Nicolás Echevarría


Sunka Raku (Alegría Evanescente)
It's a life told in four seasons. It is the orbit of a man who comes close to and steps back from the light, experiencing weather transformations in the garden of the soul. A documentary about the meticulous construction of Japanese tea houses in the Mexican Ajusco, as an excuse to discover a mind that at first glance might seem obsessive and eccentric.
Eco de la montaña
Director of Photography
Echo of the Mountain takes a look at the life and work of Santos de la Torre, a great Huichol artist who, like his people, lives in oblivion. Despite having made a great mural for the metro station Palais Royal – Musée du Louvre, Santos lives isolated and ignored in his country. This documentary follows his pilgrimage to Wirikuta, where he asks gods for permission to make a new mural; his journey across 385 miles of the Peyote Route, and Santos's creative process during the making of a new mural which aims to illustrate the history, mythology and religious traditions of the Huichol people.
Eco de la montaña
Echo of the Mountain takes a look at the life and work of Santos de la Torre, a great Huichol artist who, like his people, lives in oblivion. Despite having made a great mural for the metro station Palais Royal – Musée du Louvre, Santos lives isolated and ignored in his country. This documentary follows his pilgrimage to Wirikuta, where he asks gods for permission to make a new mural; his journey across 385 miles of the Peyote Route, and Santos's creative process during the making of a new mural which aims to illustrate the history, mythology and religious traditions of the Huichol people.
Eco de la montaña
Echo of the Mountain takes a look at the life and work of Santos de la Torre, a great Huichol artist who, like his people, lives in oblivion. Despite having made a great mural for the metro station Palais Royal – Musée du Louvre, Santos lives isolated and ignored in his country. This documentary follows his pilgrimage to Wirikuta, where he asks gods for permission to make a new mural; his journey across 385 miles of the Peyote Route, and Santos's creative process during the making of a new mural which aims to illustrate the history, mythology and religious traditions of the Huichol people.
El regreso del muerto
The Return of the Dead is a story about human condition and repentance. This documentary is the story of a tormented man, Don Rosendo, who has been haunted by his past and in the dawn of his life tries to find a sense for his existence. This story happens at the Mexico-USA border, in a transitory hostel.
Juanicas is an intimate portrait of a Mexican immigrant family in Quebec affected by mental illness. Using material shot over almost 10 years, the filmmaker documents her complex relationship with her mother and brother, both suffering from bipolar disorder.
Quiero caminar contigo
Santiago is a young man who unexpectedly has an accident that leaves him in a wheelchair. Losing his "friends", his girlfriend and getting bullied at school. When all seems lost, he meets Mateo, a new exchange student, who is gay and defends him from bullying. Their friendship over time turns into something more, giving Santiago's life a new meaning and the courage to defend his love against the stigmas of religion, sexual orientation and physical disability.
El Memorial del 68
Documentary that talks about the events that occurred on October 2, 1968 in the Plaza de las Tres Culturas in Tlatelolco, where thousands of students were killed during a rally.
El Memorial del 68
Documentary that talks about the events that occurred on October 2, 1968 in the Plaza de las Tres Culturas in Tlatelolco, where thousands of students were killed during a rally.
El Memorial del 68
Documentary that talks about the events that occurred on October 2, 1968 in the Plaza de las Tres Culturas in Tlatelolco, where thousands of students were killed during a rally.
Vivir mata
En la ciudad más grande del mundo (México, D. F.), Diego y Silvia tienen un encuentro amoroso excepcional basado en el engaño. Durante una larga jornada del día hacia la noche, en un ambiente delirante donde todo parece fuera de control, la pareja descubre que para vivir el verdadero amor, a veces es necesario mentir.
Vivir mata
En la ciudad más grande del mundo (México, D. F.), Diego y Silvia tienen un encuentro amoroso excepcional basado en el engaño. Durante una larga jornada del día hacia la noche, en un ambiente delirante donde todo parece fuera de control, la pareja descubre que para vivir el verdadero amor, a veces es necesario mentir.
Cabeza de Vaca
En 1527, durante los primeros años de la conquista española, Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, tesorero de Carlos I de España, se embarca en la expedición de Pánfilo de Narváez a Florida. La expedición naufraga en las costas de Louisiana. Alvar es hecho prisionero y convertido en esclavo. Después de sufrir todo tipo de humillaciones es dejado en libertad. Se reencuentra con cuatro compañeros y juntos emprenden un viaje de cuatro años que culminará en lo que hoy es el territorio de Sinaloa.
Cabeza de Vaca
En 1527, durante los primeros años de la conquista española, Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, tesorero de Carlos I de España, se embarca en la expedición de Pánfilo de Narváez a Florida. La expedición naufraga en las costas de Louisiana. Alvar es hecho prisionero y convertido en esclavo. Después de sufrir todo tipo de humillaciones es dejado en libertad. Se reencuentra con cuatro compañeros y juntos emprenden un viaje de cuatro años que culminará en lo que hoy es el territorio de Sinaloa.
Appalachian Journey
Appalachian Journey is one of five films made from footage that Alan Lomax shot between 1978 and 1985 for the PBS American Patchwork series (1991). It offers songs, dances, stories, and religious rituals of the Southern Appalachians. Preachers, singers, fiddlers, banjo pickers, moonshiners, cloggers, and square dancers recount the good times and the hard times of rural life there. Performers include Tommy Jarrell, Janette Carter, Ray and Stanley Hicks, Frank Proffitt Jr., Sheila Kay Adams, Nimrod Workman and Phyllis Boyens, Raymond Fairchild, and others, with a bonus of a few African-Americans from the North Carolina Piedmont. Narrated by Alan Lomax. The Association for Cultural Equity’s Alan Lomax Archive channel on YouTube additionally streams outtakes from this film: other strong performances by Sheila Kay Adams, Dellie Norton, and Cas Wallin, Lawrence Eller, the Hickses, Algia Mae Hinton and John Dee Holeman, Tommy Jarrell, John “Doodle” Thrower, and Nimrod Workman.
De la calle
Mexican feature film
Sor Juana Inez de la cruz
Drama written by Octavio Paz.
El día que murió Pedro Infante
A partir del desmoronamiento violento de sus relaciones con Laura, Pablo trato de suplir su soledad involucrándose con una serie de mujeres a través de apasionados y turbias relaciones amorosas
El día que murió Pedro Infante
A partir del desmoronamiento violento de sus relaciones con Laura, Pablo trato de suplir su soledad involucrándose con una serie de mujeres a través de apasionados y turbias relaciones amorosas
Flor y canto
Sobre el Museo Nacional de Antropología.
El niño Fidencio, el taumaturgo de Espinazo
People from throughout Mexico and the southern United States used to gather at the hacienda El Espinazo to meet with this healer. Was he a charlatan, or a prophet who in many ways surpassed the procedures of modern medicine?
El niño Fidencio, el taumaturgo de Espinazo
People from throughout Mexico and the southern United States used to gather at the hacienda El Espinazo to meet with this healer. Was he a charlatan, or a prophet who in many ways surpassed the procedures of modern medicine?
Teshuinada, semana santa Tarahumara
Documental que presenta la Semana Santa de los rarámuris en el pueblo de Batopilas. En la celebración se congregan habitantes de las rancherías aledañas, para compartir danzas, juegos y luchas rituales; todo ello acompañando siempre del teshuino: bebida embriagante preparada con maíz fermentado.
Poetas Campesinos
Director of Photography
En los festejos de San Felipe Otlaltepec, del estado de Puebla; un comediante, un poeta y dos niñas equilibristas entretienen a sus coterráneos con un primitivo, pero encantador espectáculo de su propia inspiración.
Poetas Campesinos
En los festejos de San Felipe Otlaltepec, del estado de Puebla; un comediante, un poeta y dos niñas equilibristas entretienen a sus coterráneos con un primitivo, pero encantador espectáculo de su propia inspiración.
Poetas Campesinos
En los festejos de San Felipe Otlaltepec, del estado de Puebla; un comediante, un poeta y dos niñas equilibristas entretienen a sus coterráneos con un primitivo, pero encantador espectáculo de su propia inspiración.
María Sabina, Mujer Espíritu
Documentary portrait of a religious healer, and her shamanic mushroom-cult belief system.
Cine Móvil México
Director of Photography
Documentary showing the efforts to bring cinema to marginalized communities in Mexico.
Judea: Semana Santa entre los coras
Cordelia Urueta
Director of Photography
Cordelia Urueta reflects out loud about her life and creativity, she finds that the shapes of reality surrounding her are never as beautiful as the ones in her own colored universe.