governess. Daughter Cora is planning to elope with her father's secretary, Hubert Stem. Son Bobby, meanwhile, has been making passes at the maid.
Duc de Langeais
A 1922 film directed by Frank Lloyd.
Cal Baldwin
The Fast Mail (1922)
When theatrical agent Sterling, a ladies man known for signing his latest paramours onto his agency's talent roster, returns to New York from a trip to Europe, he tells his more down-to-earth partner, Lawson, that he has hired a beautiful Neopolitan acrobat he saw onstage in Italy. When the acrobat, Tina Bambinetti, arrives in their office, though, Sterling is shocked to find that, offstage, she is plain, unkempt and badly dressed. Crushed by Sterling's dismissive treatment, Tina performs some acrobatics that almost destroy the office...
Dr. Raoul de St. Hubert
Un jeque árabe se enamora de una dama británica y decide secuestrarla.
Louis XIII
Francia, siglo XVII. D'Artagnan, Porthos, Arthos y Aramis, los mosqueteros más famosos, tienen que hacer frente a un complot político urdido por el cardenal Richelieu contra Luis XIII, cuya finalidad sería arrebatarle el poder al rey. Por otra parte, para salvar el honor de la Reina, D'Artagnan y sus amigos tendrán que eludir las trampas que les tiende Milady De Winter, la maquiavélica espía del Cardenal y enemiga mortal de los mosqueteros.
James Brewster
A young Belgian girl, raised by her longtime nanny, flees Europe at the advent of World War I and travels to America to find her real mother.
Dr. Littlefield
A traveling preacher has, through his faith, the power to heal, but loses it when he falls in love. Considered lost.
Teddy Marbridge / The Husband
A 1917 film directed by Edward José.
Bit Part (uncredited)
Leslie Brennan, an heiress, suddenly discovers that she is almost penniless, and faces the ordeal of making her own living.
Country Club Patron (uncredited)
Steve O'Dare, a young New Yorker who has gone off to Wyoming to be a cowboy, returns to New York to sell some cattle. He bores his friends with tales of the exciting Western life, so they plot to trick him with a mock abduction. But although Steve falls for the gag, he ends up turning the tables on his friends.
Wilfred Carleton
Count Nicolai
Wicked Russian Grand Duke Bagroff becomes infatuated with Thanya, but she loves American artist Vance Holden. When Thanya's revolutionary brother Boris tells her that he plans to kill Bagroff, she agrees to help. The plan fails and Boris and Thanya are captured, but they soon escape to Paris where Thanya rejoins the struggling Vance. Bagroff finds Thanya and tells her that he will make Vance famous if she consents to be his mistress. Thanya agrees and Vance becomes an overnight success. Then, as Bagroff and Thanya prepare to spend their first night together, Boris appears and kills the duke, thereby allowing Thanya and Vance to spend a peaceful, successful life together.
Society Man (uncredited)
Douglas Fairbanks stars as "Sunny" Wiggins, who believes in eternal optimism and good spirits. This places Wiggins at odds with his staid, wealthy family, who decide to get even when he blithely invites a group of derelicts to his sister's coming-out party.
A crown prince doesn't want to marry a foreign princess, so he asks an actor to take his place.